Time is running out!

Hm well I still of the opinion that it totally exposed where the US government’s priorities lie. Not sure about the whole child abuse connection…

Anyway Sureal, don’t you ever get tired of being the sceptic? Don’t you feel like the fucking cop at woodstock? According to you none of it means shit: the hurricane was just some weather, the people who died were just sacks of meat that got broken up, the news reports are just the results of chemical reactions in people’s brains, and any meaning we might read into anything is just a side product of a load of meaningless chemicals. Surely you have absolutely nothing meaningful to say about the disaster?

What if this guy actually did predict 6 lottery draws? What if something huge does happen in Jan 2006? Coincidence?

There really is no “what if” about it as he posted them on his website the day before they were made, with millions of witnesses - but thankyou for being open minded!

I’m sorry if I don’t imedielty believe every religion that is shown to me.

I looked around their site (willingly) with an open mind. And found nothing to convinved me of the religion.

What are you on about? Of course it means something.
There doesn’t have to be some supernatural devine force behind it to make it matter. I just wish you could see that.

I don’t recall having doubted his prediction, once it was made clear to me that it was not a scam.

I do not believe things right away simply because someone over the internet claims he’s telling the truth. Believe it or not, but people do lie. People can be mistaken.

And his whole, ‘the Christian’s are after me!’ really does damage his credibility.

Sureal, just to be clear (because i feel an overall field of negativity developing) i dont have a problem with the decision you’ve come to, thats fine.

The Christians censoring him thing is absolutely true… i dont know if you’ve ever heard Coast To Coast (im in the UK too and i hadnt heard of it before… its a popular radio show in the states) but Aaron was interviewed there by a guy named George Norey about 2 or 3 years ago. As with any guests, Aaron submitted 10 questions to be asked of him (he had also remote viewed the next terrorist attack for the show) but Norey - a professed Christian - spent the entire show trying to trip him up over his beliefs, and didnt ask one of the questions or even about the remote viewed data. That, i believe, was his last public appearence on public media. He was also the ONLY psychic that predicted George Bush would be re-elected.

I know a lot of this stuff is repeated and seems ridiculous - but see it from this way. You seem to have accepted that he can accurately predict future events, and since you have eyes you’ve probabaly accepted that his prediction that the world is dying and we’re all gonna go with it sooner than we think is true and he’s been shunned left right and centre. So imagine the frustration when all you’re trying to do is get the message out that the planet is dying and we need to evolve spiritually and evolve fast. Christians dont have to worry about fucking up the planet because Jesus is gonna save them - infact, its beneficial to them that this kind of irreversable disaster happens because they WANT Armaggedon to happen. And the most powerful army in the world has a Christian Armaggedonist who doesnt even accept that Global Warming exists in charge. And didnt George Bush Snr once say that heretics shouldnt be considered as legal citizens?

It’s not difficult to understand why Aaron is so angry at the Christians for this. They cant get past the Lucifer thing, and because of it this message - this VITAL message - is not reaching enough people.

That is why this call for support has been urgently made (mainly by the listeners to the show i may add - Aaron has only stated that he will remain silent unless he has professional media support - everything thats happening now is an attempt to make it happen).

Stuff like this is always such a mind f*uck (pardon my language) but looking up this guys name has lead to some interesting reading. Though some of the predictions are so out there they seem almost like fear tactics to gain followers. I did previously have an alternate post prepared, but I decided against posting it.

I am not part of any religion at this current time, but still do have to agree that Luciferian is weird. When a prediction says ‘not to go into the light’ and to follow Lucifer to be saved - one must admit this is a strange thought growing up with the word constantly being connected to Satan. Through some reading though it’s revealed that the word originally meant ‘light-bearer’ or ‘morning-star’ in Hebrew Scriptures but was mainly changed in King James’ version. Does this mean I’m doing to switch to the beliefs of Luciferian… well no.

While World War Three does seem like a horrible reality that may be approaching it was Nostradamus who predicted that it would end with a surprising alliance and the true strength of the human heart would be revealed. This is all so out there that it’s hard to keep up with it all. Wasn’t it also predicted that a false prophet would arise around this time sometime to trick people into following the devil as well? This gets me thinking as it is all confusing despite how we can apparently be saved by listening to Aaron.

