The Search for the Holy Grail[project]

good suggestions, maybe we should have several really good techs for different kinds of people. i think the substance idea is good, but scary. I would only personally endorse something non-harmful.

Ofcourse. When I mentioned drugs and alcohol, I should’ve said that most of them inhibit REM sleep, so someone who uses them regularly should stop while using the ‘holy grail’.

Ahhh, ok.

As far as supplements/herbs go, the two which have had an amazing effect on my dreams are: Calea Zacatechichi (incredible for dream clarity, and pretty safe from what I’ve read) and Guayusa, which is a little known Amazonian plant which has a high caffeine content which acts as a slow-release stimulant while you sleep. Whether or not it is just the caffeine that gives you lucid dreams I’m not sure, but this stuff did give me a very vivid lucid dream.
Guayusa is pretty much untested outside of the Amazon rainforest as far as I know, so be careful and use it at you own risk. Just do a Google search to learn more…

I once tried asking a lucid dream to show me a lucid dream technique. I said to my self “when I open the door to this school this lucid dream will show me a lucid dream technique on the other side”. As I lifted my hand to open the school door, I realized I had a 5 pound wrist weight on my wrist, which I belived was the answer then I woke up. I can’t see how wrist weights would help. But my point is that maybe lucid dreaming itself could provide the answer.

One of the elements of ‘the Holy Grail’ should be acheiving a goal of some kind. That would help focous the mind. What better goal than learning something to do with Lucid Dreaming :tongue:

Have you tried analizing the “wrist wait” like you would a ND. That gives me an idea, I posted earlier about brainstorming… How about if I have a brainstorm in a LD, with DC?

I mean wrist weight, Im really not that bad of a speller.

sorry I can’t be on the forums more lately. good idea about finding the tech within an LD, since I can’t LD very well, I can’t do that, but some of you who can, give it a whirl. wouldn’t that Amazonian plant keep you awake? I sit expensive? Legal? It also sounds like something that could be potentially dangerous(if it’s not been tested much?). Personally, I’m going for the super-safe, super-legal route.
Josh: our goal, hmmm, for everyone in the project to LD at will (oh boy, I’m getting in over my head…)

Awesome, sounds like a good goal to me.
I think we should start with smaller goals that will work up to that main goal though, like, if you can’t lucid dream well, your first goal should be at least 5 per month or something. If you are advanced, then go for the main goal of 1 per night.

good idea. my goal for now: get an LD, any LD :content:

Heh heh, same here :tongue:

Arghh, I really wish I had more time and knowledge to work on this. I think I’m going to elect like a “co-director” who can really get things moving, I’ll probably wait for a few more recruits though. But feel free to PM me if you think you’re qualified. Someone with a relatively high amount of time to devote to this, an experimenting mind, preferably good at LDs, etc. etc.

You can count me in!

I’m really interested in seeing if something similar to the Ganzfeld and HI technique can be powerful. I’m still in testing but I think I might be getting close. Ive been playing with different frequencies and which produces a field similar to a ganzfeld device.

phoen++ :peek:

awesome :grin:. yeah, I’m really interested in seeing how that luma 10 light and sound machine affects LDing. What are your results so far? and btw, what color glasses did you get?

First night of testing I played a learning program with a lucid induction cd. Although it did produce a lucid, my goal of the focus more is trying to WILD while looking directly into the light patterns. So far no results yet, I’ve manage to stay away the whole session, I might have to increase(longer sessions) them and play around with the frequencies. Gamma even though more hyper produces a good solid field. I ended up getting cool blue. This light weave technology really is the greatest thing and the visuals are the best I’ve seen with light and sound so far.


I personally am looking for something that will ease me into sleep(not keep me awake), but at the same time keep me aware. Do you think this thing can do that?

There is a program called body asleep and mind awake. I’ll try that on a long run and let you know how it goes.



another ambitious topic faded into obscurity…