Let’s see…I’ve heard:
- Voices saying random (and not so random) things.
- Awesome music.
- Electronic blips.
- A paper shredder. For real!
- An extremely loud BANG! It made me jump.
Let’s see…I’ve heard:
this could allso be the onset of an OBE/AP, it’s said so on the main page in OOBE
I heard music, with a loud repetitive beat. Made me wake up since I didn’t expect it to happen, at least not that loudly
I really thought it was real, too
i rarely have this
EDIT: what am i talking about
I kind of WILDed accedentily, wasn’t actually trying to WILD at the time. I had been reading about it a lot in the day however…
Last night, I woke up into sleep paralysis and I heard screaming and lots of crashing coming from the room next to mine, like someone was being thrown around into a bunch of stuff. First time I’ve had something like that. Only lasted about 5 seconds though
One sound i always hear, is that of the boom sound when you enter/exit a dream.
I have noticed another sound now that i wild more, and that is a dripping sound. I have believed my aquarium was leaking several times.
I often am talking or rhyming to myself in my head, and suddenly hear my own voice coming from outside of my head - from the back, above and to the left. Much clearer than if I was talking, more like a recording of my voice.
This voice starts acting as a separate stream of conciousness - if I stop rhyming, it keeps going. Fun to listen to.
Sometimes when I see short clips of HI video fly by, sound goes with them.
Same old staff everyone hears, plus some occassional wierd experiences:
example -> a furious mob hiting with sticks the outside wall of my room and shouting for me to get out
That was the most scary one, but I heard another conversations and some music (I only had 10 aprox WILD experiences anyway).
Oh sh*t i heard something today. I was trying to WILD (I always doing once it’s day outside) and I was starting to go with the flow of the images and I heard something coming from under the bed, as if it was chewing on the bed. This freaked me out really really bad and I stopped the WILD
When I use the WBTB method whenever I fall back asleep I retain consciousness but I don’t see any HI basically all I hear are thumping noises in my ears and then I go straight into the dream. Is this really WILD?
Yes it is. During WILD, you can have visual but also auditory hallucinations.
You don’t have to WILD to hear sound.
Whenever im trying to sleep I hear sometime random voice or sound but im not even in HI state.
Its because im always thinking about something when im trying to sleep. Its help me sleep.
Like a lot of you, I hear voices too when I’m first falling asleep. It’s always someone I know and ranges from a whisper up to a scream. The screams usually startle me and bring me to my senses pretty quick. Then I realize what it was and get aggravated sometimes that I jumped at it.
Lucidboy, do you mind if I use this in the library?
When i WILD, I always hear a soft fuzzy noise.
When I WILD, I sometimes hear a sound like a pager buzzing.
i noticed if you have soft music in the room, and you wake yourself up from the hypnagoc/WILD process you will hear the music again but when you are in that stage you dont stop hearing it, but forget about it or tune it out…i dk its fun to mess around with your mind liek that, try it some time