what is the 1st dream you remember? Part II

haha wow, I think the earliest dream I can remember was when I was 3. It was quite funny actually. It was one of the only dreams I had where I wasn’t myself. I was in the form of a bat, I lived in this strange castle where a scientist lived. I was flying around, and when the owner came home I just remember saying “Whats up doc?! Huh!? I’ve been waiting?! What are we gonna do next?! Im sooo bored!! Let’s do something :biggrin:” Very abnoxious but it was funny XD

That’s all :tongue:

I don’t remember when the dream took place, I want to say before Kindergarten. I know there were others because I remember talking about them, but here’s my first visual memory, which is also one of my only nightmares I’ve ever had.

I was on stage, and there was this scary old lady dressed up in a daisy costume :confused: . I was in a ballerina outfit and the lady was screaming at me, holding a whip. I started crying on stage and she screamed more. (it was a 3rd person dream)

The next dream I can remember vividly was actually a series of reoccurring dreams that overall formed a story. It was in 1st grade, and the dreams involved me swapping places with my friend in each dream, and we were stuck in each others bodies. I was actually freaked out and talked to my 1st grade teacher, who helped me control the dream so I could finish the “story.”

It’s tied between which one came first…I’ll post both.

This was about 2 or 3.I was at this weird place and my mom was waving to me from a train leaving me with my dad.(I liked my mom more than my dad back then.)I was crying.

#2:I was in a house and there was a clock.It chimed 12 and I died.(Simple, isn’t it?)

A nightmare when I was really little.
Me and my mum were at some kind of worksite and there was a troll with a noisy electric drill… I was playing with my mum’s ring or something, and it fell into the hole he was in, I was screaming, crying, begging for him to get it for me, but he refused, said the work was important and for me to go away. The feelings were so messed up, I felt awful about it.
I wonder if it was her wedding ring and had something to do with me being half the reason for them divorcing, although that was a dream when I was like 5 or something…o_O

Hmmm… I don’t think I cared much about dreams as a kid, so I didn’t remember them all. But the earliest I can remember… is just strange. I’ve never watched the show Beetlejuice in my entire life (the cartoon version), but I must’ve seen a commercial for it…
Anywho, I was in a new church (except it was my school) and my mom led me to my Sunday school class (my classroom). Inside I noticed all the kids looked really sad. The teacher told my mom everything was going to be okay, then went over the rules. No one was allowed to breathe, talk, eat, or sleep inside the room or Beetlejuice would come out and do something bad. xD; So I held my breath and went in, but I forgot and ate a cookie or something. Then he popped out of a drawer and I had to marry him. Then I woke up. :sad:

There’s two dreams I remember from when I was a young kid (I must have been about 5). Both nightmares. And I would have these nightmares over and over again. I don’t remember how long it lasted, but it wasn’t like 5 times, noo…

  1. I’ve been seing or feeling something in the corner near the ceiling in the room (hallucination, I guess you can say that). I have no clue what it was. As far as I remember it looked like a potato to me then. I tried to calm down once because I didn’t want to wake my mom, I even got up, sat down on the side of my bed but I was in great terror, the thing just made me panic and I couldn’t calm down even thoughI knew it was a nightmare and that thing wasn’t real. :sad: I also used to speak in a weird language during these nightmares (which I don’t remember myself).

  2. I was an observer and I could see people walking on a street (in 2D), everything seemed so calm and then suddenly everything went into a hasher. Terrifying that was… :sad:

this was a dream that i can hardly remember and have had it twice once when i was 2 and once when i was 3. (or maybe 3 and 4)

im in my lving room, its a bright dayi hear something i look up to see a squiril on a telephone wire. it looks at me and runs twoards this carwash i live across the street from. it gets shot 3 times in the head by a random guy with a bolt action rifle. maybe a bb gun, i start to cry, the squiril to me (although i have killed before (pigeons )) was too young and innocent, it didnt deserve to die. it had done nothing, and it made me think about my life i told my mom and she said death is natural its supposed to happen and that i shouldnt cry so much :tongue: .
the guy is chasing me my mom and my brother with a knife. hes chasing me and i cant run much longer. i try to run and trip over a curb. he knifes me in the chest and i die. however, to me im not dead. i run up to my mom and say that im ok im ok i didnt die hes coming lets go. but she doesnt hear me. i freak out.
i wake up

also the 2nd time i had it i knew i was dreaming so i ran out and killed him before he could get the squiril.

I recall a dream from when I was three. I dreamt of a model castle made out of stearin and snow, and it was snowing. I wasn’t in the dream, it was like a screen saver, and I just felt a wave of peace.

the first dream i can remember havin is also one of the most vivid i ever had and it stick with me to this day…i musta been around 4 or so and it was all black and white, so me and my sister were walkin around r house at the time and we went into my aunts bedroom where i seen a rainbow commin in from window and hittin a desk and those were the only things in color until we touched it then we were in color. so then we went into the next room and we could see my grandmother and she was dying and for some reason we thought that if we could get her into the rainbow she would be alright so we were struggling to move her(we were only 4 and 5 at the time so we were very little) and i awoke before we reached it

when i was still in a crib, i had a dream that my lips were really big and i couldn’t make them go back to normal. when i woke up i started picking at them trying to make them not big. i still pick at them everyday.

