what is the 1st dream you remember? Part II

My first dream that I can recall is that my brother took my Mom’s car and I was in it, and he drove us away and we got lost and it was really scary!

I always got scared afterwards if I was ever in a car with him because I was afraid he would get us lost lol!

The first dream I can remember or always remember concided with watching Nightmare on Elm Street. In the dream I was in a forest it was snowing and almost nighttime I could see a log cabin up a head and when I reached the log cabin I looked into the window. My parents and sister where bound and freddie was standing behind them looking at me and just as he went to stab my mother I woke up.

Bare in mind I was 8 at the time that was the only dream I ever had that had anything to do with the horror movies I watched.

First dream I can remember has to be the one were I fall down the stairs in my grandmother’s house.
I had that one like a million times, and it always had deferent colors on everything.

Or the one were Pac-Man eats me.
Can’t remember which one of them came first XD

I cannot remember the first dream I remembered just after waking up anymore, but the first dream I still know is that two monsters play with me, like I would be a ball, in my dark bedroom. That nightmare would come back a few times too, but it was not all that scary. :content:

I think the earliest dream I remember was when I was really young. I was either 4 or 5 years old. It had to do with Power Rangers. They were all there in their outfits and I was a baby in a black Power Rangers outfit. haha.

I’m not sure what my first dream was but it was either one of these:

I stood on top of a trash can and the FBI and the Police were looking for me. (But I hid under a blanket and they couldn’t find me)

or it could be either the little mermaid dream i had (in my DJ)

or it could of ben the “Under The Tree” dream (also in my DJ)

Oh, I can not recall which one happened first, but here are a few of my earliest dreams, all of which were recurring (age 3-5):

  1. My mom and other adults would force me into my brother’s room. There was a fog on the floor. In the fog (which I was always above) there were snakes. I was not frightened by the snakes, they were just there. The adults forced me (not physically, just something was pulling me toward them) over to a bench they were sitting on and they were trying to make me drink some poison. I woke up.
  2. (A fun one) In the front yard of the house, there were three helicopters. All three were just my size. There was a blue one, a green one and a pink one. Each had animated daisies painted on them (Just the flower part, no stems or leaves, like you see in the 60’s “peace” posters, etc.). I would get in one and just fly around. It was fun!
  3. Giants lived in my house. All the furniture was the same, but I was about 3 inches tall, and they were seemingly giants, but maybe they were regular size and I was just small. I had to hide from them.
  4. I was normal size, but I held in my hand a small boy, about 8 years old. He was standing and his feet were maybe a quarter of an inch long.
  5. I would be playing in my front yard. In the distance was a crane (like they use to build tall buildings) with a big cast iron looking half sphere hanging from the end of it’s “arm”. It would come closer and closer to me and cover me with the big “bowl” and everything would just go black. It was kinda scary, but I recall just being bored in there in the dark, then I would wake up.
  6. I would be playing in my front yard and all the cars in the neighborhood would start up and come and try to run me over.
  7. This is the first lucid dream I recall. I was about 3 or 4 years old. This was back when Star Trek was first on. Not the re-runs, but the original with James T. Kirk as Captain!
    I was on the bridge of the Starship Enterprise. I knew I was dreaming and that I could do what I wanted, so I made Lt. Uhura’s eyeshadow change from blue to green. It worked!

There are many more, but this is enough for now! I believe I am the oldest to post on this topic!

I don’t remember how old I was, but I think this is the earliest dream I can remember.

I was in a weird, circular room. Everything was yellow. The walls were filled with doors, and every time I tried to open one, a monster came out. I opened more doors, and more monsters came. I knew they were after me, but they didn’t seem to come closer, so I opened more doors. Eventually, I found a door with no monster behind. I left the room through it, and found myself out in the desert. Plastic native Americans and cowboys in different colours were fighting each other, and then the dream ended.

It’s either that one or another in which I flee from a girl with very long nails, by flying away.

My first dream I remember was when I was in a hospital. I had 4 years old then and was dreaming about home.

The earlies dream I can remember is a childhood nightmare. I think this dream used to haunt from time to time… I was a little frightened by northern lights at that time… hehe.

I’m standing outside my old house at night, and I’m watching the northern lights burning on the clear black sky. I hear a dark voice. I think they’re talking to me… Can’t remember…

I was about four and i dreamt i was holding a plastic sledge over my head and was floating across the living room

The first dream I can recall was a nightmare. I was maybe six or something and there was an alien and it was really scary. Haha :alien: :nuu:

i remember when i was very young i had a recurring dream where i would have the view from the top of the staircase in my house. On one side of the staircase was a remote controlled car :razz:

but the slightly scary bit was that everything was white apart from the car… and where there was meant to be stairs… there was a sheer drop to the bottom :O. every time i would walk off the edge and wake up before i hit the bottom.

