What huge dreamsign have you missed lately Part IIX

Talking animals… O_o

I wrote a math test (I already did that IRL, I even got the mark for it!) and one of the exercises was: “Write down one or two dreams you had recently.”

…Seriously? I mean… math and dreams?! :ohno:

I recently had a dream where my sister had a book just like my DJ. I ask her about it and we proceed to talk about Lucid dreaming. In the dream Im trying to convince her that lucid dreaming is actually real and that Ive been doing it lately, but at no point did I become lucid during the dream. :neutral:

recently i’ve had a dream in wich i was trying a new lucid dreaming technique.
it consisted in running around the city with closed eyes and moving your arms like you want to fly.
while doing this technique i realized that i was looking through my eyelids.
after thinking about that some seconds i said to myself that probably it was just my imagination.
oh, and it was in venice, and at some point i began to walk on the water :cool_laugh:
and i teleported myself two times, too :ack:
and i didn’t even think about dreaming during this :wallhit:

Finding myself holding on to the back of a radio control car as it drags me down a snow covered and bright white sidewalk full speed. Just got to my feet when it was over and continued with the dream, lol.

I dreamt that I was trying to find my locker at school, as I was dreaming I remember thinking to myself “Ive had this happen in dreams before, but I never imagined it would happen in real life!” Doh!

My story about a dream I had today…

So I was in a crowd of people. I guess it was some sort of party or meeting. There was a table with many papers, booklets etc. on it. I’ve read what’s written on them:

“Is this the real life?”, “Is this a dream?”, “Are you alive” and other nonsense stuff. However, I just decided to do a RC just in case. Since there were a lot of people, I couldn’t really pinch my nose or try to stick my finger trough my palm, because I would look silly. So I just went to a quiter place. Just as I was about to do a RC, a silly DS just began jumping around me, taunting me and preventing me to do a RC. I got mad at him and chased him around. Soon enough I forgot about what I was going to do… There goes a potential LD :sad:

Those stupid DS’s. Sometimes you really want to destroy them. Any similar stories? :happy:

Let me write a book…
Seriously. I am so stupid when it comes to recognizing that I am dreaming. I have even had dream characters come up to me and tell me that I’m dreaming, without realizing it.
And I have this thing I do sometimes in my dreams and it annoys the heck out of me. I stop in the dream and think, for example I all of a sudden stop and think “Hmm wait, didn’t I do this yesterday?” or “I’d better tell mom about that 'cause she was asking about it!” Such obvious dream signs!! Argh!

Heh, I had one DS that I expected…

I was working with my cousin on his site and there was mud on the back of the house where we were working that day and I tell myself that I will probably dream about that as result of - day residue.

And that was 2 days before, but yesterday we were working again at that site and there was still mud and this night I was dreaming that I get to class and friend ask me why I have so dirty shoes and I told here that’s because I was working at cousins site few hours before… :eh:

a talking wolf with a badge on it that read “born to kill”

A teacher who tried to convince me and a whole class that lucid dreams don’t exist (it was actually the school subject);
I argued angrily against her.

And nope, I didn’t get lucid.

There’s this video game called “Fable”. I almost always dream about the towns in the game. I just now realized that this was a good dreamsign.

I was going to play golf with Ashton Kutcher (watched all the new episodes of Two and a half men recently), and damn… he didnt have any money to pay the run :tongue:!

Masswatching tv-series is making it natural that actors pop up in dreams

  1. I was in an airplane, and suddendly, it fell into a boat. We took off like an helicopter.
  2. I was running in my house, looking for my parents but I didn’t find them :confused: . I asked myself:“Is it a dream?” I tried a RC who failed :cry: . It failed because this dream was so realistic, I thought it was real.

I noticed there was no gravity while hanging on the side of a tall building. Didn’t make me lucid, though.

I read a book about dreams. I think it even had the word lucid, too.

I was in my dads car and their was a router in their with the name Lucid, It didn’t even cross my mind I was dreaming but I thought about all types of LD stuff. 3

I managed to get teleported and said “man this is cool, too bad it only happens in dreams”. :rc:

Gah. :neutral:

1: I flew around.

2: I realized that I just drove our car all the way through our city without getting caught by the police even though I’m not allowed to drive a car yet.

3: I tried to fly because there were some giant mosters and I had to take a closer look at them because I was some kind of protector. Trying to fly by flapping my arms didn’t work well, so I simply created myself a couple of wings.

These three happened in separated dreams tonight and I didn’t even thought of draeming! :ohno: Oh well, time to start with LL again…

DC: “Hey aren’t you dreaming?”
Me: “No, because I’m awake here right now.”
DC: “K.”

Obviously I will need to start my Dream Journal again. :wallhit: