Why am I not Flying?

After 3 days of asking myself if i was dreaming i finally had a lucid dream, I was getting out of the shower and i automatically told myself i was dreaming i wasnt even thinking about it, and everything got really clear, and i told myself to put clothes on and it wasnt really clear if i had clothes on or not, and i got up on the counter and tryed to go through the mirror and it wouldnt let me and i woke up, last night i had another lucid dream and i cant really remember what happened but i remembered that i tryed to fly and it didnt work i would glide for down and eventually hit the ground, can anyone tell me why i’m not flying?

can anybody also tell me why i couldnt go through the mirror?

There are already posts on this subject. Look at these.


Yep, you had the same problem as me at the start. Jump up and float back down gently. Read my old thead there and try it out when you get the chance.

Beleiiiveeee in yourself.
Or believe in your jetpack. Your choice.

lol want to hear some news taht will crush you… or maybe not. depends i spose it took me 3 months to fly
but i was only having a ld a moth back then lol ahh the old days

just feel the engery to do it, that is how i do it now, just feel the engery and know you can fly and boom your off :wink:



All you need is some fairy dust from tinker bell, and to think happy thoughts! :smile: Honestly, though, all it really takes is confidence that you can. The first couple times your brain just can’t accept the fact that you can walk through a mirror or take off, so you just have to convince yourself that you can. Instead of trying to walk through, feeling that you can’t and thinking you can’t, once you feel that you can’t you need to say, ‘yes I can,’ and demand that it happens. It’s your brain, after all.


haaa, it took me months to learn how to go through a wall, I’m still perefecting it.

You usually can’t fly because you don’t have wings!

Ok, I’m not saying this to boast…well maybe a little…but also to show how it doesn’t always take a long time, if you hear stories of people having to wait a long time you will believe it takes a long time but if you read what i am going to say you can believe otherwise and you can become a master of your environment.
And i assure you that this is true.
In my first LD i had the ability to fly, i guess it was because at the time on the forum there were threads about flying. It didn’t take any effort at all, i just willed it and i flew.

In my 2nd LD i could actually teleport myself, i didn’t even need to close my eyes or go through a wall. I just thought i will be somewhere else and i was less than a second after the thought.

In my 3rd I was morphing objects around me, and in a way using telekinesis. I even teleported my sister outside because she was annoying me.

For all these actions i did not need anything to help me, like a flying carpet or something. All i did was believe that i could do it and i believed that it was going to happen, mind over matter. I am telling you all this because it will enable your brains to express themselves more in your dreams. Hopefully you might all be able to control your dreams with thoughts rather than actions…no, correction, you will, no buts about it or i will invade your dreams! (that was just something meant to pressure your brains into control, even though i’m sure there are other people with the kind of control i have experienced.)

Basically this reply is all leading up to my signature down below.

OK, I’ll beleive that one can beleive to LD control quickly, thus making me control quicker (hopefully).

I had a brief LD last nite. At first I tried to fly and just floated slowly down after jumping up, then I thought about an earlier reply in this thread to just believe you can do it. I jumped up and whoosh, I was high up looking over a city, flying around. An accidental elbow from the wife put an end to that though. The trigger for the LD was a mobile phone going off in my pocket. I don’t have a mobile phone.

All the advice here is good and ultimately yes, it is mind over matter. But there are a few good techniques that can help you trick your mind into doing these things better.

A technique that works for me is to run at full speed and then just lift your legs up backwards as you run. I find this results in me skimming along low as I conutinue at the speed I was running but now my brain categorises it as flying. Then you just need to pick up some altitude bysay adopting a superman pose and angling up a bit. Either this technique or a kind of breastroek swimming action usually works for me.

I find levitating from a standing start a lot more difficult but I guess this is different for everybody. Alex, sounds like you have madskillz! A natural. :smile:

Maybe something that can help us is to practice making your brain think something that is not true.

Now this is to be done while you are awake.
This is a fun thing to do that i do either when i am feeling hungry, or if there is some yukky food that i have to eat.

Ok, i give you an example with salt and vinegar chips because it is easy to know if it works or not.
You can close your eyes or not while doing this:

  1. Pretend that you have a bag of salt and vinegar chips, and believe it. Even hold out your hands as if you are holding it. Try and imagine the bag with as much detail as possible.
  2. Open the bag, hear the bag opening and the chips ruffling.
  3. Take out a chips and see it in detail. Look at the salt on it smell the vinegar, look at the ruffles in it.
  4. Bring it closer to your mouth and eventually in your mouth.
  5. Eat it.

If at any stage in these steps your mouth was watering and you felt that feeling that salt and vinegar chips give you (i think other people have it too) then it worked. Once you get good at it you can eventually just imagine flavours and your mouth becomes excited!
Another thing to do is to try the steps with a lemon, pick it cut it then to really test you sqeeze it above your mouth so all the juices flow.
You can do this with many foods. You might even lose weight spending your time doing this rather than eating real food.

Right, i could do anything on my first LDs, and i still can its very simple. Like everyone has said, just have confidence. The only thing i have trouble with is instantly transporting without doing anything cuz i tend to wake up when not concentrating on anything. But i can always open a door and convince myself whatever or whereever i want to be in there is.

Having confidence is certainly the key to mastering your LD’s. The only problem is that it doesn’t work 100 percent of the time for me. Sometimes, if there is even a trace of doubt, your willpower can fail you.

you cant think you can do it you have to know you can just like in the matrix