The Chroniclers Part IV

no LD no recall no nothing :ack: :sad:

I feel a LD coming on tonight or tomorrow. I usually get LD’s on weekends.

Whats happening??? my recall just WENT AWAY! i could remember one dream a night and now i dont even remember little bits.

You keeping a dream journal? Of course you are (are you?). Anything you might have been lacking?

My recall actually went up last night. I remembered like 3-5 dreams. They might all be in like 2 separate ones but I don’t know. One dream seemed to last 1-2 days because when I woke up it seemed like I dreamed of that dream before.

hah thanks for the motivation kt4all :smile:

i have my DJ in my signature… im not too proud of it though hah

At least you have a DJ.

My recall has sucked recently…

Hey guys, I’ve just joined the Chroniclers, and I must say that all this sounds quite cool. I’m looking forward to trying to have an SD of some sort, and visiting Sky Island.

No Lds on saturday for me :sad:
Exams are close though so Im not trying to hard for fear of to much lack of sleep


Now that I think of it, I have exams too coming up maybe next month. Well same goes for me.

I’m about to go to sleep.

I may try for an LD.

i geuss its not hurting to try for an LD everynight even though some nights i know i wont be able to because im thinking about school and stuff but i need to see what SP is like…

SP is exactly what it sounds like. You can’t really move for a little while. Some people freak out, some don’t, me included. :razz:

Keep trying for the SD’s people! It’s uber fun. :grin:

how do you know ? you haven’t experienced one yet !!!

Ok I know I should make another post or something but whatever…I need something to experiment for a long-term project I have to do for school. I want to do something lucid-dreaming related

you already said that in another post , how about doing something about how the brain works different in a lucid dream in comparison to a normal dream (there are differences , for example the awareness related centers are more active during an LD opposite to a ND )
greets , Sakoda

I know Sakoda :lol: about posting in a different topic, but no one was responding. Seems like I would need to go to a lab to see the differences…or do you know how i can? I could just make up a spread sheet containing what was in each dream or something like that.

wiki it , i have an article at home about lucid dreams but its german and i dont have a scanner anyway…(it was published in the science magazine “Gehirn & Geist” in 2004 )
hope i hlped atleast a bit …

Oooohh ok i wanna join! :happy: anything you need from me?

Nothing… Except don’t double post. JK Opo, you can join. You’ll need to try to reach Sky Island every saturday night (for a more focused attempt, if that makes sense). Also, try to find a partner.

I am blatantly advertising the second dream RP. Except with spolier tags. You can’t really blame me, your curiosity made you click, I wasn’t just showing it! IT IS YOUR FAULT FOR LOOKING HERE!

What is this i hear about partners? If anyone needs a partner im here :wink: