Which music do you like the most?

:music: I think techno is cool, too. DJ Tiesto is awesome! And, DJ Shadow’s “Organ Donor” is one of my favs to breakdance to :boogie:.

Flying Steps is cool. That fast-paced beat on “In da Arena” is nice :content:.

Hm…rock, romantic otherwordly stuff, techno, house, and dance.

Hi everyone :smile: ! i was wondering what kind of music you guys listen to, who are your favorite music artists are and why?

The question is:

What are your favorite genres of music? Hmmmm?

I suppose I like a large variety of music, from old school rock to 70’s discos…:tongue:

Let’s see, but the list goes on and on besides that. :content: For some reason techno music is interesting to, just because it’s fun to dance to. Or :uh: in that case, anything that has a good beat or melody, it has to be memmorable.

I think there is already a thread about this :hmmm:

I did a search just to check, and yes, there are a couple:

“What’s your fav band?”

“Which music do you like the most?”

This topic could be merged with either of those, I would go with the second one. :yes:

[mod]Thanks BB … I was going to merge it into the fave bands, but you posted just before I did it.
There is also The Lyrics Thread-Part III where you can post the lyrics of songs and Favourite line from a song for just posting the line you really like. :moogle: [/mod]

It’s great to see someone who shares the same taste in music as i do, he is amazing and was voted #1 Dj in the world! :music:

I am also a fan of old school rap and hip-hop!

J-pop for me. I’ve been trying to scrape up as much ALI PROJECT as I can get my hands on.

I like sooomany different types of music, it’s not even funny.

First of all, i’m into the whole Pop thing, mostly anything Pop, I enjoy. I also like a lot of mid-90s to 2000 Pop. Then, there’s R&B, which I am into almost as much as Pop. Then Hip-Hop, but not hardcore gangsta stuff, just regular bubble gum-ish Rap and Hip-Hop. I pretty much enjoy all types of music. Rock, a little Country, Jazz, Blues, Classical-Piano… Oldies too, I love Oldies.

I like Pink Floyd, Dream Theater, Muse, Radiohead, a lot of ska, and a lot of trance music.

Wow. A lot Tiesto fans here! A few weeks ago I uploaded a video of DJ Tiesto Live at Invited.

video.google.com/videoplay?docid … in&pl=true

The song he’s playing is what trance is all about. Flighty emotional tracks that uplift you from reality.

You might like listening to the trance radio at the web site htpp://www.di.fm/ as well. They play a lot of good stuff.

I listen to alot of music, this only cracks the surface, but lets give it a shot.

-Bob Dylan (saw him in concert last year, still great)
-Bob Marley
-Pink Floyd
-Led Zeppelin
-Jimi Hendrix
-David Bowie
-Nick Drake
…and the list goes on :smile:

I’m getting into a lotta music by Nas and OutKast and Eminem and A Tribe Called Quest–Wu-Tang Clan, too

It’s all rap…but it’s different from the mainstream…I’m just in a mood to listen to that now :music:

I listen to all kinds of Heavy Metal except Gothic.

power metal : Bling Guardian, Iced Earth , Demons And Wizards, Stratovarus , Gamma Ray

Black Metal: Fintroll … I have to listen to more black that look good but dont like screeching voices.

Death metal : Opeth , Nile , Cannibal Corpse , Dying Fetus , Napalm Death , Cryptopsy , Vader

Hardcore metal/Death melodic : Shadows Falls , Killswitch engage , Trivium , Hatebreed

Doom: My dying bride… I need too to listen to more doom…

Trash/Speed metal : Sepultura , early Metallica , kreator …

Neo metal: Korn , System of a Down , Disturbed , Coal Chamber , Slipknot , Murderdolls

And some kind of punk like Pennywise , Rancid , early Blink 182 , and all kind of hardcore punk.

I moved this topic into an already existing music topic :moogle:

Have anyone else here felt the power of the Dutch DJ’s playing at the Q-Dance festivals?

If you don’t even have a clue what i’m talking about, check out this web radio: https://www.true.nl/streams/q-dance-hard.pls

If it rings a bell, it’s basicly the harder styles of dance…

Does anyone else than me listen to this kind of music or am i the only one here too? (since there are noone in my class at school that likes it)

The Dutch Q–Dance Festivals?

/me gives Q a look

Q: :ebil: :cookiemon:

Bruno: :shock: :scared:

Nice songs, but the radio had to rebuffer every 5 seconds or so… =

does that mean you have a worse connection than i :open_mouth: WOW!!! I’m shocked, it’s hard to get a worse high-speed connection than mine and for me it rebuffer’s like only once every 2 or three hourds if i’m not running any p2p software :eek:

I like LOTS of music :content:

Some of my favorites
In Flames, Nirvana, Arch Enemy, Scar Symmetry, Soilwork, Yesterday’s Rising, Non Human Level, Dark Tranquility, Trivium, The Old Dead Tree, Sentenced and many, many more ^^

I like melodeath (especially the gothenburg sound ^^), NWOAHM is also great (Metalcore for those of who left clueless).

Hmm …there’s something about the song ‘Wax Ecstatic’ by Sponge that’s just so damn (<- Hey, is that really such a bad word? It starts with a D and ends with M :razz:) loveable! Don’t know why I just said that, though ^^

If you look at my favorite bands, it would be hard to guess that I really enjoy listening to Keiko Matsui (Just listen to ‘Tears of the ocean’, simply amazing!), Flipside (Only the song ‘Someday’) and Bulldog Mansion :smile:

I dunno what I’d do without mewsick :wink:

What music do I like the most?

-Psych-folk, both from the sixties and out of the current New Weird America movement. Donovan, Devendra Banhart, Pentangle, Pearls Before Swine, Vetiver, Johanna Newsom, Espers, Animal Collective, The Skygreen Leopards.

-Alot of indie rock in general. Sonic Youth, Elliot Smith, Interpol, Simon Joyner, Daniel Johnston, Sondre Lerche, Mojave 3, Neutral Milk Hotel.

-Psychedellic Rock. Love, The Thirteenth Floor Elevators, The Olivia Tremor Control, The Beatles, The Doors.

-Underground Hip Hop. Aesop Rock, El-P, Zion I, Cannibal Ox, Cage.


Oh boy, They’re coming to chicago the 20th, and I’m going. Then, they’re going to be in detroit the 23, and me and my brother are going to drive to that one!

Anyone else love this band as much as I do?

Merged :bruno:

I like progressive metal / rock, like Dream Theater (my favorite band), Tool or Opeth (with a little Death Metal tone that I love). I also enjoy melodic bands like Muse and Radiohead and the pure rock band Queens Of The Stone Age.