Time is running out!

IDK guys anybody who tries to make all these claims and predict doom and gloom just doesn’t jive with me. I do believe that Lucifer is actually an angel (angel/alien , same thing to me) with a purpose and the evil that exists is really of our making kinda like the devil tarot card. (I can hear my grandparents rolling in their graves right now btw :tongue: ). Reguardless of what gifts this guy has been given he is strolling down a very self centered path IMHO and that’s not good for anybody

I do, but I don’t think it’s cause to send him money because of his doomy predictions :tongue:
They say with time and training, everyone can remote view, get phycic powers, etc. So ultimately, why is he so special thet he must predict our doom or that he needs money?

Wise words people. Personally I know someone myself who had beyond more then average succes in lotto playing, and he does not claim we’re all doomed.

You’ll be able to pick a true/good prophet by his ability to refrain from predicting lotto numbers

"Dames and Donahue are working together to renew contact with the extraterrestrial. They believe the technology exists to transport as many as 200,000 humans through time to another version of Eden.

Unfortunately, Donahue says they only see about 144,000 leaving. The rest will be programmed by religious belief systems to fear Lucifer and turn away from his help."

So it’s ok for Luciferians to belief that Lucifer will save only the chosen ones, but not ok for Christians to believe that Christ will save only the chosen ones? It is both a good AND a bad thing for huge scale disasters to happen, because evil people want to destroy the human soul AND the human population needs to be culled? If you believe Katrina was a good thing because it reduced population it seems that the Holocaust would be a wonderful thing because so many more people died. I’m rather horrified by the idea of letting nearly everyone on Earth suffer and die because they wouldn’t follow the teachings of a genocidal space alien. I’d rather die making Earth a better place than go to “Eden” through a mystic portal.

I spent all 20 years of my life in New Orleans. It is my home. And now it is dead. The people who were hurt worst weren’t people “who run into a burning house to get, like, an expensive watch or something;” they were, like, people who had nearly nothing, who lived in rotting shacks and went to schools that taught them next to nothing. Most of the people who stayed were people so poor that they had no way to escape the city. Some tourists tried everything to get out and ended up having to spend thousands of dollars to rent limos. It is insulting for you to suggest, quoting the everyone’s favorite pseudo-Satanist/con artist Marilyn Manson, that they “deserved it,” when the people really destroying the world are getting rich off of such disasters.

Magpie, I believe your heart is in the right place. You recognize that things aren’t right and that what most people are telling you is a lie. But to find another “guru” is just going to the other side of the same deceptive coin. If Mr. Donahue can win the lottery at will, why does he need ANYONE’S money? If his message is so important, then why doesn’t he just put it out there in any way he can? My experience of the Internet is that any idea or message that seems important will spread like wildfire, whether it’s true or not. It seems kind of strange for him to try to get the media’s attention by saying “Fine, I won’t share my incredibly important message” when they never cared about it in the first place.

Magpie, in my limited experience as a truthseeker, the only truth I seem to have found is that if someone claims they are telling you the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, they are either lying or wrong. Even if his predictions are right ALL the time, that doesn’t mean that everything he’s says is right. I personally believe that to deify any greater power that demands worship is a mistake. It seems to me that the Old Testament god, the devil, Lucifer, and aliens in magical space ships are all different sides of the same coin(well, I guess it wouldn’t be a coin with that many sides, maybe a multi-sided die). Look into the Gnostic ideas and you’ll see some ideas why that may be the case(emphasis on MAY).

Rather than follow someone elses teachings, study those teachings but follow the intuitive, eternal wisdom that is your birthright. And NEVER join a UFO cult, Luciferian or otherwise. If you do, bring your own Kool Aid.

I totally agree with you guys, and I really hope you listen Magpie
I’m so sorry for your loss, King Moreus. New Orleans is a horrible loss and we mourn it with you. I’m sorry but I can’t stand all these people having the nerve to say it was right or needed because of over-population or because of “morals”. I can’t accept anybody’s heart being in the right place when it is so full of arrogance and judgement. Maybe there is a lesson to Katrina but it’s a hard one. It’s put a spotlight on the injustices of those forgotten who have been living in the rotting shacks. We have had to learn this lesson so many times and still we walk around thinking it doesn’t happen here, yet it does over and over again. I hope we finally remember it this time or it was once again all in vain.

Aaron has always said he isnt special… his brain is no different to yours or mind, hes only where he is cos he spent 3-4 years in total seclusion working on improving his abilities.

The ability to see future events is not a special, one-person-only ability but something we all can do. What you need though is both sides of the brain working together (as is the existance of duality in all of nature - two hands, two feet, two eyes, two sexes) but most people are left brained because of the life they lead in which they do not explore themselves. That’s why so few people are there right now.

Aarons shows - which are broadcast for FREE - contain information, music and entertainment that is designed to stimulate right brain functioning. That is the first stage, and Aaron has ALWAYS said that ANYONE can get to the stage he is at, it’s just a matter of learning.

My own perspective on this is that all i’m doing now is improving myself - as a result of hearing his lectures i meditate more often (and with more knowledge of what i8m actually doing!), im a vegetarian which has made me feel tons better, im taking the proper supplements (aarons main message right now - beyond even reaching where he is - is building the immune system by giving it a rest, because he predicts its the only way to survive coming plagues) and im undergoing inversion therapy on my back.

All of this is obtained outside of the Luciferian movement, and is of my own free will, and all im doing is improving myself.

When you learn remote viewing, and improve upon its techniques, you’ll ultimately end up at the truth. Another peice of advice that is being banded about by Luciferians is that all forms of occult rituals (and remote viewing is an occult practise) should be performed without expectation.

In other words, your belief system needs to be left at the door.

And one thing… it really bugs me when people call Luciferianism a religion. It is anything but. It is a belief system, yes, but it involves no worship of any being other than ourselves - and the worship comes in the forms of exploring yourself and living how you see fit.

The rule many Luciferians live by is “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law”.

BUT, that is not an excuse to murder, rape or do anything illegal. Infact, the radip programme has always promoted staying within the boundaries of the law.

Just to clarify, Aaron has not said we are doomed. He has said we are going down the pathway to destruction if we dont avert World War Three (which will be a war over natural resources - one way of which to avert it is a huge loss of life. Aaron has been predicting for years that the coming killing tide - said to begin after the death of “mabus”, aka saddam hussain - will kill 5.3 million people… or was that billion?), and it CAN be averted. No future is set in stone, except the ones for which the point of no return has been passed.

The way to avert this disaster is by the majority waking up. Doing what so many people in the occult world are doing. This will lead you to the truth - if it’s the same place where Aaron is then so be it, if not, whats wrong with that?

As i said, the call for money was obligatory, and i myself have not contributed. This is because my contributions to the cause come in the form of promotional work, and we’re currently setting up a website to repeat his archives. As i said, that was one of many options.

If you read my most recent postings, i think you’ll understand i am going on my own beliefs and experiences - it just so happens that everything Aaron says seems to match what i’ve felt for a long time.

And just to clarify something - first of all, i think the first quote you posted was from a very, very long time ago because Aaron and Ed are no longer working together - mainly because Ed is a Christian and wouldnt tolerate Aaron. Infact, Ed even sacked Aarons sister Jennifer because she sent him a funny link of a baby jesus buttplug!

But anyway, im moving away from the subject…

Nobody will be “saved”. The point of contact is not so that individuals will be saved - its so humanity will be saved. Extinction is worse than death. IF Lucifer returns (which will only be because we have alerted him), it will not be the physical bodies that are saved - it is the DNA. Genetic memory, yes, but we will all die. This is the difference between Christianity and Luciferianism - Christians dont care if the earth dies because they will be rescued, but if the earth dies we will no longer exist - the earth generates the soul, and the soul is not eternal.

Many other cultures, such as the Hopi, believe that this is not the first world humans have lived on. Luciferians believe (as a result of remote viewed data by not one but many) that all these other worlds are actually here on earth, after periods of time. We’re an experiment, and we keep failing because of religious systems, and Aaron believes this is the fourth time this has happened and Lucifer has given up on us as a failed experiment. If contact is made, this will not be a matter of eternal life and all that crap, but rather human DNA being transported through time (think Noahs Ark… this Aaron has theorised is where the Noah story originated from) to a time when the earth is capable of sustaining life again, and the manipulation of DNA will take place again.

The following is not something i cannot back up, because i havnt researched its authenticity, but its itneresting none the less.

Aaron has claimed that many remote viewers, when viewing a specific time field in the future, they see just miles of grass and trees. The paradox, he claims, is that they are actually seeing the past. This time is when all life on the planet is being regenerated.

And now onto the good news.

Aaron announced on his blog that the radio show will be RETURNING on Sept 18th. Only now it will be 24/7, with various shows from various different people that have appeared on radio aaron in the past. These are expected to include practical revenge, occult news and a usual Luciferian talk show as there has been since March. It will also feature music by bands such as Marilyn Manson, deadcandance, Nine Inch nails…

This is 24/7, and is totaly FREE.

It is unknown why this has come about, perhaps professional support has been found. At this time it is unknown.

Sorry - wasn’t aware that you didn’t like the term religion. But I couldn’t really think of anything better to refer to it as.

One question - how could giving your immune system a rest help you to survive the plague? Wouldn’t it be better to work it over time (thus making it stronger)?

Magpie, it’s awesome that you’re improving yourself. Diet and health(mental and physical) should be the foundation of any spiritual practice. I’m also trying to get my immune system up to par for the first time because I can’t shake the feeling that I’m REALLY going to need it in the next decade or so.

I agree with most things you say; I also disagree on some major topics. I think waiting for Lucifer to turn his attention our way to save our DNA(Cthulhu fhtagn!) is as much an error as the Christian idea of salvation: salvation doesn’t come from without, but within. It’s seems so fatalistic to believe that humanity will be destroyed, but if we yell loud enough, a space alien will save our DNA for later. That smacks of disinformation that can keep people from trying to make a meaningful effort to make the world the place it is meant to be.

I also disagree with your stance on eugenics. Culling the herd, killing the weak and worthless, is the tactic of a brutal dictator, not a being with our best interest in mind. Rather than making sure large segments of the population die horrible deaths, I believe a more noble goal would be to find a way to integrate them into a functional and sustaining system. We have the ability and technological potential to sustain everyone on Earth: it’s the people who believe it’s better to cull the herd that keep us from reaching that potential.

I’m still sceptical of Aaron Donahue. It seems he has information and disinformation mixed into together. I ask again, if he can win the lottery at will, why would he need anyone’s money? It doesn’t matter if the call is obligatory or not, if he doesn’t need your money he shouldn’t be asking for it. And you have to be skeptical of someone who throws a temper tantrum because enough people aren’t paying attention to him. He has a lot of good messages. He aslo seems to have some that are not so good. I’m interested in his show on practical revenge. In my opinion, revenge is never a good thing because it is just a way of satisfying the selfish calls of our ego. If we’re all one on some level, revenge is shooting yourself in the foot. And if we’re not, it’s still a waste of time and energy that can be expended in a more constructive fashion. Action may be necessary, but it shouldn’t be done out of revenge. Destruction vs. construction, and all that.

I assume he means strengthening your immune system to the point where it can effectively deal with contagion without having to struggle. You can effectively strengthen your immune system by keeping your body in a state of overall health with diet, excercise, and rest.

If everyone believes that some alien is going to come save our DNA, I am not even sure what exactly to say. Everyone is saying the lottery thing is amazing when it isn’t. I’m pretty sure I read that it was only 3 - 4 number draws. I have people come into work everyday and win those things .