The first dream i can recall from starting my quest for Lucidity is one where i was racing a newer model Mazda Miata around a Mountain road, where the perspective was more 3rd person than anything (Similar to the top panel in this page)

Sound was muffled, along with a few other things, you can look it up in my DJ

Hahaha, my earliest dream was an interesting one… :content:

I think it took place when I was about seven, maybe eight years old. It took place in this huge, fluffy cloud-land place with this huge sign labeled “Dreamland” in front of the town. I thought it was really cool to be there, and I started exploring. The one thing I remember most about Dreamland was that there was a HUGE Burger King there. I decided to go in and get a bite to eat, when I noticed that it wasn’t a normal BK! Not only was it three stories tall, but there was this gigantic purple slide that people were riding all the way down to the first floor from the third floor. I was excited and I wanted to go down it too, so I started up the steps to get to the third floor. All of a sudden, though, I saw two people on the slide who I just had to meet: Mario and Luigi! They were whooshing down the slide, laughing. I ran over and said hello, and they were happy to meet me. Then I went up to the third floor and slid down the slide myself–it was fun! :twirl: After I’d eaten, I left the Burger King and went to the main plaza of Dreamland. There was this huge, beautiful fountain there with porcelain dolphins in it. My neighbor’s daughter (not the same neighbor I have now, she moved away a long time ago) was there at the fountain, and she said “Welcome to Dreamland. Do you like it so far?” I nodded happily and told her I wished I could stay there forever. :content: But that was when I woke up. :sad:

Hee hee, yep, a strange and girly dream. I remember it so vividly because I told my brother about how cool Dreamland was and I remember that for the longest time after that, we’d both sleep in the living room, wishing to have a dream in Dreamland and meet each other there. :aww: I didn’t learn about actually controlling my dreams until years and years later, and I still swear to this day that when I have my first high-level LD, Dreamland is where I’m going to go. :yes:

The first dream I remember was a while ago, cause I was still living with my older brothers.

My brothers and I are hiding in the bathroom from this zombie-skull-ghost thing :eek: . It is banging on the door, and he have it locked and are holding it closed. However, it is not giving up :cry: . We realize this and pull to door open, running past it into the living room. I suddenly have an idea: I could turn off the light, then it’d be so dark it wouldn’t find us! I turn it off, and everything goes pitch black. I wake up.

This was actually pretty scary at the time lol. It was probably brought on by the fact that my brothers used to taunt me by putting on the game Resident Evil, cause it scared the bejebus out of me lol.

The first dream i can recall was a lucid one (befor i knew about LD). I was in a place ment to be my house and i showed some people i was dreaming. I turned on the tv a sign saying ‘Dream world’.

The earliest dream I remember is from when I was about three. There was this giant in our front yard, and it was lying down, and it looked like me and my sister had somehow tied it down with ropes (that were so tiny it looked like string), and now we had to hide in the back of our old car, staring out the back window, afraid it was going to wake up. We were dressed in this Robin Hoodsey style outfits, complete with green felt cap and a red feather. It was really wierd, and I remember running into my mom and dad’s room and sleeping with them for the rest of the night.

I think the first dream i ever rememebr would have to be the week that my dreams were the same…i was probebly around 4 cause my parents were still together hmm…

every night i went to bed and i dreamt that i was in my bed…???..oh yes and i saw a monster peek out from my window so i ran as fast as i could to my dads room and then the monster i saw was chasing me and then i looked back and he was gone and then i went back to my room and he was lying in my bed…just emagin a big fat ogre like monster the size of my bed and as fat as 2 beds put together…OMG…you know what i just realised? i THINK these were Lucid Dreams!..HMM makes you think.

I’m told i told my mother, at not quite three years of age, that i wanted “the toy aeroplane that Papa had hid under the bed”. She knew that was not possible since there was no such toy and my dad had not bought it nor ever hid any toy under my bed. She kept telling me i had dreamt it. That is when i learned about a parallel world where fantastic things happened while we slept. The following night i dreamt i found the aeroplane and i could get really small, ride it and fly around the room and even out into the garden!. I actually remember this. Of course, the fact that my mother wrote this down, helped me anchor this memory forever.