What I Want to Dream about Tonight

cave location
become lucid :thumbs:
talk to DCs :thumbs:
ask DCs their names :thumbs:
do they have anything to tell me (except for that :ebil: DC )
labyrinth proper
hippo, fix and fear
siiw :thumbs:

so quite successful :yay:
link to Questioning Dream Characters TILD :tongue:

wow, good job moogle!

Lets see…I want to:
Send a message to Astraea (Chronicler mission)
Transfrom into a draconian
Fly into the sky
Transfrom into a thunder cloud
Shoot myself as lightning across the sky
Transform back into a draconian, landing on Sky Island
Summon as many of the Chroniclers as I can (especially Astraea, Wyvern, MMN, and Shatter)
Go exploring or flying with them

My philosophy is that “If you shoot for the sky, you may fall on Sky Island.” :tongue:

If I could I would love to dream of hanging out with some of my long lost friends. The ones that moved away from, or the ones from my childhood that I lost connection with, and the ones I met on vacation or at camp.

If not that then I would like to dream of outer space :universe: or heaven and hell. :tempted:

Tonight i’d like to dream about Racing, i had the chance to play the Gran Turismo HD demo today, so now its in my mind, hopefully that will lead to a Racing based dream.

If not that, some type of fantasy adventure would be cool

tonight/tomorrow night I want to lucid dream my CALD characters. That’s my number one priority.

I want to remember my quest to give hippo the gift. Which will make me lucid at some point during the dream.
First I will get to the labyrinth … probably by teleporting to a save crystal so I can carry on the dream from where i left off last time. :content:
Then I will find a stuffy and ask it to guide me to hippo.
When i get to hippo I will give him his christmas gift

I want to dream about TERABITHIA!!
L :happy: L
I just saw the movie and i loved it!

Sorry if this seems like a one liner.

I want to dream about my fears mainly. A specific might be coasters, so to ride one that goes way way up and drops! :content: Another would be to fight someone, which I can’t say I fear it, but I have never been in a fight before so I am curious. Fear is one of the main pillars in which help hold up my willpower to keep trying to lucid dream. I would love nothing more than to overcome hopefully my fears in life.

So then, I would choose tonight to dream of riding an amusement park ride without freaking out. A fast one, while lucid of course.

I want to dream about my mind character and get to know him better. Find my Spirit Guide(s) and have a blast with them. I want to talk to my subconscious too at some point. I also want to do one of the Quest so I can get the reward. I would like to fight in a WWII battle and be on the American side, I shall be invincible! :ebil:

I want to fight someone too.

But, not like just any old fight, but one with superpowers. I want to dream that I can shoot fire from my hands, jump very high, and summon monsters to fight at my side.

Tonight, I want to go into space. I wish to visit foreign galaxies after looking at the earth from orbit. All of this I will do after I speak to God in my dream. After I see space, I want to witness the beginning and the end of the world. I wish to speak with Adam, Eve, and Jesus. I want to witness Man being tempted by the serpent, and just for kicks, convince Man otherwise. After all this, if some how I can stay Lucid this long, I want to speak to many DCs and ask some if they could aid me in my future dreams to remind me that I’m dreaming. If I still have time, I want to fight zombies, but only the ones from 28 Days Later and 28 Weeks Later, those look like a challenge.

Fight with hands and feet, in rythm of a music :tongue:

I want to have an LD! starts saying mnemonics I will LD tonight…
But it’d be nice to dream about time travel, I’ve always wanted to do that hums Back to the Future theme song

My biggest wish and my biggest goal when it comes to LD’ing it is to get Lucid and fly around.

Was posted in the wrong topic - “Guys You Would Love to dream About” - moved it into one more suited to the post content :moogle:

For my ND I would love to dream about beautiful landscapes and skys,just staring at them and keep breathing ! :happy: and also dream about stuff that can help me in the real life.

Tonight, I want to dream about a monastery in the mountains. I want to see how the monks tend to their land, which animals they keep, what kind of crop they have. I want to visit a village underneath that mountain, enter a small house at the edge of it, and see how a little red-haired orphan and her aunt live, how the villagers treat them, which possesions they have. Tonight, I want to dream of a red dragon, sleeping peacefully on the desk of a monk, a fire mage. I want to know what it wants to eat when it awakens. Why it likes peaches. Where it wants to fly. Why it feels sad.

I would love to dream about that beautiful school girl that i met today ! :smile:

I would like to meditate and focus on healing energies half the time. And I would like to meet my phobias, height and balancing, snakes, but most of all the scarecrow and the dead kid which spew snakes into my mouth, and respond with calm, clear thoughts of what I am seeing. Ask it what it represent, and merge with it.

I would not like to endulge in meaningless sexual activities… :bored:

Snakes are a lot like cats, they don’t pick fights but they also don’t take crap from anybody. I’m convinced that you’ll be able to find a friendly snake in your dreams. :cool:
Spiders are my fear, last night I had a nightmare where a bunch of spider-tanks attacked me in an underground cavern. Normally spider-tanks aren’t particularly creepy to me because they’re bulky military materiel, but these ones put particular emphasis on ‘spider’. Sickly white transluscent outer shell with a large number of sharp implements and movements putting the things smack in the center of the uncanny vally; I was basically fighting giant biomechanical spiders, and I didn’t have any sort of weapon or sidearm so I was making a pretty poor show of it. Tachikoma would make much better hosts, so I’m shooting to meet one of them if I can.