The Shakti device and other mind machines

Well, my technique for OOBE’s has always been pretty strong, only now when I do it I get them in massive amounts, meaning usually I would have one in a night, now I have around 4.

As for LD’s, I have given up entirely on trying to have them, and just let myself DILD whenever things just get a little too weird. I used to have to meditate on having them before sleep and still I had very few. Im gonna say that before I was having around 2 OOBE’s a week, and now I have them every night, with most the time around 3 or more. LD’s I would put down 1 a week on a very good week, now I just let them flow but have been becoming conscious durring dreams almost automatically. I think that the real test will be this summer, when Im just gonna meditate all day and figure out the dream world.

BTW, those numbers that I gave were a guess, I checked my DJ and it turns out I have had 6 LD’s since the Shakti, and a whole lot more OOBE’s

Any new magnetic brain on the horizon ???
I am eager to hear some more statistics :smile:
Good luck guys!

I did another series of sessions over the past 3 days. I used the mono amygdala/hippocample in sequence signal, with all 8 coils symetrical first over my temprals then over the frontals. The goal of these sessions was to experience bliss, and I do have to say that bliss has been found. I found myself being extremely talkative all week, its like whenever Im as college and there is someone around me, I just think of something to say and say it. It turns out no one thinks Im retarded for what I say, and that they turn out enjoying the company.

This feeling of bliss has also enhanced my meditation practices. No longer do I get frustrated when I dont go as far as I want to, or when I get distracted, I tend to enjoy it even more. But the thing about that is, after being all blissful towards my underachievements, I turn out going twice as deep the next time in no time. I have also found that my mind, instead of like having a mind of its own, is my mind.

When I get lost in a thought and it turns into something completely off course, I can remember exactly what it took to get there, and its like I can learn how my mind works and so work on the things in which I spend way too much obsessing about. In otherwords its like my subconscious talking has become completely conscious.

Well done, Azur! I think a change in the way we perceive the world is worth more than 100 LDs. It looks like steady progress:)
BTW, has the lasting time of device’s effects increased with practice?


Thats the problem, I think that lasting effects might me the reason they suggest using it sparingly. Im gonna put in 3 weeks of non-use, and try and stick with a once a week session plan from then on. I have gone through a lot of experementation with this device and feel that I know how to get what I am looking for now.

As a suggestion, anyone wanting to do signals for dreaming, Id suggest either the hippocample signal alone, or with the amygdalla in sequence. I find that after doing one of these sessions my dreams are highly vivid adventures. Use the signal simetrically over both sides of your brain. I have found no real positive effects of using a signal over only one side of the brain.

Nice read folks, I have one question if I may please.

Is this safe on your body/brain? I mean in the worst instance you could get lobotomized/executed or something no? It says on their web site that this is an experimental device, thus leaving all the responsobility on to the user.

Use at own risk, well what’s the risk? What’s the damage?? :scared:

Would be very happy to get some insight in this… :hmmm:

Thx! :ok:

Eh, well, the worst case sinario is that you put the amygdalla on the right side of your head and thus releasing your fears. Of course, it will mostlikely be gone within the next couple of days because you have to really work hard to keep the positive effects so if its something negative than you are most likely just going to be reverting back to your normal way of thinking.

Also, the worst side effect is a metabolic snap-back, which I havent experienced, but is just your mind going back to its normal way of thinking in a few days, when you dont want it to. And so thus, the side effect is that you are thrown back into your old reality. So if that can really be called a side effect is up to opinion.

The main thing is to just follow their instructions. I didn’t and luckily didn’t experience anything bad, I also think that once you get it figured out that you simply couldn’t have a bad experience unless you wanted to. Other than that its only low power maganets, truely if people are willing to shoot up heroin to get some effect, than having some magnets activate parts of your brain is no biggie.

I bet its less dangerous to our brain than 90% telly programs:)

ps.seriously though- i think Persinger and co workers can be way more trusted than rest of devices/pills/software available on the net.People react allergic when the word Brain is used for obvious reasons - but keep in mind that it wasnt primarily made to earn on it(was just part of studies on our brain) and that anyways your brain is under many many influences each hour(not mentioning those ppl who sleep close to high voltage lines- most of them see ghosts clearer than we see our friends:)

Hello everyone,

I have been a silent user of this excellent forum for more than 3 years.

I have just discovered that there was a thread about the Shakti helmet and as I have bought one two month ago, I just wanted to give my feedback.

I have used the amygdala-temporal preset for 5 sessions, with my 8 coils helmet. The intensity was 15 Gauss.

I do 1 session a week, according to the proposed protocol, 30 minutes at a time.

I had no success in any area with this preset so I wrote the creator a mail and he told me to try the frontal setup.

This is what I did last friday.

i have had many long and quite precise dreams since this session. Iremain very careful before advising to buy this tool. I am used to trying WILDs and had a few success with it but I think it’s a good beginning.

I may also do like Azurescen, and accomplish more than 1 session a week. I am not quite sure that this is very dangerous. Anyway, it is worth trying.

My aim : doing a full conscious OBE with the shakti 8 coils.

I’ll keep my results posted here as I already love this thread (it’s a pity that on the skakti website there is no forum for the users).

thanks for letting us know. please keep on posting :smile:

I’ll for sure. The impact on dreams is the first effect I have from the Shakti but I’ll wait for more before being sure there is a link with this tool.

I hope there is… :wink:

I have’t heard from you guys … I can smell the sweet smoke of scam … just kidding.

I just want to bring this thread up.
That’s cheeting :smile:

Uh, I can see dead people now?? :scared:

In fact this is something I don’t want to experience. Does the use of Shakti promote theses abilities??

I do know that when youre having OBE’s you are likely to encounter other spirits. Does this mean spirits that has walked the earth? This is very creepy. Also, I have read about items to protect yourself while travelling on the astral plane. Do you need serious protection while OBE ? Is not enough to go there on your own?

Would be tremendously appreciative of any help!

well i got my sound card to work .I hooked up the device and used the amygdala and hippocampal session over the temporal lobes for a 30 min session also was blindfolded and had ear plugs in . Unfortantly had no success .I did this in morning .Ill wait 3 days and try my frontal lobes .Thanks keep posting

gulltann, first off, I just have to ask, is it better to know about something that is happening, or is it better to not know. Of course, you have to believe in ghosts, but since your afraid of them Im assuming that you do.

As for the entire OBE protection idea, I have travelled many places while OOB and encountered demons who promised me that I would never return to my body, and well Im writing you this now, so as you can see I was unharmed. All I can give is personal experience, who knows if a person who dies in their sleep actually had an OOB battle or not, it hasn’t happened to me and well we’ll never know if it can(the victim is dead :tongue: )

As for the project: My first actual session plan starts wednesday :happy:, meaning Im gonna be following the rules and everything. Maybe Ill end up being able to retain the effects better, Ill keep posting all the goodies :happy:

I have done another amydala+hypocampus session, 30 minutes and nothing.

I think I had more success with the frontal setup.

Have you tried playing the signals through your speakers to see if they actually work on your soundcard? I have not had one bum session yet.

Yes I have and I always check the amount of Gauss produced by each of the 8 coils.

For the moment I am a little bit disappointed but I’ll keep practicing my sessions once a week.

I think that the frontal session setup gave me more lucid dreams. Maybe also that 10 gauss is not enough. It’s a shame there is no forum so the users could share their experiences, results.

Hopefully, we have this one.

Now that I’ve finally found a job, this is something I can finally start to save up for :content:

Azurescen, which signal and placement of the 8 coils gave you the most “bang for the buck” effects ?

Are you still using the hippocampus or the hippocampus + amydala ?