Your motivation with Lucid Dreaming (Or: Do you have one?)

Of cpurse i have a fuel!

To have no limits, boundaries or consequences and do whatever i like. =D

I lucid dream to do all the things i could never do IRL . Kiss a popular girl(i’m a nerd), see the world(my family is poor, we’ve never left the state I’m in), fly, transform, and seek betterment.

My original want was to have my own universe, a place where I think it, and it happens. It was my greatest fantasy for awhile. Though the thought still appeals to me, I’ve learned more about LDs and I’ve changed it slightly. I want to learn about myself, find my weaknesses, train mentally, improve my creativity, and overall better myself. While effing around in my own universe.

I just recently started on my quest to Lucid Dream.
I think my motivation is from video games. Mostly adventure games.

I love adventure. Its fun. Finding a new area, exploring it finding its hidden secrets, meeting new people, creatures. It also has an atmosphere.
When I started playing Metroid Prime, the rainy, dark atmosphere of the world Tallon IV, it gives off a sense of isolation. Your alone, left to uncover its secrets left behind from the anchient race of Bird people, the Chozo, explore, fend off enemy’s for your life, and lots of secrets.

Probably the most recent game that really got me was Cave Story. An action-adventure sidescrolling platformer that takes place in a HUGE labrynth-like cave in a floating island. Its home to the little rabbit-dog like Mimiga.
Its atmosphere is dark, you feel isolated in the caverns which are dangerous yet calming, beautifully colored. Your exploring a cave with multiple paths, areas, enemys, characters that progress througth the story, and likeable characters, (like the character Sue, (avatar picture seen left <—))
It just got to me thinking “man, I want to go out on an adventure and find stuff like that! I want to feel this isolation”. Of course in real life, this wouldnt happen.

A couple days later on the Minecraft forums, I find an off-topic post on Lucid dreaming. I was curious what is was so I took a look. After being educated, I took a look at the link and it came to this site.

I began a couple days ago to try and start Lucid Dreaming because I wanted to try somthing new, try a new experience that people out there have done, and to dream things that you really cant do in real life, like finding a race of creatures in a huge labrynth like cave, or finding a huge labrynth like cave to explore with a shortsword exploring in a dangerous place.
I also love explolring the forests that I live around (Juneau Alaska is isolated by forests, water, and moutians). You can find so much from Juneau’s past by exploring the surrounding landscape.

Thats probably the reason I decided to start trying to Lucid Dream. I think its reasonable enough. I mean, I love to exploration, but limmited in real life.

When I first came here, my motivation was to escape my WL problems.
Then it turned facing those problems in my dreams.
And eventually it just turned into improving myself. ^^

Well, of course there’s sex, art, and fooling around and whatnot, but hey, that’s obvious. :razz:

:eek: I havent posted in this thread yet and its old? Hmm, my reason back then which made me begin with LD thing was to defeat my nightmares and to induce SD with friends (back in those days)

Nowadays the main motivation for LD is to do things Im unable to do IRL :razz: plus if I find foolish things to do I can always test them while dreaming to see how good it really is doing it IRL :tongue:

I want to regain a third of my life
I want to do impossible things that can’t be done in reality
I want to experience various places that I’ve thought of (e.g a sunny beach, with nice soft sand, clear water, with a log cabin and palm trees)
I want to eat loads of delicious food
I want to go through a normal day but just do crazy things
I want to test out things in reality
I want to do things I am too scared to do/don’t have the opportunity to do at the moment like play in a huge concert
I want to practise guitar
I want to find out about myself in the privacy of my own mind
I want to develop my creativity with no physical restraints
Finally I just want to arse around and enjoy being able to do anything I can imagine.

Also, what I’m finding is an interesting side effect is it’s leading me to be less anxious. It’s helping me reinterpret the world in a way that suits me, as I’ve created for myself some odd ideas about what life is all about, and consequently I’ve confused myself significantly.

