Why do people who LD still do drugs?

Im one of those that loose my Dream recall when I smoke, plus my motivation to LD starts to slide. I think I can get more out of my dreams then I can weed, dont get me wrong I love weed, and I will defend weed, because I think God put it here for a good reason. Weed is the only drug I will defend.

In order not to use weed this whole period, you’ll have to focus on today. Do not buy or burn any weed today. When tomorrow becomes today, your focus will be this new today. Always do that: focus on not having weed now, and you’ll be able to stop.

As a reward, not only the accomplishment of this experiment, but you’ll then know you could stop, and this will help you if you ever decide to stop doing it. It raises your self-esteem too.

but won’t he need people that still smoke and people that don’t for the comparison?

Im sorry expirament is over, I gave in. Its easy through the week, but Im just not ready to replace pot for LDs, Ill allways be into LDing, but I love weed to much. I would like to try this againe, but for now the conclusion of this expirament from my point of view is… I can only LD when Im sleeping, and I need to be in a altared state while awake sometimes.

you can just go by the past history of the person who smoked and how they felt before, during and after the experiment

I again have to agree todally with what Jack said…

yeah…but the point was if they would contuinue after 2 months…

I mean this simply in a respective manner, and i don’t mean to offend anyone.
The true reason why people that do drugs keep doing them after knowing about lucid dreaming is that for lucid dreaming, it takes a conscious effort, and to keep lucid dreaming in your life, you have to make it a part of your life
same goes for drugs in a way, but doing things in the conscious world is much easier for us, because doing physical activities to achieve certain outcomes is what we do all the time, so doing drugs is easier for people to do on a routine basis. They can remember to do the drugs alot easier than remembering to become lucid whilst dreaming.

lucid dreams are more mentally involved, you have to concentrate and remember, and there are often obstacles that keep you from remembering, like dream characters, the happenstance that you remember to do a RC, and such.

I may be a bit confusing. Please bare with me.
Say, for example, and from experience, that you have two situations, one where the person’s is at home and is presented with the chance to smoke marijuana, and one where the person is partially lucid while in a dream

situation one: person’s at home, says man i feel like getting high, pulls out the stuff and smokes a big one, then plays GTA for three hours and then goes to sleep
easy for the person to do, no obstacles
situation two:person is partially lucid, talks to a dream character, and then thinks ‘i dont know anyone that is named earl’ after reading his dream friend’s nametag on his work shirt
the person has a chance that they either immediately say ‘wait i must be dreaming’ or the dream character is like ‘no you retard, its me, danny’ and the dreamer says ‘oh…im an idiot’ and falls back into regular sleep

I personally have done some drugs, i do them every once in a while, nothing big or highly addictive. I do know that LD’s are much more satisfying while in dreams, and weed isn’t nearly as fun, but the effort it takes to have lucid dreams seems to be very hard to overcome until you are very good with lucid dreams and have several per night.

Lucid dreaming is an applied talent, you need to work and work at it to keep the ability within you. Im not saying its bad, i love to do it and i try to do it more often than i do drugs. I hope to be as good as some people are at it, but as far as i can tell, quitting drugs wont happen for me any time soon. Doing marijuana every couple months is only a little bit bad for your memory, as i’ve noticed, but i won’t quit because it is simply not often enough that i do it for it to matter to me. I have some fun with my brother and his friends and thats it. I understand that some morons do ‘worse’ drugs much more often, and they are idiots. No one go telling me i’m throwing my life away, because so far drugs have had no impact on my life, and they wont unless i do them more often…the instant they do, in any way, i will quit doing them.

drugs and LD’s are two separate fields of interest, physical-world impairment by chemicals, and mental-world expression of desires…i guess its kinda hopeless to compare them.
Well thats my input, hope you like it : )

sweet dreams :aww:

Well simply enough said, its to make waking reality different. I mean dreams are fun and they got me to stop smoking pot, but if I was with some close friends I still would do some mushrooms to get rid of my ego and thus have a good spirited time. Ive learned thing from drugs, I dont care if you all believe in that, but especially if you meditate on them you can just forget about you body and mind and think thru in full clarity. But you gotta understand their power and dangers.

