At some point in the pass (before I heard of U-WILD) I saw this shape of a bird fly past toward me turning to the left. I was like whoa! what was that? It was a darker color than the back of my eyelids though.
I might try this again tonight. If I have everything planned out.
Jecht, my HI is usualy scenes that my mind controls, not random images, so you probably had something very close to HI, this is very close to WILD.
kT4all, I also had a lot of visions of stuff comming at me from my left direction, this kind of stuff is also common type of HI.
Reaper, from your experience, are wilds as bright as milds?
No success yet, wondering, maybe stick with milds…?
Will continue to try time to time… who knows…
Thanks for the guide!
Uhh, what do you mean by bright? if you are reffering to the dreams than the quality of the dream is about the same, plus you can improve the quality of the dream world by verbal commands. Is that what you meant?
How many of you are making progress with the U-WILD?
you’ve answered my question, thank you…`
So they are probably as good as milds, by the way, failed again 4th in a row.
How do you manage to watch HI and stay aware, I am going from HI right to ND.
Will try when I’ll be really rested, so can play with it longer…
wanna learn wild will not give up !
Well yeah The HI, is the most important part of this tech so… here lets see:
Most of the HI is influenced or controled by you, so you need to work on making the HI better quality. Its difficult to explain. Try focusing on them, and going into a deeper sleep, I have had several instances were the HI becomes of really good quality and i loose my hearing for a split second. Your probably not getting HI with a good enough quality. Happend to me, and i had a wierd lucid experience. Find a way to make the HI more real, have the intent for the HI to look more real this should help, again completly focus on these images and making them of better quality, (perhapes i should have mentioned this in the guide…) try not to make your mind wander or do anything that will wake you up, like moving, or thinking about somthing else because that will mess you up. I wish you luck, WILD is worth it, trust me. But dont worry once you get some experience all of this becomes MUCH easier. I wish you well! dont worrey you will get it.
It’s so sad… My HI’s were so good almost a dream, and I was catching myself on falling for them as for a dream, and the major factor that shows that I am falling asleep (to ND) is that I start to hear really real audio… sometimes objects I see are so real, first time I was surprized, was able to control HI really well with good visual quality, look on my hands as an RC, without loosing “it”… no SP it doesn’t come to me, was laying in a bed for a little over 2 hrs… and last time I’'ve tried, HI’s didn’t come at all, no matter ho hard I tried, appeared when I lost conciousness, the someone woke me up…
I’ll try anyway… but need to figure out what I’m doing wong… practice will show…
ooooo… the negativity… it stings my soul! yeah it might not work for some people. I tried it last night and i got pretty far. I managed to get to the point where a wave of heaviness swallowed my body and the images were getting clearer and clearer. But then i got a really really bad itch on my nose and i couldn’t handle it! anyone else ever had that?
dimsya I think i may know whats wrong but i need to figure some stuff out.
ed247 yeah that happens to me ALL the time! I really hate it! Also if you move one time you dont have to quite if you get far into it, It should only take a few minutes to get back to where you were. If you mess up just keep trying it again.
Hey U-WILD still isnt complete in itself i made this tech, what… a week ago? around there. I have recently found somthing that may be very important, and may double the chances of succesfull lucidity, but i need to do more testing. Also Jecht, the whole point o U-WILD is to make HI appear if its not working its because your doing somthing wrong. There is no such thing as traditional WILD, WILD stands for Wake Induced Lucid Dream The whole point of the U-WILD was to combine them all together.
-Ah hum. First off, I would like to say (lol, im all formal!) that I havnt perfected U-WILD and I am currently working on it, and im working the best I can to make it as easy and succesfull as possible. So if you are one who is failing it may be because of this ALLTHOUGH what is here of the U-WILD is enough to succesffully lucid dream so if you have tried it 3 or more than 3 times without 1 success than your probably doing somthing wrong.
-For those who have quailify for this please PM me (for those that dont know there is a PM button under every post I make so click it), In the PM please write down EVERYTHING that you did when you were trying to U-WILD. If there is anything wrong with what your doing, I will be able to see whats wrong, and maybe when can get you a lucid dream!
I mentioned before I think I may have found somthing that may make U-WILD a much better technique. The contents below are experimental (Im still testing it out right now), and may or may not work. I cant promise anything but if you have been failing its worth a try!
-Once you get an ok quality HI visualize yourself flying. But give this place a background, like a large field or town or somthing. Now visualize a world, and you flying trough it, but imagine it as if YOU were allready in the world, form YOUR eye view, (we cant see our bodies in real life) so imagine flying through the air, with YOUR eye view feel the wind against your face, feel the gravity as you turn one direction, if you do it write you may actually feel like your actually moving! The feeling will probably go and come back, but soon it may feel like your actually in that world your visualizing in your head. do this till you reach SP, or the dream itself. (Yo remember EXPERIMENTAL)
Omg! I’ve just read this and this is what i’ve been doing all along. Also as part of the visual part i sometimes imagin swinging like a bottle typw object up and down and for some reason this helps a lot.
Quote: “(I saw myself playing bat mitten, i swung to hit, and my are actually moved!”
Reaper, here is a question, what time of the night you do it?
I always did WBTB and I know from my personal exp WBTB is extremely important part.
Also… there is a theory that you have to keep your logical part of the mind awake, so people do counting… Nice stuff about flying, seems too hard for me, but was doing same thing without flying… I had a guide walking with me through the doors… one of the doors was supposed to be a door to a dream, all diff rooms and stuff… doors… doors… It looked very promising…
Other thing: I think It’s better to discuss everything here, so everybody can find a hint or two in someone elses question…
Strange …people talking about heavyness and stuff… I can make my body so heavy and make me feel this odd feelings like you are dying… doesn’t lead anywhere, and HI’s themselves don’t lead me to SP… heaviness comes with ease, But not LD
Will continue to try.
I do it when I first go to bed, I also do WBTB, by setting my alarm clock this is just in case I fail the first time. That heaviness is just a sign your body is relaxing and getting ready to sleep. If you read the part up there ^^^ that i wrote about incuding lucity after you get a all right quality of HI, you need to attempt at it, cause ive got a feeling it might be a missing step in the U-WILD gasp (Im checking it out tonight) SP allways comes dude your body does it every night, you just need to be aware of it when it happens. HI will lead you, you just need to be haven them when your body decides to do SP, (the minds wanderings can really screw this up) i hope you get an LD tonight!