Interesting first dream mothman

awww, Maybe you’d seen Pinocchio on tv :tongue: and your mind mixed that story in with your dream

The first dream I can remember is from back in daycare when I was about 4. I had this same recurring dream throughout elementary school.

The other kids in my daycare group (and later, my class at school) were all taking a field trip to my house. I lived in the upstairs part of a sort of duplex-type apartment, and the stairs to get inside lead to the middle of the apartment, and all the rooms were circled around the door at the top. There was a window through which you could see the stairs.

Anyway, in my dream there wasn’t a window there, but a door leading to a small room. Inside the room was a table, some chairs, coloring books, crayons, and some various toys. The instructor (and later, my teacher) would lead me and a few other kids to the room, and make sure we went inside. S/he would then lock us inside.

We didn’t realize we were locked in at first, until someone wanted to go to the bathroom or get a drink of water. Then all of us would go into a panic and start banging on the walls and doors, trying to break out or get someone to help us. There was a window on the door, one of the small narrow ones like doors in a school. The instructor/teacher would be on the other side, laughing at us.

I would have that dream at least once a month for years, and I’m not really sure on the meaning behind it. But there it is, the first dream I can remember.

It’s hard to remember my first dream but the earliest one that is still clear in my mind was when I was seven years old. A movie was released in 1974 called “It’s Alive”. The television commercial really freaked me out. Well one night I dreamt that the claw from the evil baby was attacking me and it’s scream was just terrifying.

I woke up so scared and shaking I ran to my parents bed and stayed with them in their bed though the night.

I did eventually see the movie when I got older, and it was pretty bad.

first dream? ha i could never forget it. I think i was around 3 or 2 isch

I was in my first home in texas, we had a big garden there that led down to a small creek with bushes as tall as a little kid on each side. I was looking outside from my porch when I suddenly saw gigantic king kong rise from behind the bushes. He was holding my sister in his right hand. I ran down and my sister was yelling for help. I ran up the monster vertically like mario could run up a wall in super mario when theres one of them little bumber things in the corner. When i got up there I punched him on the nose and jumped down. As the colossal ape fell over he let go of my sis and I caught her in mid air and landed safely.

It was a cool dream XD

I can remember a couple of early dreams. However, most are very blurry, so I’ll go with this one: I was somewhere in the west. Im guessing Colorado etc….on top of this huge cliff which reminds me of the Grand Canyon. For some reason, I either fall or roll off the cliff. When I hit, I woke up instantly. The fall felt so real. That stomach feeling you get on elevators and roller coasters. But what may have induced that feeling, was that when I woke up, I realized I had fallen off the bed. lol

The oldest dreams I can remember where nightmares I used to have when I was little. Not sure how old I was, exactly.

There hard to explain because they were mostly just… I don’t know. Feelings. There weren’t images or sounds, really.

In one I felt like I was inside of some kind of cucoon. The walls that felt/looked like cloth or some weird tissue kept coming closer. When I was almost being squished I woke up.

The other one had some white line I think. When something got to the top of the line my father would die. :sad:

Stupid kid’s nightmares. :tongue:

i used to have dreams like that when i was sick
i would be trying to pick something up, but it was really tiny and my fingers were really big and it was impossible
and something with rubberbands

first dream i remember… i remember a scary dream. i must have been around 3 years old. the dream just started and i was climbing a tower crane or something (with a structure like the eiffel tower but constant)
a kind of monster with wings followed me, I think I watched this Small edit :ysim: cartoon gargoyles on tv :tongue:

so this creature climbed right below me and I just tried to climb and climb away from it but it kept following me and the tower never ended.

Gargoyles was awesome.
At the time I know that I had remembered many previous dreams, but this is as far back as I remember, and even the memories of this dream are kinda sketchy. I was 7.

It had SOMETHING to do with my first girlfriend when I was 3(yeah, I’m a pimp haha). There was also an original DC who was maybe 12 and was our friend. That’s pretty much it. I do remember that my dream ended with our friend doing a Porky Pig-esque thing where everything went black at the end of my dream, there was a ring hole that appeared out of the darkness, the friend popped in and said “th-th-that’s all folks” and the second after he said that my eyes opened and I woke up.

If anybody wants to know the first dream I remember in detail, which wasn’t too long after this dream, and also happened to be my first LD, just let me know.

That would be great :happy:
There is actually a topic in the DJ forum to post first LDs
Sticky: The BIG “My First LD” collection- Part IV :smile: