The Chroniclers Part IV

Is it still possible to join this group?

Yeah, it is. Do you want to join? Tonight is the night.

Is it ok for someone to join if they don’t have that many LD or is it a requirement to have a lot of ld in order to join?

There are no requirements for anyone to join the Chroniclers. go ahead and join if you want.

how many weeks has it been since i tried?

too many

i feel it, tonight. Something about tonight…

I just played that “Cloud” game. For some reason, it inspired me.

I didn’t bother downloading it … looked boring.

I will join the Chronicles. I feel a LD coming tonight.

Sign me up!

Welcome to the Chroniclers, one more member and we have 40!

It’s more of a time-waster then a game, but it does have a dreamy feel.

Can I join?

Yes, you have been added.

40 MEMBERS! :nuu: :partying_face: :good:

I’m up pretty late, so I don’t know if tonight will bring much luck. It’s my dad’s birthday, though, so don’t think I’m up for no good reason. :razz:

Could i possibly join please :grin: .

link please ?

I downloaded the cloud game and it is extremely slow.

Sakoda just search ‘the cloud game in google’ thats how i found it.

There is a topic for the cloud game somewhere on the forums. It does have a dreamy feel when I saw the video of it, but yeah it is a time-waster. POINTLESS GAME

hmmm no recall

didn’t expect that, hah, what a laugh

ah well

I didn’t have a LD as well last night. :sad:
I did have a little bit of recall though.
I need to boost up my recall :sad:

I actually had three LD 's last night, and i made it to sky island. You can read about it in my Dream journal. (there’s a link in my Sig)

Sorry for the long wait, I just orginally looked but forgot to add you.

It’s that time of week again. Good luck all.