I shroom out like once a year now, if that. Should show my point, they are powerful, but dont let your ego need it or control it, thats what leads to addiction and diminished effects. I mean when I first smoked pot I literally was the Blue Magnetic Monkey, I dunno if youll understand, but I simply did not care about what people thought, i just laughed about shit and gave them my deep opinion. Now that my ego has taken control of it, its like im under the shadow of the monkey when high. Thats my theory at least

LDing got me to give up psychedelics, mainly I just don’t want to deal with the ego death anymore when I feel like they have nothing else to teach me

:tongue: :content: :wink:
Most of you can’t speak from experience, no offense. I was doing lots of drugs before I started LD’ing and I continued and did even more after I started LD’ing. Doing drugs has nothing to do with LD’ing really. I can see where the casual user of illicit drugs could just use it as a sort of vacation and replace a drug experience with an LD, but for people that do drugs all the time and are addicts they aren’t affected in that way by LD’s at all. I have since taken other measures to quite doing drugs, and now I just enjoy LD’ing cause I can and do occasionally use drugs in an LD but usually not, it’s fun enough already.

I don’t know about quitting drugs once you start having LDs because I already quit drugs before I became interested in LDs but I do know this, I was too busy with my full-time job of being an opiate addict a year and a half ago to focus on any hobbies that took real effort and consistency. I don’t think I ever would’ve gotten involved with dream journaling and ld4all and the pursuit of LDs if I hadn’t quit taking opiates. My interest in LDs has definitely been something that has helped me through my recovery process…it has given me something positive to focus on, a way to reach out to other people who share a common goal, and just one more reason to stay clean and keep on living.

As far as pot goes, I can’t say for sure, because I don’t feel that it’s addictive, as in there is no physical withdrawal from pot. Although I think I remember reading on this forum that pot isn’t good for dream recall…I don’t know firsthand because I quit all illegal drugs in October 2004 and became interested in LDs in December 2004. I think if I was still smoking pot and I noticed it affecting my dream recall, I would probably quit because although I used to love smoking pot, remembering dreams is far better.

Speaking of drugs, I’ll be finishing up my final phase of detox from the methadone clinic on 18-Jan-06. I’ve only had one LD so far and maybe when I don’t have to get up at 5 a.m. to go to the clinic before work, I’ll have more time to sleep and finally have LDs # 2, 3, 4, etc.!

Me getting myself to stop doing drugs and alcohol seemed to have coincided with my discovery of this whole lucid dream thing. But LDing wasn’t the cause of me quitting. After thinking and thinking and reading and reading I decided to stop everything for numerous and complicated reasons. One of the things that really helped me stop was this book I read, Demian by Hermann Hesse. Truly inspiring. So after only one year of chronic drug and alcohol use and abuse, I’ve stopped. Probably won’t start again for some time too.

In my time I’ve tripped weed, salvia, shrooms, acid, and I accidentally tried coke once. In my experience, I have divided all major drugs into two groups, mind high drugs, and body high drugs. The mind high drugs group includes salvia, shrooms, acid and a couple others I would like to try such as mescaline/peyote, and others. The body high group includes cocaine, heroin, meth, speed and others I would not like to try. Marajuana sits comfortably in its own group, simply because some people use weed differently. Just thought I’d put that there.

so yeah basically the moral of a four page thread would be:
drugs can be fun for some people, LD’s can be fun for all people, but lucid dreaming isnt a viable outlet for people who are looking for freedom from the effects of drugs

they are too separate and different to use one to help get rid of the other

So we could start to discuss whether LDing HELPS people quitting drugs or not. :wink:


I think any activity helps those who are in recovery but LDing is hands-down one of the coolest.

I’ve never been into drugs or alcohol. Give me a great imagination, a strong mind, and lots of LDs instead! :wink:

Really, if your optimistic about things, and have an active imagination, than drugs are pretty pointless anyways. Highs, and halucinations are all in your head anyways. Why not just be a druggie in your dreams, heh I remember one time eating some mushrooms and waking up felling very euphoric.

I usually call drug users stupid but I am referring to people who take things too far and don’t think about what they are doing (I believe that is quite stupid) and end up not reaping the benefits but get ill or die and bring a lot of people, friends and family, with them. I don’t do any drugs now but I used to and to be honest that was when I used to be able to LD… connection…?

Metabog is right in my books, stay away from the hard stuff. What drugs have helped you guys when it comes to LDing?