WILD, Please some good advice what to do next.

Just read something about the WILD method. I always use the method when i say to myself “U are gonna dream lucid, u can controll it”. And sometimes it works. But then i tried wild for the first time. Didnt know what to do. I just read that i should “relax and breathe”. And so i did, Soon everything went dark. Some strange faces started to pop up, some kinda scary. But i just watched it all. Then my body went all “dead”. I tried to “sink with the flow” or something. This takes like 10 mins or so. Felt like my whole body was pulled down :wiske: . Then i heard a extremly high “POFF” (yekes). The poff sound waked me up agian. So after that i went to sleep going to try again today, some tips ? :cool: .

Well done, i think you mostly need some more practise.
You sure have some talent 4 it.
you could try several things at where u had your sound, like trying to spin in your imagination and float at the same time. Or try to visualize something a simple object. Or just be a little bit more patience because u were quite close. For a first time that was really good!


hehe :smile: i c. But what after that? After the sounds and the images in your head? Just ignore them and watch the images? :happy:

When I start seeing a image I sort of “zoom” into it and then I’m in a dream and I’m lucid. It’s hard to explain how I do it but I focus on the image and it “zooms” automatically now. I did have to practice for quite a while until I could do it though, but now I almost always WILD if I see an image when I wake up in the morning. And if I don’t see one I foucs on the blackness that I see with my eyes closed but if it takes more than a few minutes I usually fall asleep and don’t get a LD.

So I have high success rate if I sleep lightly but then my LDs also tend to be somewhat short 1-2 minutes at the most. And if I’m really tired I don’t get any images at all because I fall asleep too fast. And if I get any sounds (popping sounds) that also means that I’m close to falling asleep and if I get those I guess I have about 30-40% chance of getting a LD later. Because it seems to give a MILD effect.

Hope this helps anyone because it’s hard to explain everything.

Jarod, you and Jeff are highly talented. I hardly get any HI, though i get hypnagogic sound alot. Prinsii did the sound, sound like a balloon popping? I’ve gotten that when entering trance.

hehe ye, :smile: But it was so sudden, kinda waked me up. Didnt see any sign for it either. :bored:

I was trying to sleep in my chair(real comfy one). And listen to “Lucid Dreaming Series - Tape 1 A - Hemi-Sync”. Felt kinda good. After some time, i started to small dream. small footage and stuff i do daily showed up in my head. Some pictures was very detailed. Some not. Sometimes I saw a man standing there. I tried to run against him so say that i am the master of this dream and ask him why he was here? :eh: But then he was gone in the thin air. And everything went pitch dark. Then i started to feel like my body was covered with a hot water or something. Then my body started to move a little. Whenever i said to myself “this is a dream”, i always went away from the dreamstate. And pitch dark again. I sometimes imagined that someone entered the room, but i just said this is a dream. And then i felt a REAL AND kinda hurting feeling in my right foot. It was so strange and itchy. I just had to move my body, couldnt just lie there and feel the pain. Then i waked up. Or something. :eh: Going to try again, When i lie in my bed. :wiske:

When you said your body was ‘dead’ I assume you are referring to sleep paralysis. If so. Try to imagine you have the ability to move and imagine yourself rolling out of bed. This is actually how people describe how to have a out of body experience, but they are mainly one in the same.

Just watched the “Waking Life” movie. Wow, That movie really set things in a special way. A guy even talked about 360 vision. :smile:. Tonight im going to dream a lucid dream ! :happy: I got the right attitude and the “Lucid Dreaming Series - Tape 1 -B - Hemi-Sync” song. One thing is confusing me. I just don cant get the right volume. If it’s to high i cant relax and sleep. But if it’s to low i cant hear what he says: :cry: buhu

Keep practising prinsii with all you do, it will come! :wink:

The last part of wild iam so emtpy btw that most ppl would call it fall a sleep yet iam still conscious. then i enter the visual that spins arouns in the centre of my consciousness and enter through that the dream lucid.
but thats just my personal tech.

my way is that, i keep imagining things while holding consciousness. Its like dreams, but its more like my mind wandering off. Then when im deeply relaxed etc… the imagination turns into a dream. Its hard to explain.

Not sure if this was LD, But im getting very close :smile: I dreamed that i met a group of people who was helping other ppl to get lucid. And i asker happly in the dream “wow dudes, are u ld pro’s”? And he answered "No we are just some guys trying to help other to get lucid. Me: “OH i have tried the WILD method, and it just doesnt work to me.” He: “yeah, my brother had the same problem. He was lucky just the first time with WILD”. “but just keep trying and u will get there :cool: He said the things i was going to say almost. Kinda strange feeling.” And then i said thanks and walked away in the dream. YEKES it felt so real. :happy:

Just read about a new WILD method. “New” and new, it is new 4 me atleast. It said that if u put on music that u love, then go to sleep while listening to the music, u can go lucid easy. U only focus on the music instead of getting bored and let your thoughts wander away. This way u can focus 100 %. So im going to try this tonight, go to sleep 12.00 clock and set the alarm to 05.00 clock. and then go up and read something about LD. Then go to bed and put on the music. 1 hour long with only good songs :wink: lets hope this works :happy:

Not to discourage you or anything but that dream wasn’t an LD but must have been pretty fun. LD is when you know your dreaming during a dream.

Hmm, tell me how you go with that WILD method.


I strongly agree with jeff just keep practicing and you will get it. You are doing everything right to get as far as you have. You just need to get over getting startled jut as you cross over. The only thing I will add is the less you are thinking about things the better.

Good luck and keep it up. You have a strong WILD talent.

wow, now im getting there :smile: I went to bed yesterday, 04.30 clock or something. Then i just relaxed. And i was so tired, but then i started to think about the playboy mansion (Just to keep me awake). And btw, it was on the first episode of “viva la bam.” Anyway, then i just let my hole body go into sleep mode. Then suddenly i was seeing things, and my eyes was moving at lighting speed. My eyes was crazy. Then it felt like my hole body was covered with something warm and was suddenly pulled down… And i was thinking, “YEAH, JUST LET IT ALL GO :cool_laugh:, Try to sink”. Then i heard some electric sounds (klikk). I tried to roll around, but then moved my IRL bodie. and waked up. It was the strangest and coolest feeling ever :smile:. Btw, i tried to imagine that i was spinning and the world was spinning around me to enter the lucid state. (This was when i heard sounds). :wiske: Not sure what do now. Just keep doing the same thing? My method now: bed > relax > focus on something > let my body go > sounds & images > then i try to spin and enter.

Keep going. :good: You are getting better. Sorry there is not much more I can add then what other people and I have already told you. Now you just have to feel your way through it. You have come a long way in a short time. :smile:

Cant even remember my dream from last night. :frowning:

Don’t worry that happens to all of us once in a while. I am sure your recall will return. :smile:

Tried to do WILD yesterday, seems it doesn’t work that well for midday naps if you’re not tired enough. Got a pretty good way I think though, I saw the patterns in my eyelids, waited then started falling asleep (into unconsciousness(sp?) :sad: ). Then I awoke as I think I heard, or maybe I ‘felt’ that I heard a bang, perhaps, at the same time I felt a sort of jolt through my body. That woke me up to consciousness(sp?). Lied there waiting for another parhaps 10min, then I felt something other than a jolt, again waking me back to consciousness. About 5min later the phone rang :grrr: .

Anyway, I think I’m going to try WBTB tomorrow… hope it leads somewhere after the ‘bang’.

Oh, and Prinsii, good luck.