It reminds me of this frightening dream I had one time, of some man calling himself the next son of God or something like this and he is calling all the people around him to follow him into the ground and many are, but inside I know he is nothing but bad news and I try desperately to get my family to stay but they go anyways. It was a disturbing dream and makes me think so much about other people being deceitful. Either way, I will keep an eye on events in the world as they transpire if they do at all and follow my heart in the end.

Because things like these are quite sketchy, especially when there is a lot of religion bashing. It is easy to make up theories that make perfect sense to gain the trust of other people. But that is all I really have to say. You should understand why it is hard for people to want to believe in it all.

On another note, I’ve also read a lot into these ‘predictions’ of 2005. Most of them are tacky and have not followed through and many of them are completely illogical. It seems more like somebody is trying to start a cult.

The whole lotto number thing isn’t THAT reliable or great either. It appeared that the lotto game played was a 3 to 4 number pick. Those aren’t impossible to win. You can even buy books which show you how to pick out patterns.

Many predictions can be made by just watching and paying attention to events in the world anyways. And the only psychic to predict bush’s reelection? C’mon I predicted that one from paying attention in history class. Most of this is just a continuous name calling match in which Luciferian bashes Chritianity and vice vera. And really that is going to accomplish nothing.

the events after the tsunami actually enabled perverts to take advantage of the homeless children of that area… so it can hardly be said that it was nature taking care of a problem becuase in my opionion it only made that particular problem worst.

and another news flash…

we all die!

What a spin!

heretitc: I never meant to insult you or your beliefs. But you did post that on here - and I’m sure that you weren’t expecting everyone to just sit down and believe it :wink:.

One of the best ways to understand another’s view point and beliefs is to argue it with them. Understand - I am not arguing you in an attempt to attack Lucifarian, but as a way to help me understand it (after all, the best way to learn is through questions :wink:).

I agree that Christain’s (or, at least, the stronger, more faithful ones) do censor the things they do not like… however, not all American’s are Christian.
The Christain’s don’t control the media - only a few shows.

Not to mention that your religion is insisting that all other religions are nothing more than cover stories to hide the truth (which is why I refered to it as seeming like a consiracy theory :wink:).

I don’t follow this logic:

Man predicts lotto stuff ===> Man is right in all that he claims.

Just so I am clear, what exactly is Luciferianism?


In Roman astronomy, Lucifer was the name given to the morning star.

Jesus refers to himself as the morning star in Revelation 22:16: “I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star.”

The actual name, “Lucifer,” goes back to the Greeks, before the Romans. Socrates and Plato talk about this “god of light”; surprisingly, not in the context of Eos (god of Dawn), but – as a morning star –


So is Luciferianism about Jesus, or Satan, or astonomy?

Luciferianism is the belief that humankind was created by an alien species (or perhaps more than one species) via genetics.

The alien responsible for the creation of humankind was was called Lucifer. Many of the other aliens believed that Lucifer should not have done this.

The aliens against Lucifer took on the guise of being angels, whereas those few who supported Lucifer were demons. They fought - neither side good nor evil.

The angels decided to trick the humans - turn them against themselves. They created a number of religions (one of which is Christianity) to trick the humans.

Of course, there is much more than that. But as you can - it all sounds very much like some sort of spiritual/sci fi consipracy story.

The Lucifarians make a number of claims. For example - that the reports of alien abduction is evidence for their beliefs. And the rather odd claim that Jewish DNA is faulty.

The Lucifarians make the usual religouis claims - follow us and you’ll end up in some sort of paradie. Don’t and you’re doomed.

Have a look around the links that Heretic posted up. Their interessting - if not exaclty credible.

uhh…some people get easily scamed…

There we go again… :roll:

Don’t take my word for it (as you could argue that I am bias).

Read for yourself: perdurabo10.tripod.com/index.html

One thing I found quite odd - Aron claims that it is impossible to speak to the dead (as they are not aware of anything). But then he says that one of the aliens/demons can speak to the dead.
I don’t see how that works…

I dunno, from the impressions I’m getting so far, this all sounds (or smells) rather fishy… :roll:

Almost sounds like a watered down version of Scientology.

So nobody here finds the fact that he predicted 6 lottery draws absolutely incredible?

That’s not what we’re discussing right now. We’re talking about his religion, not his powers.