Karuni, when you see your eyelids, there are some spots, I pulled whole world from these… never wilded though
Wow, this sounds really interesting! Thanks for the guide, the detail you put into it is very helpful. I really like the idea of visualizing and creating your own HI–I never thought of that before. I’m going to try this!
Unfortunatly I might be out for some time now. A problem has come up with my computer, and I might be out for a while… I really hate this… May I ask anybody with some WILDing experience to help answer the questions of the members Hopefully I can find a way to get to the internet while my computer problem is being fixed, I will try but I cant say I can. By the time I come back, hopefully I will have some juicy keys and secrets to better WILDing. I wish you all luck! Depending on how long I am out, I should have much more information, on WILDing. Well farwell for now, I shall see you when I can…
EDIT: I have asked Exshade, Girby, and MatrixManNeO to fill in for me while I am out
Ok, a few more things Iv’e realized (might help to people who still have problem with this). The most important thing is that the ratio betwoon awakness and sleepiness should be more torward sleepiness, playing scenes and summoning HI is ten times easier like that, so I don’t recommend WBTB and absolutly no coffee like suggested before, people will be too aware to the real world and won’t be able to make the transition between the awake and dream state, plus the increased heartbeat will make it harder to relax and focus.
It a lot harder to focus mentaly and forget about your body and the outside world when you are not tired enough, as said a few posts earlier about the attention going to the eyes, I also experienced this a lot when I trained at normal WILD, keeping your eyes shut will be very annoying and it will steal time, if you feel that it takes your attention away and you have to open your eyes, open then, it means you are not tired enough to forget about real world and keeping them closed is just a turture. A good solution is to get relaxed once again or do some meditation intended for relaxing (the meditation room website got some great instructed meditations over there) and then return to WILDing.
I really don’t know…
I was trying it for a long time, today I heard the music which was so real, I was laying in my bed with eyes shut and heard it, even focused on the melody.
Asked my girlfriend later if it was her cell or somethiing else, she said “no”.
I guess it was something… maybe a dream? I
Sounds like HI to me. And it sounds like you’re getting close, dimsya! Keep at it, and you’ll get it!
Thanks, the thing is… well I cant explain, but it felt like an LD, I just didn’t see anything… and don’t remember clearly what I felt, like I was in a dream, you usually remember HI’s with ease, and HI’s come when you see things, and I think I had them before, so I think I eather was in LD or was really close to it, but don’t remember any SP, maybe it was MILD about WILDING… let me know if I am mistaking, so hard for me to WILD. MILD lately wasn’t good either
Think I got pretty close. The HI became scenes, But it kinda spooked me. Had someone touch my shoulder and say ‘Excuse me’…It kinda freaked me, so I jumped out of it. I got very far, it took around 5 minuites too. The images just…Became scenes lol. Without me helping them (they’re too random for me to come up with)
I decided to try having music play from my computer speakers last night to help with the visualizing. I was sort of tired last night, too so I thought I might have had a chance. I had a daydream again that I vaguely remember, but I was jolted awake because a quiet song had ended and then a louder one started (that and probably an HH sound, too). I was too tired to try again, so I just went to sleep. I think I’ll make a new playlist with just the more peaceful songs.
Try just using the songs to relax. But when you’re looking into your mind’s eye, you need all outside distraction gone, You gradually lose conciousness of your body (You’re changing to your mind’s eye senses which are dream senses) If you keep using your real ears, you’re basically keeping your self awake and with the real body.
Anyone tell me how to fight the HI shutdowns, as soon as they become real, and I am keeping counciousness, I am back to nothing, cause I realize that I got em going… Loosing counting when they are real also, then I got close to SP twicw in 50 min period, but when I feel something coming I am done, loose everything.
It happens for more then a week already, getting closer… nothing yet, so tired.
The HI shutdowns happen probably because you are distracted by the fact that you are closer and that makes you excited or something, the trick is to focus on the scenes and images once they become real as if you were watching them in real life, you just observe, don’t think about the nature of the images or the content, just look, this will keep your mind in the sleeping path but you are using your brain to look at the images, every technical thought while trying to LD will just make you stay were you are, so basicly it relax->imagine->let your mind take control of the images->look, there is no thinking here, this what makes this method so great.
Thanks… I think I got it, just need to learn how to control myself, I analise everything all the time automaticly… will work on it. I am geting rather surprized then exited when catch myself HI-ing like I didn’t believe I will…
Oh, anybody knows what all this unwilling moves of your limbs mean? Like reflectory/convulsious moves?
Is it start of the dream without SP?, they wake me.
Are you talking about like your leg suddenly has a huge twitch? and also sometimes your whole body jerks up all of the sudden. I think it does that because your mind thinks you are falling and makes you jerk like that to help you not fall. I think that’s what I heard, not too sure.
Yeah, something like that, but sometimes I don’t remember falling or anything, it’s just you falling asleep but stil awake (or I don’t even know what state i am in) but not aware of your body… then BUM - your arm… ok… BUM - your leg, it happens when I try wilding, but it’s ok… not a big problem. Just funny
Yeah It is when it happens your like “what the …?” pretty cool
How soon could I presumably do the meditation before sleep? Should I try for right before I turn in or can I do it earlier?
If you want to do the technique as soon as you go to sleep, do it just before you get into bed, the reason you should meditate exactly before wilding (not just as part from the proccess) is because it will make you relaxed enough to make the HI come much faster.
About the stuff with the limbs moving, I think it similar to dream that you are falling and then waking up upon impact, the entire body feels like you fell on the bed, it because the control returned to the body, and it could happen vice versa when the control is passing on to the dream body the real body still got some control so during this short phase every movement in the dream limbs will also apply on the real ones.
It worked, the first time i ever tried it and it worked. I was unsuccessful the first part of the night, but i then did it WBTB and had 2 lucid dreams in one night!!! This increases my total lucid dreams to 4! I am going to try this again tonight!! (I now know what SP and HI actually feel/look like)