The Color RC Technique

Title changed. Was “RCH induced lucid dreams”. People couldn’t find it again.

Hello Fellow Dreamers :grin: ,
Dili Dali here posting this technique I guess you could say I came up with, that worked the first time I tried it! (also works well combined with WILD :smile:) It’s called Reality Checking Habit Induced Lucid Dreaming. Okay, I saw this somewhere in a thread once, ands the basic idea was informally written,so I figured I’d write this great technique here formally, so everyone can read it.

It’s very simple. I mean VERY simple. What you do is, everytime yuou see a color or object (pick an object that you see quite often in the run of a day), you do a RC. You have to make a color or object associated with LDing/RCing…so everytime you see it, it’s a habit for you to look at your hands, or pinch your nose and try to breathe. Me, for example, I picked the color green. Everytime I saw the color green in that day, I looked at my hands. It got to the point of habbit by the end of the day, it was just like “Green=RC”, there was no conscious effort. That should be the stage you’re at by the time you’re ready to go to sleep. Another key part is that you’re expecting a LD that night. You have to really feel like you are going lucid. Well, the first time I ever tried this technique, I went lucid!!! hahaa, it was amazing. I remember seeing the color green in my dream, and I loked at my hands, but even before I looked at my hands I knew I was dreaming! It was amazing! Although the reason I think it worked so easily and successfullyy (by the way, this lucid dream wa a long stable one :smile:) was because I had had a LD a few nights previous to that one. I was still crazy about my last LD, then I got that onee. It was wild.

So I’d say this tech would work best if you took a few minutes in the morning to sit back and reminisce on your best lucid dream, and really WANT another one. Say to yourself “Wow, that was so much funn! I want another one! And I’m going to have one, tonight, infact!” That’s exactly the attitude that’s necessary.

So in three basic steps…
-Reminisce spend a few minutes to think and put yourself back into your best and most stable LD, and think of how much fun that was. For peeps who haven’t yet LDed, just think of how fun you think it WILL be :smile:

-Reality Check with a color or object pick a color or object that you’re going to make your “reality check sparker”, and make sure it’s something you’ll see quite often in the run of a day (for example a car, or the color green). Do a RC everytime you see this color and/or object, to the point where by the end of the night it’s not even a conscious decision to RC when you see the color, but more so a habit.

-See this color in a dream, and become lucid! The last step is easy, before you go to bed think about the fact that your color=RC=LD. If my color was green, I’d say to myself “Green is Realoity check color”, then in your dream if you see something green, if you’ve done the RCs properly, you will do a RC and become LUCIDD!!! :cool_laugh: :grin: :smile: :smile:!!! :tongue:

Hope I’ve helped, and I’d suggest everyone to try this technique :smile:

Dee Bee[/b][/u]

Great tech and nice of you to write this out for us, but you give yourself slightly too much credit :razz:.

Hahahha. yeah, sorryu about that Xetrov. Hahahaha. Thanks though!

Have you or anyone else tried this Technique before?

Weel in my oppinion its the most effective and it ahs been aroud for long but the most important to do RCs when:

You se somthing wierd or unusual, Get scared for various reasons, Wakeup se a really hot girl who for no speciall reason just want to have sex with you.

thanks I’ll have to try this one out next week :cool:

No probss

Hey… this sounds like something that could really work! I’ll try it out rightaway… i’m working at the moment and i get a lot of different people at my desk. Every person wearing something green triggers an RC :wink:

I wonder if they think i’ve gone crazy, squeezing my nose and trying to breathe all the time :wink:

I cant indeed use green . Im a footballer (or in american soccer)

Errr… :eh: Did this technique not already exist? I remember a quite recent post in which you had to check reality when you saw the red colour… :eek:

lol, then that makes 2 of em:p it’s even on the main site so, (it sais it a bit different tho, it said every so long you should do an RC) in the reality check page, so this is actually a bit old, the colour thing’s new tho

I can’t seem to find the original topic, so if anybody finds or knows about it, just point me in the right direction :cool:

Anyways, a while ago, I read about somebody performing an insane amount of RCs a day, by doing one every time they see a selected color. Then, this programs their brain to spark when it sees that same color, in your dreams. Well, I figured it would be pretty effective, especially with an effective color. So I chose brown. Not such a pretty color to some, but it is WIDELY used. In the past few days, I’ve realised how much brown I really see in a day. Trees, pencils, the trim in my house, and just all this stuff that is brown. Most furniture I see both at school and home, is also brown. So here come my questions…

This color thing makes me perform a HUGE amount of RCs a day, which can make me look…silly. lol. So, say you have 5 pieces of furniture, next to each other, all brown. Would you, or should you, perform 5 RCs in a row? or just one.

Also, does anybody know of a real good RC, that is barely noticable. I mean even looking at hands can be a little noticeable if you do it frequently every day. I want something highly effective, yet unnoticable and convinient :smile:

Pretty sure this method will work, just need a little assistance :wink:

lol I know what you’re talking about. I’ll be sitting there at lunch, and I’ll start to count my fingers, or plug my nose to see if I can breathe through it (habits now) and I look up and realise that I probably look like a crack fiend or something lol, I can’t think of anything that doesn’t really stand out, but then again I’m pretty new.

i think the best way is to just relalise, if you cant automaticly tell weather its a dream or not (by thinking) then you wont be lucid in all of your dreams

I just poke my hand, and if the finger goes through, it’s a dream. Kind of obvious sometimes, though…Kind of feel like a dork at times. One that isn’t too obvious is to close your eyes and try and see through your eyelids. I know some people who’ve had success with it, but it always wakes me up to close my eyes in a dream. :bored:

well Tsen, I’m afraid poking my hands over and over would make me seem a little corrupt…lol. I’ve used that realise RC before Newb, but my main problem is, sometimes in a dream I’ll perform that kind of a check, and then I’ll persuade myself that I am not dreaming, and then the next morning I want to pound my sub-c! lol. Always worth a repeat though :smile:

There is a certain shade of yellow which marks objects as mine in dreams. I could RC every time i see that colour, and sometimes i do, too. Looking at my mobile phone to see if the display makes sense is a nice RC to use in public…

Hey Siiw! almost didnt recognize you there! Didn’t realise you changed your name. :happy:

Yeah I can’t do the mobile phone part… My school has banned cell phones, and if you are cought having one out or using it, they pick it up and you have to pay a 15 dollar fee. People were using it to cheat and yada yada. lol…I think I’ll try and stick with the “realising” RC. Or perhaps ask myself how I got here.

Just for wondering purposes…anybody used this tech? if you did, how long did you last…lol. I’m finding it a tad hard :smile: But you know me, I’ll do anything for a LD!

Isn’t there an RC where you read something, then look away, and then read it again. I think that one could be good to use in public.

I know exactly what you mean though. I decided to do an RC everytime I saw the colour red today. When I got on the train I saw red like everywhere I looked, so I kept checking my hand, then I started to get weird looks from people sitting around me. :neutral:

lol yes. one day i used time as an RC and looked at my watch. And there was brown everywhere. So I kept looking at my watch and my friends are like, uhh you in a hurry or something? hehe I can’t tell you how many people give me the look when I plug my nose…

Maybe it would be a little more practical with a more uncommon colour? I work in a flower shop and would probably have to RC all the time.