What Book Are You Reading? - Part VIII

started The Lovely Bones, which i’m liking so far very very much.

Advanced Magick for Beginners, by Alan Chapman; Illusions, by Robert Bach (of which I finally could get a hold of a paperback copy).

I just finished Diary of a Drug Fiend (again) and now have started reading (for a second time) The Book of Thoth - the Egyptian Tarot. Both works are by Aleister Crowley.

Both good books. :smile: I never got around to printing that copy of Book 4; I should do it this week so I have what to read when I’m done with Chapman.

I just started reading The Odyssey - I’d read pieces of it for school, but not all the way through. It’s very pretty. You don’t really get a sense of that with the little chiseled-out bits they put in textbooks, I guess.

Hey, I’m reading that too. But I’m reading for school, and I don’t get to read past where the teacher tells us to stop at. I also like it, but I’m not that far into it yet and I still think that the Iliad was better.

/me had the opportunity to read portions of the Odyssey in their original language.

Not all from the same MS, of course, but still a beautiful read. Although I’ll always prefer the Iliad—reading the Iliad was actually a turning point in many subtle aspects of my life. I changed my attitude towards things a little because of that book.

Right now I’m reading Stephen Ambrose’s Band of Brothers, and Arthur Schopenhauer’s The World as Will and Representation (Idea).

I’m also going to read Franz Kafka’s The Metamorphosis (Die Verwandlung).

Are the first 3 books worth reading? I sometimes have a problem with work that has been ‘challened’ from otherworldly entities!

you know, i was always a big Odyssey pusher for the longest time: “The Odyssey is better- it’s more exiting, it’s more enjoyable, blah blah blah.” It took two readings of the Iliad a few years apart for me to change my mind, but when i did, it was drastic.

The Iliad is superior >:3

The first two are alright. I learnt a bunch new meditation techniques from the first Couldn’t quite wrap my head around the whole system therein described, but it looks like a rather barroque attempt at a roadmap to enlightenment. The second book is a rather complete reference for ceremonial magic, outlining its symbolic instruments and all with the occasional insight. The third book is a must-read to any and all enthusiasts of magic, not a very generous introduction due to its language and internal logic, but an excellent book for intermediate students of magic. The fourth book is pretty much good old Liber AL with a couple bonus tracks; nice to have, no big deal.

Tell us more about your readings of the Iliad, then!

Μῆνιν ἄειδε·θεά·Πηληιάδεω Ἀχιλῆος;

I’m currently reading,

The New Psychology of Body Language by Geoffrey Beattie,

The Art Of War by Sun Tzu, (for like the 10th time)

and, A Confederacy of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole (thanks for that Win Laik Pya, it’s looking good so far :content: )

oh, and I have to flip through some army stuff now and again :thud:

I’m reading “Lucid Dreaming: Gateway to the Inner Self” By: Robert Waggoner.

I’m a beginner in lucid dreaming, actually just started last month. I have had a couple lucid dreams in the past, but just recently started exploring it in depth. So far I’ve had 3 since I began really diving into it, and it’s incredible.

This book touches on the possibilities that lucid dreaming can open up for you, and makes it even more amazing. Most of what I wanted to achieve through my dreams is touched upon in decent detail.

I highly suggest this read, for the starter or advanced lucid dreamer. :smile:

So far this is my all time favorite LD book as well! I’ve zoned into the healing aspect of LDing, and the book actually discovers that topic as well.
Check out his website, you can actually ask a question and he answers it. Pretty cool in my opinion! Enjoy!

Yes, the site is great too. He seems to really enjoy his work, and that makes a huge difference in any field.

I also highly recommend the site to anyone who has interest!

here it is - https://www.lucidadvice.com

Right now im reading

House of the scorpion by Nancy Farmer. (awesome book, im reading it for the 5th time)

Sunwing by kenneth oppel(also an awesome book that im reading for the 5th time)

Dragon Moon by Carole wilkinson (continuation of 2 awesome books, havent read this one yet)

and of course,

Speedsolving the cube by Dan Harris(learning all the algorithms in here)

Cool, I just downloaded this book a week ago but haven’t gotten into it yet.

I’m a very unorganized reader; I’ll read a few books at a time and just take forever:


Now and Forever by Ray Bradbury
Johnathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach
The Quest of the Holy Grail translated by P.M. Matarasso

Have recently read:
Moby Dick, by Herman Melville
The Surprising Adventures of Baron Munchhausen, by Rudolf Erich Raspe.

Currently reading:
Ficciones, by Jorge Luis Borges, and he is a freaking genius. You may want to have a look at one of the stories in there in particular.

Ficciones is sublime.

tox: I made the whole forum read Ficciones once or twice. By the whole forum I’m being an italo-Brazilian and meaning I made a couple more people than the cosmos had planned at first read Ficciones. It was book of the month and all; also sneaks into the Cloud whenever appropriate. I believe I made Win Laik Pya read Calvino on a similar context? (Si una notte d’inverno un viaggiatore, this time: because I’m too hip to force Città down peoples throats without ensuring they acquire the taste for Calvino first :razz:).