Why do people who LD still do drugs?

OK, Im in. This might actualy help me stop smoking weed. I know…“How can I be addicted to weed, weeds not really a drug?” Its harder then you think, but yes this will give me motivaton. Here is my pact with this forum…

I will not smoke weed (After Im done smoking this last joint) For two months, and in that time I will focus on my LDing. Wish me luck guys.

:thumbs: good luck kavaa

Fantastic! Good luck, kavaa!

Good luck kavaa, you’ve just set my experiment off. Remember, if you break your abstinence, your experiment data is null and void. 60 days, clocked, on the hour. So the 2nd of febuary, 1:00 AM GMT. BTW Taipan, will you be participating too?

Most people dont have that many lucid dreams and neither do each of them last very long.

But i think they could work as a replacement if the person managed to learn howto induce LDs on his/her own will.

Self-induced trance and WILD may help.

I, personally smoke weed almost every weekend and lucid dreaming wont stop me from that.
though i think my dream recall suffered from that a bit :<

going to do a dream journal soon anyway :smiley:

I gotta say, go right ahead. it’s a waste of time, and life. why would you ever want to be someone you’re not? that’s exactly what drugs do to you. they change who you are, and how you feel. Straight edge all the way, baby! :cool:

oh, and I’m referring to all people who believe in finding happiness and relaxation in life, not through drugs (that’s the “we”). drugs disrupt the natural order of things, and only lead to death and wasted brain cells. they may offer temporary solace, but it’s a happiness that will fade as soon as you’re artificial high does. what a waste.

I’ve tried pot. I got giggly, ate a whole bunch, and threw up. woo, what a rush (sarcasm for you dolts who have wasted too many brain cells to know the difference.)

There were also a couple posts that asked if I thought about what I said before saying it. yes. I always think. The real question is if YOU thought, before you chose your opinion on drugs? most of you tried them, they made you FEEL good, and you instantly decided to defend them. It seems laziness is surrounding us in every aspect nowadays. when people start defending drugs (and yeah, pot and beer are drugs) it makes me feel disgraced. as a member of the lucid dreaming community, I feel a deep shame for these people. I can’t believe any sensibly lucid dreamer could do drugs. so I say you’re stupid, because you are. you have a safe, healthy way to get your “high” and yet your laziness stops you from exerting and effort to try and master the art. that’s why I say you’re stupid. I always think about what I say.

Two things:

(1) whole ld4all forum usually has a very friendly, tolerant atmosphere. I’d be very glad if it will stay like that, even when dealing with a controversial issue.

(2) Since the term turned up a couple of times so far and will probably keep turning up, I’d like to stress that Im not part of any “we”. Not the “we” who do LDing, not the “we” who take drugs, not the “we” who don’t take drugs, and certainly not the “we” who know exactly who’s stupid and who’s not. Possibly I’m one of the “we” who walk upright and wear textiles, but that’s about it.

Thnks! :wink:

First of all, i’d like to say i never tried drugs, and never will. But for you to consider all of them stupid is close minded. I have nothing further to say.

yeah, you know, only fools deal in absolutes, and usually I don’t, but I won’t tolerate such a pro-drug atmosphere. where did your morals go, people? where is the lust for life? it makes me angry to see people with such potential wasting away. honestly, from the way you all talk, I can see great intelligence in you, but as long as you retain your lazy, quick escape attitude, you’ll be stupid. it’s not that you’re actually stupid, it’s that your decisions are stupid.

There are many different drugs out there, so dont generalize and put them all under the same.

First of all: if we are to discuss the validity and ethics (or the lack thereof) on choosing to try drugs, let’s do it in another topic, on another forum, there are rules here. Second: this is an experiment where people STOP doing drugs, so I do not get why on Earth broken-sword is complaining. Finally: this is an open, friendly forum. If you, like me, thinks drugs are a nice way of tossing your life in the garbage, please manifest yourself in a more friendly way and stop calling people names, there is no way any of us (especially we both, broken-sword, we’re only 17) knows the bigger truth about life—including what’s the right decision to take about drugs and who’s right or wrong. Just chill out, and if you are still against discussing this kind of activity, complain with the moderators in the helpdesk, that’s where decisions are taken.