It seemes more like he is using tradgedys as a way to get peoples attention - Hurricane Katrina for example. If something horrible happens and somebody claims they know why and that there is a bunch of mystical stuff going on behind the scenes doesn’t make it so. It just makes it sound absurd.

Absolutely ridiculous.

Your immune system is constantly under attack, and is constantly working because of dirty habbits human beings have such as touching our face. The number one way that bacteria and germs enter our body is from the fingernails - or “innoculation needles” - because of all the germs they pick in the daily routine.

A way to train yourself not to touch your face is to tie, say, an elastic band around the wrist and flick it everytime you touch your face so you assosciate it with the little bit of pain. This is said to be the number one way to improve your immune system, along with having clean hands.

We can only go on Aarons predictions, but he says that there will be no vaccine good enough, and the best chance to survive is to improve your immune system. With this i figure, what the hell - if he’s being decietful, the worst i’ve done is make myself healthier. This is also all backed up with supplement taking, and the inversion therapy not only decompresses the spine but increases blood circulation.

I am no remote viewer myself, but from what iv been told (both from aaron and people who have learnt it - there is a book coming out at a later date teaching how to view lotteries, for less than $10) reviewing numbers is extremely difficult. This is a fact i have heard from almost every other remote viewer out there, and as far as i know Aaron was the first to master it. And thus, remote viewing numbers is extremely difficult and its not just a case of seeing the numbers and thats it. From what i gather you actually get many sets of numbers, and theres a formula to determine which is the most probable outcome.

Aaron has said, you wont win enough to become rich, but you will win enough to live on.

The amount of time and effort that would be required just to win the money would take up a lot of time in the week, and the show would suffer because of all the time being taken to do this instead of the usual activities in preperation. And besides, Aaron despises money - devoting all that effort to money would disgust anyone.

Dont forget, this radio station has been free from the start. It all comes out of pocket anyway.

You’re telling me that correctly predicting SIX lottery draws in SIX consecutive days, and earning a living solely by these means is NOT something to take notice of?

Well no, I wouldn’t. And never would I completely trust someone because they predicted the lottery. It would take a lot more than that. Anyone who would use this souly to decide whether or not to believe someone is a legit is foolish.

The link below is his lottery winnings that he picked. If he wants to impress everyone then he can guess a lottery with many more numbers for a larger sum of money.

There are too many people trying to predict things. Here is a list of predictions that were supposed to happen this year:
myweb.tiscali.co.uk/aspie/trueor … wyear.html

This stuff can prove to be interesting. But there are a few problems with what Aaron is preaching. Namely:

It focuses on everything that’s wrong and ugly with the world but doesn’t offer solutions. It’s a case of “this this and this are happening, and Man is doomed.” Period. The end. It never gets into higher dimensional workings. ie, probable timelines, the fact that your personal frequency resonance vibration (FRV) determines which experiences you draw to yourself as well as which future timeline you wind up on. Are we all doomed to wind up on Aaron’s shroom / fungus / mold / black fly Earth-as-destroyed-moulton steam bath timeline? I doubt it. He does state that things still can be changed, but yet he never mentions FRV and timelines and all that. He doesn’t delve into it at all. Many details are left out in his dozens of articles lamenting about everything that’s wrong and ugly. Another case of “this this and this is wrong and f***** up, the end. So now go feel helpless and shitty about it.”

There’s one end of the spectrum which is to be a fluffy New Ager with your head in the clouds. There’s the other end which is total nilism I guess you could call it. I don’t know. I think the Donahue material falls towards the latter end of the spectrum. You will find many gems of truth in his material…but you will NOT walk away from it with solutions, or feeling inspired in any way. His material doesn’t encourage you to want to go out into the world to be the best person you can be, it just makes you feel deflated and helpless, like there’s no point in doing anything, we’re all doomed.

