The Wizard's Phase 2 for induction of Lucid Dreams

Sooooooo cooooool i love it:)
cant wait to try:)still a week ahead:(

I still don’t get the mirrors. If anyone has it drawn…

How far apart should everything be? And is the second mirror perpendicular to the screen and 1st mirror? And which surface are you supposed to watch? Thanks.

Wildchild-I’m sorry you are having difficulty understanding the placement of the mirrors, but I don’t know how to explain it any clearer than I have already. Have you carefully read all my posts regarding the placement of the mirrors under this thread? What we really need is a drawing to show, because apparently you are not alone with this dilemna. Problem is, I don’t know how to post a drawing on this site for everyone to see. But I will try to find a way.

Send it over Wizard and ill take care for posting it and link.
Take care

Brothers and Sisters. I believe I have found a way to iron out the bugs in Phase 2. As I mentioned earlier, while Phase 2 brings one to the doorway of Lucid Dreaming, it is insufficient in itself to allow one to control and manipulate their dreams. Under Phase 2, too often the dreams are very short lived, combined with an inability to be altered to one’s liking, and too frequent occurences of loss of consciousness. Through hard work and effort, I believe I have found the key to overcoming these problems and

accomplishing these objectives. It will be a step beyond Phase 2 as we now know it. This new invention will accomplish three things. 1.-It will give the dreamer the ability to control and alter the dream. 2.-It will prevent loss of consciousness. 3.-It will give the dreamer the ability to prolong the dream for a longer period of time. However, before one goes into Phase 3, it is important to master Phase 2 first. It will be sort of like going from Windows 95 to Windows 98. I will be revealing this new method on or before 30 days, because I am in the process of building it now. Unfortunately, I am inundated with social obligations, family committments, chores, tasks, etc, etc, which encompass too much of my time ,which I need for research and development. Nonetheless, I am driven by my exitement over this invention and my zeal to help others. With God’s help, I will be revealing this Phase 3 soon under this thread. Please watch for it. :content:

Jack–I will send it to you this Saturday. There is a reason for this. Incidentally, You mentioned that many people do not have a PC.(personal computer). Phase 3 will not require one, so no PC is necessary for Phase 3. Also, in Phase 3 we will be using mental telepathy to communicate with others, rather than verbally. I know I sound like a crack pot, but I know full well what I am doing. Mental telepathy is simple and trivial. Easy to learn , easy to do, and I will teach it in about five minutes. This is nothing new. It’s been going on for years. You will learn it instantly with very little effort when I reveal it. This is not a novelty. Rather it is a requirement and a must for Phase 3. However it is secondary to our more important objectives and goals of Lucid dreaming. :content:

Wizard, if this really works as well as you say, then you’re a genius. It almost sounds to good to be true! For the people who don’t have the option of moving their computers and mirrors around, like me, I think you might get around the same effect if you took a box with two open sides, line the inside with tin foil and set it up so you could just look through it at the computer screen. Only if you can’t do what Wizard said though, because I’m sure his will work better. I can’t wait to try this, it’s sounds really cool. lol, I’m imagining my mom coming downstairs and seeing me watching my screensaver through a cardboard box. :tongue: I can’t wait to see how you tie telepathy in with all this. And thanks for taking the trouble to share this with us!

Whoa!! Seriously? There is nothing “trivial” about this- its not like you are talking about the weather or something. To the best of my knowledge, mental telepathy has never been proven. If you can in fact produce this, that will be more profound than almost anything which enhances lucid dreaming. The reason is that lucid dreaming has already be proven in the laboratory by Laberge and others and thus it is now open to mainstream scientific study. If you can provide proof for mental telepathy then its horizens would be expanded immeasurably. I tend to be a skeptic when it comes to claims like this, as I believe there to be a lot of misinterpretation, but you have earned a good measure of respect from me already and I will certainly read what you have to say with a open mind. Looking forward to it.

I once had an interesting experience with something similar to your phase 2. I drove a car all night for like 12 hours straight (the white road lines are a similar hypnotic to the stars) while listening to the same Led Zepelin tape repeatedly the whole time. At the end of the 12 hours, I described my condition as being “a floating head” before passing out to sleep.

I was just earlier doing the lazy man’s phase 2- watching the computer without the mirrors, but with music and sunglasses. While gazing at the stars I was thinking of random thoughts and a funny visualization came to me. I was thinking of Jack waiting for a week to be able to try it and becoming impatient, so he went off to the library (or wherever he goes for public access) carrying in 2 mirrors and a black cloth and wearing sunglasses. Everyone is looking at him strangely as he sets them up as you described and covers himself in the black cloth and printed on the outside of the cloth is a bunch of “Jack the sex god” avatars all animated and doing their thing. There is then a quick mass exodus away from Jack. Cracked me up.

P.S. Wizard- I was curious if you check your private messages?

Hey, wait a minute. I’m not ALREADY experiencing the mental telepathy wizard was referring to, am I? You didn’t REALLY go and do that, did you Jack? :smile:

Allow me to clear up this thing about mental telepathy. In the dream world, we do not use verbal or audio to speak with others that we encounter. For example, when one is asleep in bed, even though they may be speaking to someone in a dream, no audio is heard coming from their physical body. Therefore they are actually using mental telepathy to communicate with loved ones, friends, strangers,spirits and others. This is the way it is in the spirit realm. In fact many people do not speak at all in their dreams. It is others who speak to them. Most often dreams consist of visual activity , and witnessing actions and events with personal participation and involvement. However, in Phase 3 it will be necessary to practice silent speaking to another person conjured up by the Phase 3 device. This is but a small tid bit role in Phase 3, but an important one. I am trying not to reveal too much about Phase 3 which is to come, but I felt it was necessary to explain what I meant by mental telepathy. :content:

Apparently the “mininterpretation” in this instance was from myself. My apologies Wizard, I thought you meant physicial mental telepathy not dream telepathy. When you said you sounded like a “crackpot” I was assuming the more extreme claim. Nothing crackpotish about dream telepathy that I can see- I believe you.

Apparently the “mininterpretation” in this instance was from myself. My apologies Wizard, I thought you meant physicial mental telepathy not dream telepathy. When you said you sounded like a “crackpot” I was assuming the more extreme claim. Nothing crackpotish about dream telepathy that I can see- I believe you.

Haha, this reminds me of most videogames. The main character almost never talks, if they do, just to say “yes” or “no.”

Lol Gary Lol:)

Knowing myself -if it was only way to do it id prolly do it indeed.But hopefully i wont have to:):slight_smile:
Im working at internet cafe till late so it wouldnt be that hard to do once im alone here(and i allready have one mirror here:)
It looks like im going to wait bit longer for a computer-its due to many things,work and such but im still very unpatient to try it out.As soon as i can i sure;y post about it!:slight_smile:
take care