WILD, Please some good advice what to do next.

milod789, i hope so :cool:
Yekes, last night i had this wierd wierd feeling. I’m getting good at relaxing, and letting my body going into sleep mode, but last night, i only heard lame ass poff sounds, not 1 either. Many, 2 each minutt (3-4 mins.) Then i tried to imagine something, and it worked just fine. But the sounds wouldnt let me go deeper into sleep. Was a little jolt here and there. But not much, but i think I may be there soon. 3 days ago, I was into deep relaxing state,and my hole body was numb. And then i started to imagine myself running against a big wall of water, and when i jumped against the wall. I said to myself im going to be lucid. Then after that i got the feeling of being pulld down. But then nothing happened. zzzzz. <-- Have to try it again, because the feeling was great. :content:

But now i have learned something. Have to set the clock a little earlier, because i always have to wake up. Hurry my ass to school. And i dont get time to even think about my dream :neutral: Need like 10 mins, small sleeping on my bed to remember my dream 100 %. :wiske: And thx eMb :smile:
gogo Lucid \o/

And 1 thing too. I almost never do RC in the day. I always forget. So i try always to say to myself before i sleep, that im going to check in the dream. But i forget in the day, most likely it will never work in the dream :eek:


Yea we all have to get used to those weird things that jolt us awake. For me it was HI flashes that would wake me. I would normally see the usual things like shapes and lights then faces or objects. Eventually I would even start to see a scene form in my mind. Then a Flash of very intense imagery. As I practiced more I became less startled by them and in time it did not happen at all. I think I got into deeper states faster. The trick for me was to let almost everything go so that I was not thinking about anything at all. I was aware of what I was concentrating on but I do not think about it.

It is good that you are learning how to get into that deep relaxation. In my opinion that is a must learn for WILD. Once you get very relaxed try to create a spinning sensation. Make yourself spin faster and faster. It helps put you into a trance. From there you keep spinning your way into a dream. Just concentrate on the spinning sensation like you would any other WILD technique. Dm7 taught me that one. It is very cool especially once you enter a trance. I have done similar things with falling but spinning is much better.

Happy dreaming

Argh, this morning I tried WBTB+WILD, but I lost cousciousness and fell asleep. Then my mom woke me up; I started thinking/remembering the ND I had and it seems that I fell asleep and started dreaming that I wrote the failed WBTB dream in my DJ, when I woke up I got rather irritated. I had just wrote half a page AND missed a chance of going LD (If I just had done my RCs like I shoulda).

A rather (for me) important question: Can tinnitus be severely disturbing for LDing? I’ve got it, and do get distracted a whole lot during my WILD tries…

Last night i had this extremly loong dream, kinda cool. I set the clock-alarm to 06.15 . But i woke up 05.30, and I was tired :confused: But i wrote down the whole dream. So i tried a fast wbtb+wild method. And yekes, i got the wierdest dream of all time. I was in the class room, and i got angry, then yelled suddenly “MORE LUCIDITY”. I yelled it in english, mother tongue is Norwegian. Kinda strange, but after i yelled that. Everything went black in the dream, and i got the floating feeling in. Then i waked up, because my mom called. :grrr: But have big hopes 4 tonight :wink: It seems like i get more and more detail out of my ND. I can write pages about my dreams almost :cool:

I usually write about half a page for ND. This morning was the first time that I woke up in the middle of the night because a dream ended proud, so I was able to write it down.

Probably going to try more seriously with WBTB + WILD tomorrow morning. This morning I was just awake for ten minutes after awakening, and 1h seems to have produced way better results. Anyways, gl… again. :confused:

buhu, now that i have read about the “old hag syndrome”. I feel kinda nervous going to sleep . Haha :neutral: . It got scary when ppl said demon and feeling someone sitting on your chest. And voices. And of course scary ppl showing up.

