Variation on WILD

Hi. I was part of Dreamviews but unfortunately they shut down. Anyway, I have had limited success with LDing since I discovered in May of this year. However, there is a technique that I’ve used in the past (and am trying to reproduce results from) that has allowed me at least a few minutes of dream control.

Anyway, when I try to WILD during the middle of the night I can never seem to. When I do this in the mornings after a dream I can recall and I have time to I almost always get results. I often try it after dreams where there’s no real resolution before I wake up or if things were going in a direction I didn’t want them to go in.

When you wake up, don’t move around too much. Think about the last thing that happened in the dream. Rather than merely focusing on that, try to continue on with it. It’s important to remain focused when doing this. Continue to play the images in your mind and chances are that after a while you will fall back into the dream. Don’t try to do anything too fancy, just think about the first things that pop into your head.

My only problem with this is that I don’t realize when I’ve fallen back into the dream and so I’ve only had a certain amount of dream lucidity. More often than not I slip back into a normal dream, with me controling it for a time. Then my control slips and it’s just an average dream until I wake up again. However, it is effective for a while and I’m sure you can learn to retain lucidity during it. It’s very similar to WILD, I know, but for me it only seems to work at certain times under certain circumstances. Any responses on that?

Welcome :smile:

Yes I have used that technique as well.

Perhaps as you are laying there visualizing the dream you just had add something new to it as well. Imagine yourself becoming lucid and try and see yourself doing something you want to do in your dream like fly (just an example)

Also you could do the same thing you do with WILD. Visualize the dream you just left until you feel yourself drifting off to sleep. Then let go of the image and change you awareness to something else. For example you can visualize a simple object like a book or something and hold on to that. You could do the same with all the other methods as well counting, breathing etc.

Hope some of this helps.

Happy Dreaming

Hi Amethyst Star welcome!

its me Lucid Apple and jeff here.

Mmm milod gave some suggestions.
What i also do is practising at day time that iam dreaming, that has when u do it on a regular base the advantage that u dont think am i dreaming but you accept that way more easy. like oh yeah iam dreaming of course!~
And dont worry i wont mess up your normal life.
So i look around at day time and then say…wow what a detailed dream this is!" and not is this a dream? But u have to practise it often.

U can also try autosuggestion at night to get a ld right away when u fall a sleep. You just keep repeating in your head that your dreaming over and over and over. like…iam dreaming…iam dreaming. And quite fast. at least 2 times a second. At the same time try to fall a sleep.
I have then lds right after when i fall a sleep. i tested it by waking myself from the ld lol and i had only fallen a sleep 4 15 min yet at night.

hey amethyst…
this sounds almost the same as my post about the Dream Reentry Tech:
[url]Dream Reentry Technique]

I dont think it should be too hard to fit in here, but hopefully sum1 will get DVs back up and we can go back, so we wont have to fit in… well,hopefully…um…yeah…

DREAMVIEWS IS DEAD!!! WHY??? :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: