Been browsing for ages and this site has helped a bunch, so thanks for that!
However I have a problem that’s proved to be my kryptonite for a while whenever trying wild or any relaxation etc. It’s that I experience a quite extreme “air hunger”, so much so that I have to yawn to get a satisfying breath in. This makes in ever so difficult to stay still or relax for a prolonged period of time.
If anyone can help I will be forever indebted to you.
I use a bit of lavender oil. Perhaps you can try that vaporub stuff or eucalyptus oil?
Make sure you are laying down in a position that does not impede breathing, you should be able to inhale as deep as you can without any discomfort in whatever position you are in.
I also do breathing exercises when I am going to sleep, inhale for a count of ten or fifteen though the nose and then exhale for a count of twenty to thirty or so out of the mouth. This series of deep breaths ensures your red blood cells will be richly saturated with delicious oxygen
Here’s the topic where mattias posted a link about yawning. Read it, it sure provides and interesting information.
I would also suggest to do breathing exercises to enrich your brain with oxygen like quiXote suggested. And you should let fresh air into your bedroom before sleep time… This might help…
Thanks for the replies! I’ll definitely try out some exercises although as I said I find it difficult to get a satisfying breath at night so the deep ones may be difficult!
The yawning article was really interesting, I’ll try and turn what I seen as negative into a positive and if it increases cognitive ability it will surely help with wild!