Well. Im getting very close and kinda good on WILD-ing. Dont even do RC. I was lucid in my dream last night. I waked up. But i found out that it was a fake. So i laid down on the bed, and tried to imagine that i had hulk powers. And it workt. Jesus, i could jump like 100 meters high. No problem. And i fought versus some demons. yekes it was soo fun. Then i tried to imagine that i could fire fireballs, but they just went like 20 meters. Well well. Think im going to try to sleep some more now.
WBTB + WILD = Oh yes. Had another low lucidity dream. And i dreamt that i was in town then suddenly i felt the urge to ask myself if i was dreaming. And i yelled to myself “YOU ARE DREAMING”. Then suddenly in the dream i heard some real high sounds. I tried looking down at my hands, but they were normal. (Kinda strange). Anyhow, after i realized that it was a dream. Everything went black. And i tried to imagine myself going back to the dreamscape. But i just couldnt do it. After that i forgot to say to myself that i was dreaming. And went over to a ND. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
Prinsii, you don’t need to be scared.
About voices, it’s what’s called hypnagogic hallucinations. It’s just like hypnagogic imagery you probably already experienced, but with sounds. You can ear your mother calling your name, you phone bell, etc. I don’t find it scary at all, just funny because it’s very clear.
For instance, I have a very particular phone bell, and it’s very curious to ear it exactly. A friend of mine had the same experience, and he was such persuaded that it was his true phone bell that he went to his phone !
About Old Hag syndrome, first of all, you have to know it doesn’t happend to everybody. It’s related to SP, and some people don’t even feel the vibrations in SP. And on LD4all, some experienced WILDers never experienced this syndrome at all.
Moreover, it’s often related to fear, when people experiencing SP unwillingly are frightened because they don’t know what is the trouble with them. But once you know it’s just illusory, either you’re likely to never experience it, or if it happens, you’re not such frightened.
hehe "some experienced WILDers never experienced this syndrome at all. ". phew, then it’s no problem LD’S HERE I COME
Well, this last nights. I was low lucidity… But it seems that i have big problems to remember that this is a dream. Take this for instant: Im in a svimming pool, and then i start throwing knifes at ppl, kinda sick. Another part is when i heard someone enter my room, and it was mom. And in the dream i said to my mom. “WAKE ME UP”, i just cant wake up. But then she tried. but the dream refused to let me control my body. Then i started to think about a fake “wake up” in the dream. Then i heard some high music. But then i went back to a ND. I have big problems remaining lucid 4 more than 1 min or so. And btw, When in the morning when i sleep very light. I always forget to try to go lucid. I always open my eyes. (Then it’s impossible to go back to sleep).
Prinssi you got a ld to do list?
one goal you reall try to remember at day time to focus at when u have a ld? And repeat several times a day what u will do when u have a next ld.
And also the craving and joy to forfil that goal in your ld?
I often practise at day time that iam in a dream, and then i just observe and say to myself wow, what a detailed dream!
Its the yogi way of the far east…they dont rc they practise life is a dream.
That way u dont say in a dream, am i dreaming but you say i dream and so you become lucid!
But this method takes time and practise each day!
over a longer period of months even.
Still your not doing bad, your on the brink of getting into better lucid dreams. Just will take time to get there.