The Lucid Capital

Hey guys,

I had a real intense LD this morning. It took place at the Lucid Capital. The Lucid Capital is a Large shared dream gathering place. Below is the entry from my DJ this morning. I know it’s long but please read it through. I learned a lot from this dream.

So, why am I posting this? there are some questions I’d like to ask all of you regarding the Lucid Capital.

Have any of you been there?
Has anyone had any similar experiences?
Has anyone heard about this place from someone or from someone in your dreams?

Just a little curious to see what you guys have to say about it. I think it’s a personal breakthrough and it will defiantly change the way I look at dreams. Thanks for your thoughts and comments. :content:

first of all: great dream! :happy:

I don’t think i’ve ever been there. And now I want to go there!

That’s a cool dream… I hope I remember to try to go there someday…

I’ll definately try to get there one day too.

If you have any more dreams in this place, please post them here! :content:

Deffinatly, this dreamscape seems amazing. Now all I have to do is get a closet door for my closet, lol. I’m curious though, was everyone there lucid dreamers? Or were a lot of them DCs? Hmmmmm…

Awesome though I’m going to take a nap in a few, hopefully I’ll visit this ‘Lucid Capital’… Awesome…


This was one of the most touching dreamjournals i’ve ever read. :smile:

i wish i could go there also when im lucid! :dream:

:eek: :woah: :unk: That was CRAZY.

Congrats on the first LD, particularly since it was a good one.

In terms of time you probably woke up after one REM period and then went back into REM and continued the dream in a period follwoing that because REM periods rarly last more than 90-100 minutes

I was curiouse how the dream lasted so long because I was pretty sure dreams only last about one hour and a half most . thanx for clarifying Lucidity_Master :smile:

Thanks guys, I thought you might enjoy this. I remember something about the lucid crossroads and was thinking maybe this may be along the lines of that.

Sorry, if I led you wrong. This isnt my 1st LD, it was just the first time I had a dream like this. :smile:

So what you’re saying is, I went from one dream cycle into another without remembering the time in between and that the dream continued into the next REM cycle? Wierd how that works. :bored:

@ Weasel - Nice experience. I am sure it is something you will remember for the rest of your life.

@ Lucidity_Master - you don’t have to be in REM to be dreaming. In fact, studies show REM does not equal dreaming.

I am so jealous. :cry:
I wish I had wonderful dreams like that.

Weasel that is a cool experience. Im glad that you told us. I think you made everyone want to go to Lucid Capital including me. Keep us informed on Lucid Capital.

I don’t mean to discourage anything but it IS possible that this is just something your brain made up. :sad:

It is very much possible. But, i’m a positive thinker. :content: besides, if it was just me, it still made for one heck of an experiance and one i’m looking forward to having again. :cloud9:

mmmmmmmm I have no doubt that what ilovelucid said is totally correct. In my opinion shared dreaming is a load of bullocks.

This is a small quote from your lucid dream

“We sat there talking for a long time” - DUDE, as if u would waste a LD talking to some chick that your subconcious made up, but I guess thats cool because in the end you said " I don’t have to tell you what happened next, because i don’t kiss and tell" hahahahah nice work man

That’s what I call an incredible experience!!
Goal for next LD: go to the Lucid Capital :smile:

I still don’t think it’s real.

You never know what is real just open up your imagination and see what happens. Dont be such a sceptic.

Me and my friends have always talked of shared dreaming, it’s quite impossible though. I mean the closest you may get to it is telling you an your friend a certain scenario you were in an saying all of things you can do but this would be difficult in many levels. One you would both have to be good enough at inducing yourself to WILD to actually do it at will. Two remember what you had to do. and Three remembering to keep your friend in accomapiment (DC’s have a tendency to dissapeer when you forget about them) finally Four not straying from the scenario you had laid out prior. But if it alld oes run smoothly you could talk to your friend about it, it’s 100% you will have diffrent experinces however, thats as close as you are gunna get to a “shared experiance”