Why do people who LD still do drugs?

you cannot compare psychoactive drugs to lucid dreaming. to try would be absurd. lucid dreaming, and dreaming in general, brings you into a whole new reality, while psychoactive drugs change your consciousness, so you look at the same reality, but in a different, more introspective manner. they are both mind expanding, but in different ways.

There is a substance called N,N-dimethyltryptamine, or DMT, which when smoked can deliver the user into a totally different reallity for a few minutes.

They have found DMT in our bodies. Maybe that is why we dream?

I think the reason we dream is really more pf a physiological necessity rather than a result of a drug in our bodies.

Yes, it occurs naturally in the brain and the production normally peaks during the REM-sleep.

I’m reading Rick Strassman’s book “DMT: The Spirit Molecule”.
It’s interesting stuff :content:

Ya, the one time Ive done the stuff reminded me sort of falling in an OOBE. Was pretty intense when I stopped falling and was looking at a bunch of peoples faces all molded into eachother.

I do believe i’ve found a quote that fits me the best:

‘I don’t use drugs, my dreams are frightening enough.’

soo true…

And then there’s this one:

“I don’t use drugs, I am drugs”
-Salvador Dali

I have not smoked weed for a whole month this next Friday. I do miss it, but I think I have went as far as I can go with pot, it just isnt the same anymore. Of corse Ill smoke it againe every now, and then. As far as LDing goes there is no comparison to me. I love pot, and I love LDing, but there in two diffrent catagorys. So I hope this helps with your lab expirament. I wanted to get atleast a month under my belt before I posted on this topic againe so that I wouldnt be wasting your time.

I haven’t posted in this for a while as well.

Just to hopefully assist in your experiment or experiment proposal. It’s been now over one month since I’ve last smoked weed.

I can tell you this much:

Dream Recall

Significant improvement although I did make myself start writing in my DJ again too. So, I’m still a little up in the air with this one. Since I pretty much always had good dream recall. Except when I’m super stressed.

Lucid Dreams

Haven’t had one since I stopped smoking.

Hope this information helps. But I won’t be going back to smoking anytime soon. So, any questions will be answered out of memory and past experience.

Lucid dreaming has definitely helped me quit drugs. I can say this with 100% certainty. I have a love for altered states, but… given that drugs can only teach so much before they become harmful, lucid dreaming is a much better alternative. Of course, it’s not quite the same, but it’s still a hell of a trip.

The other thing is, drugs are much more social. Hrm, shared dreaming anyone? :smile:

The main reason why people would still do drugs after lucid dreaming is that a drug trip SEEMS much more intense than an LD. This isn’t always the case, it’s just that you don’t remember the LD as vividly as you remember a trip.

^^This only applies to psychedelic drugs. I have no interest in other drugs.

Im with you on the psychedelic drugs, everything else is more or less just addictive. If you have friends into other drugs than they might just be addicted. As for psychedelics, theyve been bein used for thousands of years by shamans(who probably dreamed/LD’d a lot) who used them for learning/spiritual purposes. I think the only problem with drugs is excess and not using them for strictly spiritual purposes. If we didn’t use drugs for socialization, I bet they wouldn’t be illegal.

What is wrong with doing it for recreation, as long as you use with care and in reasonable limits. I dont understand what is wrong with using drugs for socializing either on for example a weekend.

I am not a spiritual person, but i still would find the experience quite interesting even if it only allows me to learn what my own mind/brain is capable of producing.

The case is the same with my lucid dreams. I use them strictly for my own enjoyment/entertainment as well as learning more about how our mind works.

just do drugs in your dreams its a win win situation

Well, if you could limit your recreational use to say only certain times and hold those times as special, than I wouldn’t see a problem with it. Its when you get by by using drugs that I see as the problem.

I just feel the reason they are soo “bad” is that way too many people use them to be normal. Its like you could do drugs and have that be your special time to just let go and be free, or you could use them to hide from reality. The former being the better way to go about. Ive been a part of both, and well marijuana is the only drug ive abused, so Im lucky it wasn’t addictive.

To me, you can do what you want, but if you want a suggestion from me I say that being in complete control of your drug use is bliss. Than you have the freedom to experience the best of both worlds. I mean, because you cant tell me that youve been smoking weed every day of your life and still find it as amaizing as when you first did it, it just doesn’t work that way.

I agree with you there…

this topic wasn’t meant as a discussion about drugs, but thinking about trying to do an experiment

the original poster doesn’t seem inclined to make it into an official experiment so I will lock the topic for now.
some of the flaming posts could be removed by the lab discussion mod

edit… The topic is now locked and the last post removed. I will send a copy of the post to him, since he spent so long making it.