What huge dreamsign have you missed lately Part VII

tell the truth, all my dreams have dream signs :smile: i just NEVER notice them. grrr…oh well…anyways heres some popular ones.

  1. flying’
  2. time keeps changing
    3.change of angle from where im looking
    4.mythological animals and people
    way more but those are the ones that happen the most

Last night I had such an obvious one. It really shows that I’m out of practice right now…

I was in my sister’s bedroom, and one of our cats was hiding in a pile of plush toys. He jumped out, and was blue, with the patterns of one of my tablecloths all over his body. I noticed him and said to a friend “Paddy’s blue, is he supposed to be that color?” I thought nothing of it.

I became lucid much later in the dream, at the very end just before I woke up, but seriously…

  1. I haven’t been at “home” (Netherlands) in months
  2. Our cat is definitely NOT blue, and I already wondered about the color
  3. My sister moved out of the house even before I left for the US

Made me chuckle upon remembering it, though. :razz:

I was on a big parking lot of some college, the building was separated in some kind of sections and one of the sections had a big, very big sign that says with gold letters Lucid [there was something else on the sign but I don’t remember what exactly], and as I was walking by this section I looked at the sign, continue to walk but then I returned back at I was looking at the sign a little bit more, and never realized what was trying to say to me! :grrr:

My phone rang but I was in an FA when I set the phone to new 90 minutes and when I woke up for real no timer was set :dginding: :grrr:

-We were still rehearsing Beauty and the Beast even though the show was over

-I had a talking hamster who behaved like a dog

Actually, I had quite the night of screwed up dreams when I got sick a while back.

Logged on to LD4all and posted a reply about how important RC’s are >.<

That is… wow

Fell asleep reading Writerscube’s DJ. Had a dream where a vendor was selling giant metal slinkies and commented on how much Cross would have liked that.

My sister’s hamster died, but I found him alive in a dream and said “Oh, I guess he’s not that after all” :dingy:

I also miss a lot of dreamsigns. Recently:

Yesterday night: I was fighting an enormous, white snow-monster. I had no weapons and was loosing. I closed my fists and i got knives between my fingers, like wolverine. I attacked the monster again, and it began to bleed. I finished him off and he melted down.
How many times have i fought a snow-monster IRL? :dingding: How can i be i`ve not even noticed it???

There was an eclipse (I saw it from my room, everything was completely clear and lifelike) and I noticed everything as normal… So this was interesting because I haven’t seen any other eclipse in the past 10 years (the last I saw - but that from TV :razz: - was in 1999 in August) I miss many dreamsigns (also I am a passive LDer this is the answer why I can’t realize I’m dreaming. Simply noticing everything as normal.) :bored:

Yet again couldn’t type. I was trying to put it a * to enter a special code to destroy a horde of zombies (???), but every time I hit the key silver palm trees appear in its place.

My village was invaded by the Germans… and I went to stop them with my machine gun :uh:

I miss about 100 dreamsigns every night ^^

Like last night I had a dream in which i flew on a broomstick, totally normal?

Last night I was driving in my car thinking what kind of dream signs I should look for if this would be a dream. I couldn’t find any, eventhough I was suddenly riding my bike instead of my car. It never crossed my mind that it actually could be a dream.

Once, I dreamt I was in a grocery store with my girlfriend and she was teaching me how to use telekinesis. :dingding: Then I was practicing on slices of bread. Seemed totally normal… When I woke up, I was like: “How could I miss that!”

sigh I did a reality check last night and found I had eight fingers…It just didn’t hit me; I kept recounting my fingers over and over until I got the number 5. :ack:

There were only 5 people (including myself) in #ld4all :tongue:

a chair and my backpack in university suddenly got on fire for no reason whatsoever. I was more worried about picking up my stuff. Then me and the professor blew on the fire until it turned off. I was watching amazed as a few spots that remained scorched in the chair “un-burned”, it was like burning, but in reverse. Then I was at junior high (long ago gone) and was wondering when would it be time to leave. So I look at the first clock I have ever seen in a dream, and it was a watch on my right wrist. It was analog, and the only number I remember is 5, which was where 10 normally is. Then I thought it was weird that it “wasn’t” 2:30 pm, tough I actually couldn’t read the time since the hands were never more than 3 seconds in the same place. Then I thought it was weird, and attempt looking at the clock again. This time, it’s digital. Now it’s truly unreadable, I think it still showed numbers, but they changed so fast it was unreadable. Then it striked me! I must be dreaming! Tough it wasn’t because of the dream sings, it was because it was not 2:30 pm, even tough I wanted it to be that time. Then I hyperventilated and made a high pitched sound just as I said not to overexcite. I was afraid that could make me lose the dream, so I decided to walk downstairs backwards with my eyes closed in the main stairs of the school. When I opened my eyes, I was back in the neighborhood in which I grew up, with some guy from university who does not live in my town. I interpreted this as “I lost the dream and woke up” and I forgot the rest of the dream or woke up.

IRC dream where Wyvern said I might be dreaming and I thought it was a joke :razz: