Thank you valkyr! How did you donate, by paypal or bank transfer? that way I know where to look out for it :smile:

It was bank transfer :slight_smile:

thank you. That will take a couple of days to be completed. I’ll keep an eye out :happy:

Thank you valkyr, I have gotten it today :woot:

Donated $20 USD via paypal… might take a few days to clear :wink:

Thank you Akorah! :happy: I’ll wait with adding it until it has cleared :smile:

I will donate when I eventually manage to get access to my bank account… Which will be another 5 years… Sorry.

lol i have no money… well i have a dollar on the floor right there but that doesn’t count…I will convince my mom to let me donate whatever money i have somewhere if need be. she owes me 40 dollars accually…she has to stop stealing my money… i am not kidding even. i went to camp and she let me keep whatever money i had left then she stole it…

opolious keep ur money with you or keep it somewhere she wont find it…she shouldnt steal from you…if she keeps it up then tell her to go get a job

I will hold you to that. :puh: :clock:

May I ask if/how the dollar/euro exchange rate is taken into account?
Especially since (as of lately) 1€ = 1.5$ (1.48 at the moment).
And, if fundraising takes about 1 year, there is reasonable exchange rate risk involed (at least if a significant amount of donations is in euro’s) right?
In this case: (for example) if a large part of the donations are in euro’s, and they are not yet exchaged for dollars, the euro’s of januari/june are worth more than 110% in dollars now.
If the exchange rate would have declined, the reverse would have been true.

It is almost impossible to keep the right ‘value’ up-to-date (unless euro donations are exchanged immediately for the (at that moment) current rate, especially if payments have to be made monthly, but nevertheless can make a big difference. For example: the $1248 were equivalent to about €945 at the beginning of this year and are equivalent to €843 today (I know, since the money in my pokeraccount ($) is worth 10% less … :neutral: ).

So I wonder, any exchange rate specialism/hedging involed here? :tongue:

I generally use the rate 1.2 to convert, but lately I use 1.3 or 1.35, since paypal also takes off a fee, and the exchange rate of paypal is a bit less than the official one.

So if someone donates in euro’s, i convert that into dollars immediately, to calculate. If you donate in euro’s through paypal, it stays in my account as euros, until I have to make a payment. At that time, paypal converts it to dollars. But right now my paypal account is empty and the money comes from my bank account, through paypal.

I pay the hosting per month. But it is easier to have a fundraiser for a whole year instead of doing one for every month.

:peek: If you are the PM that donated recently, (thank you :happy: ) I used 1.35 as exchange rate :wink: I made a calculation error, that’s why it may seem that you donated less, but I discovered I made a small error in the calculation, before it would all add up to $1240, while it has to add up to $1248.

Thanks for the quick and clear response.
It appeared to me as if you had some kind of system in which you would wait for the last moment to convert everything, which is kind of unpredictable (esp. over the course of a year) :content:. But now I get it.

And thank you for an informative and useful website/forum.

Here I just donated 35$ via PayPal. Said that much more was needed, not sure. :wink:

woo! Thank you Somnio Forte! :woot: :yay:

We are now officially on ZERO :happy: :happy: :happy:

Thank you everyone who donated! :twirl:

All donations I receive after this will go towards the hosting for 2008 :smile:

weeee , its always amazing :twirl: that this functions :woot:

I am going to give a wild stab in the dark and say, that the 2008 fundraiser is soon to come! :happy: hehe…

2008 fundraiser soon? Well, I must get saving… and maybe I’ll have enough for the 2010 fundraiser!

Finally!! We made it!!! Thank you all who donated…I would if only I had a pay pal and my parents would allow it. :happy: :twirl: :twirl: Can’t wait for the 2008 one!

for paypal you have to have a credit card or atleast a normal bank account i think…