Now, on to the discussion: one of my friends has lost himself to drugs. He’s addicted to pot—of course, psycologically addicted, it is very rare to see one who’s chemically addicted to it. He has drowned into deep depression and turned his life pot-oriented. By that I mean he leaves school, goes home, never goes out with friends and just smokes all the afternoon long. He just failed the school’s year, and I’m indeed very sad about all that, not only because he used to be a great friend of mine, but because he used to be smart, happy, virile and now he has no good memory, is always depressed or deeply sad and doesn’t think about girls much. But I also have plenty of friends who smoke pot, drink a lot of alcohol and so on, and they are just fantastic. Happier than me, not troubled about their past or future (again: 16, 17 years old; people my age are usually terrorized by the mere thought of future), you know, satisfacted with life.

Now, what will happen if I try any drug? Will I be like one or the others? I don’t know! So I rather try to make my life better by other means: arts, poetry, music, going out with friends a LOT. You know, I’m not a big fan of this carpe-diem vogue—all that praising to irresponsibility. But I have to admit that people who do drugs, these days, have made a quite ballanced decision and know what are the risks and benefits they’re taking.

So I don’t think we can jusdge people for having taken different decisions, not after world war II and the holocaust, which kind of proved to all of us that prejudice and the fear of different can lead humanity to a lot of ugly things.

Keep your decision, broken-sword, as I keep mine, just don’t try to evangelize these guys. You do best if you just tell them they can count on you should they decide to stop and need help.

Edit: (Must— make— infamous— joke… AAAARGH… Bah, to the hell with it:) now listen, broken-sword, you’re not being lucid here…

Got it? Lucid?? Lucid DREAMING? :gni:

Alright, that blew.

Excellent point, thanks for making it.

Sighs. All too rare insight. Do you think there’s any way to bottle it and drip it into the water supply?
Okay, kidding. But let me dream.

Strangely enough, that wide spread of reaction to the use of drugs (soft or hard, legal or illegal) is often forgotten - most of the views I encounter are either the “everybody who does drugs is weak/sick/disturbed/stupid” or “drugs are a way to widen your mind, and everybody who opposes use of drugs is narrow-minded/a coward/stupid”.

My assumption, as far as it goes, is that drugs are beneficial/harmful depending on a number of factors: the personality they interact with, the amount taken (favorite truism: the dose makes the poison), and whether the user controls the drug use or the drug controls the user.

Which goes for a lot of if not all things - I assume that LDing can throw you off track, too, if you get too obsessed with it and loose sight of your work, friends, and other aspects of waking life.

The problem I see in drugs is mostly that (in contrast to things lke LDing or meditation or jogging) they create an artificial high - they bring you into a certain bio-chemical state, whether you are ready to go there or not.

One of the problems with evaluting the effects of drugs is that it’s hard to say whether character traits, good or bad, in a drug user / teetotalers are due to drug habits or personality. Which is one of the reasons why I’d love to hear about experiences from pot smokers with LDing.

The important thing to keep in mind: results have a limited validity. They can show how the persons who took part react to switching from pot to LDing, not how all pot smokers / drug users would react.

I will have me a blunt ready to burn down, on Feb 2. Untill then I plan on having atleast 15 LDs. If I do go back on the pact Ill let you know.

Rare dose of complete ignorance and intolerance.
First my country makes me criminal and now the member of most tolerant forum i know calls me stupid.Why?Because i enjoy having a smoke on saturdays.I dont go out harm anyone,i dont behave loudly,im actually dissapearing from the world and go to sleep and yet i still deserve labels like “criminal” or “stupid”.
It is my choice to do it.I do it for my reasons which you may not understand or dont want to understand.
Its like i called someone stupid because he wears jeans.Or eats meat.Or prays to Thor.I each case it will be intollerance.
Apart of me there are people who got addicted to drugs because their minds were looking for escape- escape from dad who drinks and beats everynight, escape from nightmares in their life, escape from intolerant society- heres the role for you mate- instead calling all those people stupid show your wisdom and do something about it.Pay for their councelling,give them shelter,tell them about lds, whatever.You said something about not being proud of society- well,you`re society and what you do is offend.
I hope it was just one time slip of the tongue.Good luck there.

this is supposed to be a discussion on the experiment put forward
it is not supposed to be a discussion on whether using drugs is right or wrong.

OK now the real test begins its Friday, and Payday, and I have money burning a hole in my pocket. Im thinking of getting some weed, but on the other hand I have two LDs going for me sence I have started this expirament. Im torn between the two right now. Im trying to be strong, but I can taste the weed. Ill let you know what I decide.

just be thinking one day at a time until the experiment is over … you can do it kavaa/Area 51 :yes:

Well about this experiment of yours. I can tell you that it doesn’t affect your ability to LD anymore than when someone doesn’t smoke.

I have had the same success rate when I did compared to when I didn’t.