the dream world is accessible right now while awake
simply close the eyes
and think about your room,
and touch things in your room
and look at it
but the catch is that, these senses are maybe 5-50 % as strong as waking sense,
if they can become strong, through practice, if you can close your eyes and feel and sense, and understand, your room,
if you stare at, a cup, and stare at it a good long time, close your eyes and try to see it ,
then you can build your senses strong enough to WILD
then all you have to do , is go to sleep,
and notice the first time you feel an impulse to roll over :
and ask yourself
*have i slept very deeply ,
is it likely i will dream soon ?
if it is, then either don’t roll over! and imagine that you are doing things in a dream, touching walls, visualizing objects, feeling them,
or , if you want to, roll over, and practice,
when we are in a dream its easy to hold on to the dream, and say “dream dream help me stay”, but its harder to go the other way around, to say “waking world, waking world, go away, go away !”