The First Steps to WILD (for all basic WILD related Q&A)

Hey when i started lding,i used to wild,but since i didnt get better,i turned to mild day b4 yesterday.

But i wanna talk bout wild.
How does wild work?Do we like stay in same position for 1 hours and 30 mins after which our body enters rem stage or what?
I reach the stage where my body gets numb,and hot,my heart starts beating faster and stupid thoughts come into my mind and i am not able to concentrate on repeating phrases which i want and soon my body returns to normal.I try to remain in same position for a while but i get bored and get up.
Whenever i try wild i waste like 30-40 mins.
What to do next?


Thanks Bendrummin58. So all i have to do is lay in bed count to 100 or wait what may seem like 2 minutes and then do a RC. So do i do an RC every hundred i count/2 minutes untill i realize i was dreaming and am in an LD?

Ok, well i pretty much just got into lucid dreaming and have fallen in love with the wild techneque because it has worked the best for me. though i havent LD yet i know i have gotten pretty close. i get to a point though where i dont know what to do. here is my process:

i lay in bed in a dark room with my eyes shut. when i start to see the HI i wait untill it gets stroner. then i start doing the

1 am i dreaming
2 am i dreaming…

thing. when i get up to about 15 - 30 my body startes to get the tingly sensation. to me it feels like my body is starting to levitate. this goes on for some time. when this is happening i try not to focus on it, i just keep counting.

the closest i got to a LD, the levitating feeling slowly went away and the HI went away as well. all i could see was black. but my body felt pretty disconected. here is where i didnt know what to do. i read somewhere to slowly open your eyes and that you could be opening the ‘dream eyes’. when i opened my eyes i felt really really wierd. i preformed a few RC but i was in the waking world. however when i first opened my eyes and looked at my real hands i still felt compltly disconnected from them. if i get to this point agian what should i do? Thanks!

some1 answer my question plz…

Do your WILDing in the morning, 6 hours after you go to sleep. Not at night.

WILDing in the morning is a completely different experience, because you arent fighting your body’s natural tendencies involving sleep. I see WILDing at night like trying to climb over a wall I can’t get a grip on, whilst WILD with WBTB in the morning is like being carried down a gentle but rushing stream - you barely have to even think, and it takes you along for the ride. Before you know it, you’ve got a dream scene stretching across your vision and youre there.

hmm,i try but i am just too sleepy to want to lie in that unconfortable position so i just go bck to sleep.

So do it in a comfortable position. One is just as good as another, better if youre comfortable. You dont have to be uncomfortable to remain conscious while your mind drifts off.

moved to first steps to WILD :content:

Hello,im new to this whole LD thing,Just a few questions.

When closeing your eyes to do the WILD technique,how hard are you supposed to close them,mainly i ask this becuase when i close my eyes and i start to see the changing color lights (i guess) i cant realy focus on them,like there just in the background and im looking at something else and there like a blur,and if i try to focus on them it gets to the point where my eyelids are about to open.(That is what happens if i close them lightly,like how i would if i was going to bed regularly

The other thing is,when i close my eyes realy tightly or have something that holds my elelids shut,i can see the “Lights” much clearer.

Ok so what im getting at is,just how hard are you supossed to close your eyes,the only other thing i can say if you dont understand,just try it,close you eyes lightly,and them close them realy tightly,like raise up your cheeks towards your eyes.

Im sorry if you dont understand this,its hard to explain

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How does WILD work - It is a conscious entry into the dreamstate, you’re mind stays consciously awake as your body begins the physiological process of dreaming

Do we like stay in same position for 1 hours and 30 mins after which our body enters rem stage or what - If it is taking you that long you’re either not tired, trying at the wrong time of night or take a long time to fall asleep. I rarely have to wait longer than 15 minutes.

When you’re body gets numb, how intense is it/can you move at all? If you’re unable to move just roll right out of your body into the dream world.