I think lucid dreaming will make me a happier person :smile:

I came across this by accident and got really obsessed with it (Lucidity occupies more than 40% of my daily thoughts) because its great to have fun while sleeping (which must be done anyway) :happy:

My motivation is the wish to learn to heal, not only myself but others as well.
Some of my LDs have been intense, and opened my eyes to the fact that there is more to our existence than meets the eye. I wish to learn more, “uncover the truth” of life, and its purpose. :pharaoh:

Transform into an aquatic creature and exploring space. (Water is one of my most recurring Dream Signs…)

My current LD number is only 10 :meh: (most of them lasted for only seconds but i Had one that lasted for about 5 minutes) :sad:

What is my motivation?
I’ve always wanted to explore the unknown…even as a child I asked hundreds of questions about UFOs, God, what happens after people die etc. I still ask those questions, though now I’m trying to expierence those mysteries myself. Modern science doesn’t know much about LD, that’s why it interests me. And, having LD is fun :smile:
In short my motivation is:

  • Exploring dream world and learning more about dreams and SC
  • Having fun :smile:
    Nothing else comes to my mind right now

My motivation is wanting to do stuff that can’t be done in real life.


  • Flying
  • Being a fire bender
  • Meeting my dream guide

Well, one of the reasons I started to try getting LD’s. Was so I could travel to places across the world that I know I’ll never be able to in real life.

My motivation in lucid dreaming has been that it would give me the ability to regularly see the group of recurring DC that I consider to be my dream family. This is what has kept me trying for the past five years. Obviously I haven’t worked consistently enough that I have gotten any real results, though. :sad:

Finally! An honest answer. Ha ha ha.

Lucid sex can feel more intense/real than real sex.

I am also interested in testing the Gates of Dreaming Castaneda wrote about - and flying off into Infinity (and beyond!) to witness unimaginable marvels.

And after reading ld4all member Robert Waggoner’s book I’d love to try even half of the stuff he wrote about. That book is a must read - if you ask me. There is a Kindle edition - which you can read on a PC or Android/iphone cell too.


My motivation when i first heard of it years ago was to do whatever. Being it’s a goal, my motivation is to meet my goal. Silly, but true.

More applicably, i want to fly, to swim without water, to make my daydreams feel more real.

In my many relationships with all sorts of people, unfortunately things can go sour. The problem is, i feel sour about it years later in my own head. Talking to the person may not be a viable option for a variety of reasons, leaving me helpless. Going through the motions of hearing them say what i want to hear, should prove helpful. So, i want to soothe my soul by mending relationships.

Similarly, i want to go back in time to visit famous characters, or experience another era. I have a longing for the feeling of the time when reading about a particular culture, their expectations, and lives.

I want to remember old memories that i have a hard time recalling. I have one particular memory blocked from my mind, that is, i had a choice, and i can’t remember what i chose.

There’s also the thought of studying then. When reading a hard text all sorts of ideas comes to mind to explain it. I want to know, in a dream, will i look at it differently?

To sum up: Just do it, Fly, Mend, Remember, Experience, and Theorize.

There’s a whole world out there, Laberge makes a compelling argument.

Well, for one thing my motivation is to try something new, exciting and yet undiscovered (for me)… I’d like to learn more about myself and my subconscious…
I also want to take my creativity on a trip to explore the full potential of my interest in art.
These would be probably most appealing things to me. :smile:

I keep going definitely because of the ability to have sex in LDs which is something I’m too young to do IRL, and also, I write fantasy books, and I see LDing as a great tool to help me expand upon the worlds of my novels, so that I can literally MEET the characters. I haven’t been able to do either of these things yet as I’ve only had 5 LDs so far, but they definitely a big part of what’s keeping me going.

My motivation for Lucid Dreaming is to find my inner self, what makes me perform some actions I do everyday and find the answers to the questions I’ve had about myself but cannot answer. I want to meet my SG and hang out with him and just create a magical world with him. I hope eventually I can meet him I have so many questions I want to ask. I just want a place that is peaceful and calm where I can just think about whatever it is I want and collaborate with my SG and talk about everything. I am the kind of guy that loves to think about the “what ifs” and since my best friend I grew up with that I used to share these crazy conversations with, moved away because joined the Navy and I don’t get to have these conversations anymore. I feel he was the only person that I could have these kinds of talks with without getting a judgement. This is my motivation and always will be.

to start off with I diddnt even know about LD. I got some dream books out and was trying to find some kind of meaning behind my dreams and come across a page in one of these books that was talking about LD. I thought it sounded interesting and exciteing. I thought it would be great fun to be able to make concious desisions and fly all that stuff. however now i really feel im on a mission of self discovery. and that is even more exciteing to think about. sometimes i just wonder why i do what i do and feel how i feel about things and just feel that i dont really know me.