You don’t have to be scared, get lucid when you see some old hag thing sitting on you. Or you can just expect it to be a beautiful girl sitting on you :cool_laugh: I’ve had it working a few times :cool:

I wish it was that easy for me!

haha :tongue: Great advice! Why have i never thought of that? :clap:

I always try WILD-ing when i go to bed to sleep at the night. Should i sleep normaly, sleep 4-5 hours then wake up and do something for 10 minuts then go back to bed and try WILDING? :content: Is it some other easier methods? Find WILD a little hard. :neutral:

It’s best to first sleep 4-5 hours and then try to WILD and you can also do a short WBTB at the same time. Shorter WBTB (5-10 minutes) is usually best when you are WILDing and longer (30-60 minutes) when you are doing MILD. I’ve been trying to WILD when going to sleep at night but I haven’t been able to do it yet but it’s somewhat easy for me to WILD if I wake up during the morning though :content:

Im on lan atm. I had this lame anda little cool dream that i could fly and that i was the most powerful man in the world. I wasnt aware that it was a dream. But i thought it was IRL? or something, because i did what i wanted. And it workt. I remember that i summoned a monster that could defeat any monster (boss) in the world, but i made him 242445 times stronger. So after he killed the boss, he tried to kill me. But it was a very strange fight scene. When he tossed me, He tossed me out of the “dream picture”. So everything went dark. Then I jumped in agian. and shouted “IM THE MASTER HERE”. And went with everything i had vs him and won :smile: yekes. It was kinda cool :cool:

Other than WILD, can somebody tell me a little about some other methods? Explain good please :smile:

There is no reason why you can’t do both.

As for other techniques there are so many different ones out there it would take writing a book to tell you about them all. Anyway aside from WILD, MILD and RT seem to be the next favorites.

Check out the wiki bookto get info on the different techniques. Then if you have any questions about a technique feel free to ask questions. There is a sticky topic for most of the main techniques.

BTW you keep a DJ right. If not I highly recommend you do along with doing RT ‘ing + using another induction technique like MILD or WILD.

Oh since you are interested in WILD check out these free e-books as well:

A course in consciousness.
A e-book on OBE( don’t worry it has good stuff about lucid dreaming and WILD as well)

ahhhh :smile: thx dude. :content: eek, i was almost in my dreamstate in the shower haha. Today, i was in the shower, just thinking about the lan i was just on. Then my head just started to think about the dream i had on the lan. Then my feet started to move by itself and the sound of the shower was so slow. Then i heard a strange sound(poff). yekes, and the things i was thinking about was so real. But after the poff sound i just had to open my eyes. My vision was blurry :eek:

I would not advise practicing lucid dreaming in the shower. :confused:

Anyway, There are 3 things you want to learn about to succeed with WILD:

  1. Deep relaxation. You can find my beginner progressive relaxation technique on pg 2 of this thread.

  2. Enter a trance state. Now you might already be in a trance after you complete the above exercise. If not then return to concentrating on your breathing. As you inhale imagine you are breathing in a powerful anaesthetic that relaxes all the muscles and nerves in your body. As you exhale you are breathing out all your worries and tensions. Continue until you enter a trance state.

  3. Now you should be in a trance. From here you just have to let go a little bit more. Continue letting go of all your thoughts you need only hold on to a small fragment of you consciousness to crossover. You may well even experience a brief blackout but that is ok. Now pick something to concentrate on: you can try to visualize and object and just be aware of it, counting, focusing on a point on your body etc. It really does not mater what you focus on so long as it does not require you to think about what you are doing. The important thing you need to under stand is that any thoughts or feelings will bring you back to your waking state. With practice you will find that either you get pulled into the dream or the dream will come to you.

This all sounds hard but, it really is not. It is just something you have to practice. I can enter a trance very quickly and you can learn to as well.

Well I hope that makes sense to you and helps. :smile:

Wow, Dont know that i would do without you guys :smile: Im so greatful for all the help. :happy: Now i know what to do 100% and im going to do it :wink: And btw, The VILD method sounds kinda cool too, going to try it tonight :cool_laugh:

Well the VILD thing didnt work so well. Going to try again tonight :cool_laugh: and btw, It’s snowing her, weeehoo :beer:

Sorry to hear that. I do not know much about the VILD method so I don’t know how to best advise you. Just keep practicing and you will find what works for you.

Happy dreaming