There’s also a lot of what I call talking out of two sides of one’s mouth. The material talks on one hand how The Powers That Be are feeding us fear at every turn, yet the material as a whole leaves one feeling helpless, down, depressed, hopeless, and yes…probably full of fear for many who read it. “The end is near!! Man is going to be annihilated! When we start to see those Rye mold spores, it’s all over for us and the entire planet!” The Donahues would probably argue that they’re not trying to instill fear…they’re being “realistic” here, that the situation is what it is, whether we are able to “face it” or not. But that’s talking out of two sides of the mouth, see?

And to that I say rubbish. There are multiple timelines, and there’s that something called “FRV” which determines which experiences you draw to yourself and where you wind up in life. Whether they realize it or not, they are promoting fear when they only focus on a limited, one dimensional view of reality…especially one that’s centered around demonology as his is.

I could dissect the material further, but I don’t feel much like it. In a nutshell I will say that everybody has their perspective and beliefs, we’re all entitled to them. But I personally think that his are just a BIT skewed. They lack the Bigger Picture broader understanding of things. I know he believes he’s got the Bigger Picture understanding because he remote views, has been visited by ET’s, and cavorts with Demons, (heck, he can get them to appear at will and pose for a photograph, taking on a roughly misshapen humanoid form in an effort to not scare him or the viewer!) but it seems more like he’s being led around on a leash by STS dark forces who are using him to dissemate disinformation. The material really speaks for itself. There’s not much else I could say that others won’t see for themselves if they go there and start really reading through it with an objective critical eye.

Again, there are many gems of truth to be found in the material, and it’s a fascinating, although downright depressing read, trying to wear us down to believe. So anyway, the mere fact that Aaron is so heavily involved in the occult and demonology and Luceriferianism ultimately means “You ain’t gettin’ the full picture here folks. You’re gettin’ what the demons and aliens who pal around with Aaron want you to get.”

Firstly, let me state that i understand that - as an “outsider” - you wouldnt have listened to any of the radio aaron archives. This is understandable.

And, as you mention he focuses on whats going to go wrong. Aaron has said before that he only tells people whats wrong so that they can fix it, but he wont tell people whats right so they can screw it up.

You say he tells us the bad news but theres no solutions, but his show is FULL of solutions. He doesnt just tell us whats going to happen, he tells us how to prevent it.

For example, and make of this what you will, but there was an incident a few months back with a typhoon that was heading into Tawain. Aaron said that Tawain and China would play a very important role in World War 3 (creating it and, consequencively, preventing it) and that if the Typhoon caused maximum damage it would set off a chain of events that would more or less garauntee world war 3 was inevitable (although i cant recall why, as for some un-specified reason this show was not released in the archives untill the show was cancelled, and ive not listened to it back yet). He wanted to demonstrate the power of the human mind by attempting to get his listening audience to drain the power of the typhoon. This has been attempted successfully before on many other shows such as Coast to Coast, with compelling results.

The results this time were that, during the course of the show, the Typhoon suddenly and unexpectadly stood still. Then it turned around completely, headed back to sea, then set back on its original path and went through tawain. The latterh appened when the show had ended, and by now it had been downgraded from a catagory 5 to a catagory 6. This was totally irrational and unexpected behaviour of the typhoon, and there were various weather reports at the time confirming this.

The demonstration here is that earth and the human being are connected. Many of you are under the impression that its a case of waiting for an alien to turn up and save us, which isnt true - there is a lot of work involved in getting there, and the power is within us all to evolve like we were supposed to, in terms of the brain and psychic/occult abilities. Lucifer is not an alien that is far away in this galaxy, but in another dimension. A cross of dimension is what would be required.

Many people believe in aliens with advanced technology. Many people are aware of the irreversable damage being done to the planet - and this is confirmed data. Many people believe that human DNA was manipulated to this point. Many people believe it was done by alien life forms. This is not as outrageous as you might think.

Its late, and i’ve been at work so im too tired to go into detail of ALL the solutions but i just wanted to clear up this misunderstanding that none were being given.