Finally if you are WILDing and it is uncomfortable then change your position. You don’t have to be on your back or in any specific position.

As a final note don’t get impatient to fall asleep or you will prolong the agony. Just lay there and observe HI passively or whatever your technqiue is. Excess thought will make WILD very difficult.

I mean,when we sleep our body goes to rem stage in like 1 and half hours,so if we are concious and our body begins the process it would still take us 1 and half hours to being dreaming,so until then dont we just do nothing.
My body is numb but i can still move if i want,yesterday for the first time i had electrical buzzes in tip of my fingers.

Hello all two questions. 1.While WILDing, do I have to say in my head, I will dream tonight etc. 2. Before WILDing, do I have to sleep 5-6 hours?
Thank you all

As Lucidity_Master said, WILD is a conscious entry into the dreamstate.
That is one reason it doesn’t work very well when you try it when you go to bed, because normaly you don’t enter REM until after about one hour of sleep then. For WILD to work, you have to go directly from awake to dream sleep. If you go from awake to deep sleep, then later in REM sleep you become lucid, then that is DILD.
If you can still move, then you are not in SP. In SP, if you move, you move your dream body because your RL body can’t move. That is why SP is such a good way to get into an LD. You have SP when you are still conscious (your mind is awake) but your body is asleep ( you are in SP and REM sleep ). Then anything that you do could move you into a lucid dream. It could also wake you back up, so you need to practice until you find the right thing for you to do. :cool:

For dcataylor,

  1. No, you need to do something to keep your mind awake while your body goes to sleep. That could be counting, listening to music or something like that.
  2. It helps a lot if you sleep for 5-6 hours befor trying WILD, because when you first go to sleep at night, your body needs some deep sleep. After a few hours of sleep, you can go directly from awake to REM sleep, where most dreams that we can remember happen.

I have a problem. I don’t know when HI started. I always wait and wait and nothing happen. What’s going on ?
How can I go into HI ?
(sorry for my english)

You are probably too awake. If you don’t know what HI should be like, just try to fall asleep normally, and take notice of any images that suddenly appear out of nothing. But do not actually wait for them to appear, as this will keep you awake and waiting forever.
HI can be quite detailed and feel very real. You will know it if you see them.
Try it in the morning, after 5 or 6 hours of sleep. It is much easier then. You have to actually come very close to falling asleep to see HI, so it helps to be tired. :wink:

I have the exact same problem, i think its at the point where i feel like im borderlining dream state my heart beats like crazy… and i feel my chest and stomach going in and out with my breathing then im back where i started. how do we get over this part?

ok firstly sorry for the repost i know this will be the 100th time but i cant find a topic were all the techniques and methods are all pulled into one concise post/'s, without all of everyone elses inbetween posts.

Also i need some advice. i do this as soon as i lay in my bed controling my breathing in and out as you do and count inbetween breaths around 30 i get numbness then around 60 my eyes will shart shutting and i feel a wave of numbness flow over me as i stop automaticly counting and start thinking of the most random things. most of them are visual and last a few seconds then i start counting again…

Whats happening? Whats going wrong?What other techniques are widly known?

I wish I could help you but I have the same problem. Your thought strays and you stop counting without realizing it right? Then randomly start counting again? As far as I can tell from what I’ve read on these forums, its best to just keep relaxed and keep counting.

Ignotus, the main WILD topic, highlighting the first steps taken to achieve WILD, and any other questions you may have, can be found here.

There is another topic about WILD without WBTB, which can be found here.

And finally, the Big WILD topic can be found here.

I hope these help you.

Good luck! :smile:

hmm visual images… its probally HI meaning your close to dreaming

or it might jsut be random thoughts.Try clearing your mind and only thinking about lucid dreaming.Its hard the first few tries but then you’ll find it useful.Meditation helps in clearing your mind

also, don’t forget to read the main site’s guide :smile:
merging this in the First steps to WILD topic :content: