Why can't i dream anymore?

Hey Peoples,

When i started practicing for lucidy, i was off at a good start. I remembered 1 dream on the 1st night, 2 dreams on the 2nd night then 4 dreams on my third night. From then on i could remember 3-4 dreams a night sometimes up to 6. I have good recall, at the end of my 2nd week of practicing i had a dream that i was talking to an old friend and asked him, ‘So have you had your first lucid yet?’ he answered no, then i was talking to him about that i always have dreams where im at school.The next night in my dreams, i mentioned to someone about something in one of my other dreams.I read on the LD4All site that when you talk about dreams in a dream your close to being lucid.Well the next night after this i couldnt remember my dreams, its been a week now that i havent recalled a dream.

Whats wrong? How come i cant recall?

maybe you’re trying too hard… relax… let it come…

you’re keeping a dream journal i take it? when you wake up lie still for a while and just think about anything no matter how insignificant that you remembered even if it’s just “i think i was walking down the street but i’m not sure” write it down.

sometimes i can’t remember anything, i just shrug and go back to sleep and just tell myself “i’ll remember this one”

hope that helps

:eh: Are you still getting the same amount of sleep? Have there been any stressful situation in your life lately? Both of those could affect dream recall.

A) YOU STOLE MY NAME!!! :grrr: :grrr: :grrr:

B) I agree with the other two posts

C) Try autosuggestion (might be wrong with the name). Everynight tell yourself that you will remember your dreams tonight or a soon night


I dont know what it is, i havent done anything different.And nothing has changed about me. Its like my dreams have cut off, i can remember some things in my dreams, but still how come i cant remember full dreams as always?

There can be no reason at all.It happens a lot to a lot of people.There are times…sometimes days ,sometimes weeks without recall.Its called i guess dry spell.
I have them sometime.One week i remember good 3 dreams a night and then it stops without any apparent reason.Dont worry about it ,it will be back:)

You might just be having a dryspell… which usually happens for everyone from time to time… usually dreamrecall comes back as sudden as it dissapeared

Just the usual dry spell, relax about it… the best way to overcome is: keep up your practice.

The way i get back into shape is taking some b6 vitamin. Works definately for me.

I know I’m having a dry spell! Haven’t remembered 1 dream since a quite disturbing one a week and a half ago! I blame it on the amount of sleep that I’m getting now summer holidays is here :cool_laugh: I figure I need a bit of sleep so I’m taking a break, but not stopping on RC’s

neo- i am having the same problem, same situation, same timeframe. i have just joined and have been doing superhuman the past days, but now i know that little streak is over. i think i know the cause of our problem. yesterday i noticed a huge decline in my motivation and desire to LD. it is probably because i haven’t had an LD yet and the excitement has worn off- i no longer think about LDing all day, and now i cannot recall even one fragment anymore. i am going to try to stay motivated for the next few weeks. don’t give up hope yet just find a way to get motivated again!


I had my first LUCID DREAM!!!.

I knew the whole day that i was gonna have one on the night.The whole day i was thinking about it. It was on my mind and just before i was asleep i kept repeating ‘im dreaming’. I wont go through the whole dream coz it went for awhile, but at one point i was watching an old documentary that was black and white and showed like a bush. I told my friend it looked like an area near us. Then i realised that we were in the bush, and i looked to my left and saw my primary school with my high school basketball court. The weird thing was that the school was in colour but the bush was black and white.
I then knew i was dreaming and then i told everyone in my dreams then my mind was racing thinking what should i do, i tried to make someone appear but i couldnt wait, so i decided to fly like Neo when he takes off in the matrix. But i only got to about 4 stories high and i was slowly coming back down, so im not in full control of my dreams yet. But i knew soon i was going to wake up, my dream faded.
I woke up and i felt real heavy.


congrats! sounds like a cool ld

yeah everyone gets their first LD before me… but anyway congratulations on increasing your effort I could never do that!

Now if only you could do that every day…




Try practicing really hard for two weeks, and then take a week off to relax.
This may help to keep you from burning out, and you may have an LD during the relaxation period. Repeat this process many times as necessary, and don’t give up!

thanks firehorse. I guess I’ll try to forget LDing for some time…

Yeah dont give up,

i was slowly starting to lose interest at one point coz i expect to have one straight away, i think what helped me is that i meditated often.

Great My_own_neo :wink:

This will keep u going :wink:
Go go go and dont forget to enjoy!


Thanks. say, Neo, do you know a nice place to learn about meditation? Online I mean.

Wanna post your future adventures here? I’ll do it if you do it…
And is there a link to Jeff’s LD Diary??



for meditation techniques.