Your motivation with Lucid Dreaming (Or: Do you have one?)

When i first heard about Lucid Dreaming, my motivation was the suspicion that it can give me p…

…joke :lol:
Now really… I like exploring new things. I like hidden things and treasures. For instance - Not much is known about Man and his capacities, not all is truE…:mattias: - i wanted to awake my unconscious knowledge…some inspiration…solve problems…change personality, maybe sacred way to fullfil my desire, etc. Concisely, RL use :content: And then…
ADVENTURE…The idea “you can have ANYTHING you want”. Oooh sounded so good :biggrin: So first…sexual fantasies - overflowing with them :write: …,live different life - in Anime, Star Wars Universe (i asked to be it original from George’s mind :smile: ), Lazytown ; try the idea of Matrix corridor with many doors, proving to myself the impossible (setting the intent to visit some place from RL where i was not and then try locate it in WL, influence WL - beyond stage)…

:content: Yeah Remids me Scary Movie 3
George: I have a dream.
Tom: What is your dream?
George: To have a dream.

I usually don’t like it to do only one thing at the same time, so why not using the time I sleep anyways for doing something productive? LD’ing is fun, motivating and exciting and actually only remembering my dreams helps me to be more energized in the morning because I have the feeling that something happened while these hours of sleep. Then it’s not like, I close my eyes, wake up in the morning and feel like no time has passed at all. Recalling my ND’s is the main factor which helps me to not lose track of the whole lucid dreaming thing, even if I am in a dryspell :smile:

I’ve had a lack of motivation for a few weeks now.
I don’t even know why, I just seem to lose my motivation at complete random, and in fact the first time I stopped caring was right when I was on a roll and had several lucids every week - you would expect this, if anything, to keep me motivated, but no…

I have several amazing ideas on what to do in lucid dreams - my favourite so far is snowboarding down a huge mountain that never ends - but I just don’t seem to have the “click” that actually makes me start caring.

My motivation was actually my first LD. I’ve always had a “thing” for dreams, I would even call myself a dreamer in old fashioned way but I never knew what I actually experienced in that dream until one day I came across term lucid dreaming in searching something about insomnia…

Now I can find motivation in almost everything; movies, pictures, songs, events, personal experience, etc. For example this 3 songs are great and also remind me of lucid dreaming:

song 1
song 2
song 3

There are other peoples experiences, the ones that pushed me in that way… My primary goal with LD was fun fun and fun, but later on when I saw that there is more then fun in it I was motivated even more, sure there are time when I don’t feel like practicing but that’s normal… So basically I find motivation in almost everything…

My motivation is to learn more about myself, and besides I’m going to be sleeping during that time anyway :wink:

My motivation these last few months has been really poor, actually.
I mean, I do cognitively know that lucid dreams are fantastic experiences, but for some reason I just don’t get that feeling of excitement very often nowadays.
I can feel excited about it for a few minutes while trying ADA but then I lose track and just don’t care about it for the rest of the day.

I used to feel really excited about this some time ago and I did have a lot of lucid dreams back then - but now I can’t seem to get that real, genuine feeling of interest and excitement anymore, and I even had a very realistic lucid dream some week ago during a nap, but not even that rekindled my motivation.
This is pretty annoying, actually. :eh:
But there’s no way in hell I will ever quit lucid dreaming of course, I know I will feel the desire for them again very soon. :grin:

My motivation ? simple. To get out of the boring existence we all have in the real world. Why live in a world with boundries when we can live in one with none ?

It’s interesting to experience something unique, something that not everyone commonly practices (at least for now). And, of course, it’s totally fun. No boundaries, no saying “you are not allowed to do that”, no laws of physics - it’s your world, you are the God, you are powerful and free. It’s a great feeling and enough motivation for me.

i know that feel bro :[

Not sure if I would want to get away from real life for too long, but I can say for certain that if you could control how long the dream lasted without prolonging your actual sleep time (in other words, having a dream that felt like a week even when you only slept for 8 hours) then I would remain in the dream world a looong time.