The Wizard's Phase 2 for induction of Lucid Dreams

on the top.One side is monitor,then mirror in front of it and second mirror on top of those two.Like a cover(i hope i got it right)

Hi everyone. Yes, I see there is some confusion about the mirror setup. Jack is very close to correct, except that the top has no mirror and is exposed covered only by the black cloth. So here is what we have. Two chairs with the backs of the chairs opposite each other, and the seats of the chairs facing each other. On one chair is the pc with the screen side facing the seat side of the opposite seat. On the seat of the other chair is the first mirror facing the pc screen, at approximately a 45 degree angle so that as you look into the mirror from above, the pc screen appears to be flat. This will create the falling effect. Be sure to support this mirror in place by heavy books. Now this leaves you with two open ends and the top section exposed. Place the second mirror at one of the open ends , preferrably opposite where your face will be. Now again support the second mirror with books so it won’t fall. Now this should leave you with one open end and the top section exposed. Cover the top section with the black cloth. Now only one end is exposed. This is where you will stick your face into for viewing. I don’t know how else to explain it. Jack was very close with his explanation. I hope this clears things up a little. Sorry for all the confusion. If only I could draw a picture for you since a picture is worth a thousand words. Maybe one of you when you catch on to it, can explain it to others better than I can. Also, thanks Jack for your helpful advice. Good luck everyone. :wink:

Geez, that’s a lot of information. I don’t think I can do that since my parents will ask me why I’m doing that. Ha ha ha ha. I’m very interested to see if it works though… I’m waiting! :grin:

okay, i get it now basically, cept one little thing. how shuold our face be when we stick it in, and how is the 3rd mirror supported if it has no chairs?

Ben7-There are only two mirrors involved, not three. The end which is exposed or open sort of like one end of a triangle, is where you want your face to insert into. Also, in placing the first mirror at appr 45 degree angle, don’t place the mirror at the bottom of the pc. It should beplaced at the bottom of the PC screen. Done properly, the effect should be so realistic along with the trance music, that you will actually believe you are flying. Another helpful tactic is after about ten minutes into flight, slightly turn your body in sort of a rocking motion side to side occasionally to simulate real flight. also, hold your hands straight out in front you like superman does as this contributes to the realism in addition to holding up the black cloth. There is a small side effect I haven’t mentioned. The first or second time you do this, you may experience some nausea. This will pass with practice. Now remember, what I said in one of my earlier posts. After about 5 hours of sleep, and waking up for 5 minutes, going back to sleep, This image of flying through space will reappear to you . At first you may only see hypnogagic images and maybe faces and strange shapes, but if you look into the background you will see small specks of light similar to those in your practice sessions. It is these specks of light we are concerned with. Imagine that the specks of light are moving toward you and they will move toward you the same as in practice. Then they will sort of be pulling you in to the dream state. Don’t resist it. Go along with it, and you will soon be consciously pulled into a dream. Practice is the key to success, and the practice sessions can be loads of fun and thrilling if set up and done properly. In addition, the practice sessions will give you excellent meditation benefits as well, resulting in a general feeling of well being. I am not a prolific writer and I hope you can understand what I have written. Good luck. :content:

That’s an awesome idea! I would love to try it, but my bed is upstairs, my moniter is downstairs, and my parents would NOT be pleased if I tried it! :confused:?: But I WILL try it as soon as the situation permits!!!
Great thinking! :grin:

Well, same here.
At the moment this is a bit difficult for me, but this is one of the most interesting techinques I heared of.I think I will save this thread on my computer when it is finished :smile:


One of the problems when you are attempting this technique early in the morning, is that when the small specks of light begin to move towards you, you may instantly lose consciousness and fall asleep quickly. To avoid this, it may be helpful to prop some pillows behind your back and sit up in bed. Another helpful idea is (if you have a headset, to listen to the mantra music I have prescribed with low volume(softly), and this will assist you to replicate your practice conditions except this time you will be on the threshold of dreaming. The more loyal you are to your practice sessions, the easier this will become for you to achieve. Try not to over do the lucid dreaming, because like all parts of your body, the dream state needs rest too. So be sure to get at least 5 hours of ordinary sleep each night . I personally believe, (this is only my opinion), that excessive lucid dreaming can lead to profound psychological complications. Moderation in all things, is the key to success.

Tho Ben is right i think…we need 3 chairs…one for pc monitor,one for mirror,and one for another mirror.
Now what im not sure about is- we look into 2nd mirror right?so we have one mirror on the side and monitor on another.
Wizard…im sure you could make a simple drawing in paint and ask someone to host it for you/us.If you come on chat im sure there will be someone ready to do it.
Im thrilled by all that,finally someone has some idea which goes around all those visualization/meditation/concentration/suggestion stuff.Ive been waiting for it!:slight_smile:
Im going to set up who;e thing in a week or so when i manage to borrow a computer from my gf.I wonder tho-do you think tv picture would do?i mean one with steady picture-like we have this stupid program with fireplace on it.
Good luck all.
ps.Oh,one more question- how are heights related?are monitor and mirrors on same height level?And how you get pc picture reflection on 2nd mirror if its just facing us?
geeez picture would say 10000 words:(

first of all…thanks Wizard! i think its wonderful with ppl doing alot of work helping others, thanks for all the work you are doing for us even if we (ok, at least im talking for myself) are stupid and dont get how to do it : )
i am extremly anxious to try your method but i must confes i dont understand the mirrors (since english isnt my main language i dont get all the facts straight) and as you say a picture can tell more than a thousand words…i, and prob alot of others would be very glad if you could draw a picture. if you cant get it online then mail it to me and ill mail it to whoever posts their mail just to take what burdon i can from you : )
again, thanks Wizard!

I’m so sorry, but I am still so confused. Could you please draw it in paint or whatever and email it to me . THANK you sooo much for putting up with all this trouble, Ben

I know this isn’t a practical alternative to the mirrors, but if anyone does have those 3-D/VR stereograph glasses for the PC (mostly used for games and VR), those would work perfectly! I think you can pick up a pair for as little as $50 or so online.

If not, wouldn’t just laying down while looking at the PC screen generate the same results…perhaps you could just set the monitor on one chair at the end of the bed, and elevate it with phone books so that it’s exactly even with the bed. Then, lay on your stomach towards the foot of the bed while looking into the monitor at the screensaver. I think laying on your stomach would help greatly to accurately simulate flight. If there’s too much light, you could find an empty, rectangular cardboard box, cut out the bottom of it and use it as a “tunnel of vision” from your face to the monitor…you could cover the end of the box touching the monitor with some of that dark cloth, and drape another peice of cloth around your head and the other side of the box - this should block out practially all of the light.

Of course these are just ideas spun off of wizard’s method…different things work for different people…I’d try every different method I possible could every week. At the end of that week, assess the method’s success rate for that week. If it’s high, well, of course just continue using that method. If it’s medium, think about trying another method the next week, and perhaps go back to the first one the week after. If the success rate is low for that week’s method, well, forget about the technique for the time being, and move on to another method. Since everyone’s mind is different, certain techniques will work for some, yet not others… you merely have to find the method that works best for you. I also have a method that I’ll post in its own thread in a few minutes…

I like your ingenuity Dreamscape. Good idea to experiment as what works for you. There is however, one serious problem I have not been able to overcome. Lucid dreaming, as far as I know, simply means “To be aware that you are dreaming.” Although this method accomplishes that objective, it doesen’t necessarrily allow one to control the dream while it is in progress. As one writer said on another post, he knew he was dreaming, but it was more as if he were simply watching the dream, sort of like watching a movie. Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions to overcome this hurdle? If so, please share them with us. One of the things I have noticed is that there is so much information on the many numerous past posts, that often the answers to many puzzles and questions have already been answered. Pasquale’s archives are loaded with with tons and tons of valuable information, which are too often quickly passed by. It pays to search through the archives and as many old posts as possible. :content:

Ben7…The e-mail address you provided for me doesen’t seem to work. I can’t get through. :content:

It might be interesting if the inside of the box was covered in some of that wrapping paper that’s really shiny and reflective. It’s very mirror like. That should add to the desired effect even more.

Soooo…has anyone tried this yet? Please, share your expieriences, wizard, could you tell of one? thanks, ben

Wizard!If you have a picture done ,you could just send it over to my email and ill organize a host and ill post a link here for everyone to see:)
take care

This is hilarious… :happy:

So complex and all. And another OBE believer, argh. So much troubly for inducing lds …, not for me.

And you said hypnosis isn’t working? Nowadays I don’t use any other ld inducing method than self hypnosis and it always works for me (only 5 times tried tho :smile: ), you just gotta know the right words :shy:

Actually its much much less trouble than any kind of hipnosis/meditation and suggestion stuff when u look at it closer.
Keep in mind that most of the people have huge problems when it comes to above.Not everyones so talented and get it with such ease.
The purpose of Wizards invention is to help those who cant manage to have lds the way you do -and thats majority.Of course im not talking here about having any lds…but to have them in satisfactory quantities.
You know…we all different…DNA and stuff:):slight_smile:

Ben7-I just got in. To answer your question, yes. With this method, I LD quite a bit. But I am having some difficulty controlling and altering the dreams to my liking. But I am confident I will solve this problem. Jack is right when he says that this method is designed for those who have trouble LD’ing with normal techniques like audio hypnosis and sublimal messages which work only for a few people. The upside of doing the sessions twice daily faithfully, is that the practice sessions can be loads of fun and enjoyment. If done properly, the practice sessions can be so realistic, that you will become completely absorbed and truly believe you are flying. This method also supplies you with the visual and audio hypnotic techniques combined, needed for mind programming which influences the dream stages. Don’t give up too soon. Practice , practice, and practice , and follow all the instructions I have provided, and your LD’s will become a reality quickly. Don’t forget to always turn on your electrical ionizer before you go to bed for the night. Make your practice sessions your fun time for each day. A time to leave the world as we know it, and enter the world of flying fantasy. A time for refreshing relief from the stress and difficulties of the day. And this fantasy fun will quickly be your doorway to the world of lucid dreaming. :content: