Your personal storys of the paranormal.

i know what shadow people are, i have seen them before, but this wasnt one of them.

The closest thing to supernatural that has happened to me happened awhile back…

I was doing 26 hours of community service one weekend at the local country club and I was taking a break and I put my soda can on the glass table and it was just sitting there for 5 minutes or so then It started slowly moving on its own away from me…

It wasn’t scary I was just like… Umm… wtf?

It mighta been natural and had to do with pressure or something or it mighta been supernatural, I dunno.

I have one sort of silly paranormal story, my only undeniable experience with anything. There are probably more, but I can’t prove them.

Anyway, when I was little, maybe first or second grade, my cousin L and I used to have these little toy rabbits that came with teacups and stuff, and one of them came with a bunch of little plastic food things. The rabbits were pretty small, and the little food was too. In particular there was a little cupcake, about 1.5 cm tall and the same width.

Well, L and I were playing with these rabbits, and we decided to stop and have a snack. I brought some of my rabbits with me, and all of the little food. We went on with our snack until I realized that that little cupcake was missing. I knew I had brought it out, but I thought maybe my mind was messing with me, so I went back in the bedroom and there it was on the bed. I thought that was a little weird, but I just brought it back and we went back to whatever it was we were doing. Then, about five minutes later, I noticed it was gone again. I thought maybe it had rolled off the table, but when I looked it wasn’t anywhere near the table - it was almost all the way back to the bedroom.

Now we started to realize that something weird was going on. We decided to do a little experiment. We sat the cupcake at my end of the table, then turned around, facing out into the kitchen and watched my mom washing dishes or something to distract ourselves. After a few minutes we turned back around… and the cupcake was at the other end of the table.

This was a spectacular discovery. I wasn’t scared or anything, it was just fun. It became our game, and we called the the Haunted Cupcake. We would sit it somewhere, ignore it for about seventy seconds (that seemed to be an appropriate length of time), and then turn back around and see where it had gone. It would move onto and off of plates and such. At first I thought it was just the cupcake, but sometimes the other foods would work too. I remember having races between the cupcake, the donut, and the piece of cake.

It wasn’t my parents. I was always worried that they were trying to trick me, so I made sure to watch them while I waited for it to move. Sometimes I did it when no one else was in the room, and it worked just the same.

Besides those little plastic foods, there was only one other thing that moved, and it was the only one that I ever actually saw do it. L and I were playing on my bedroom floor, and there was a large wooden button sitting on my bed. It was something I had made in Brownies, where you color the button and then put it on a string to make a spinny thing. We were sitting there, not expecting anything, when the button jumped up into the air and landed on the floor between us. Neither of us was near the bed. That was the only time that I was even a little scared, and that was only because it was so unexpected.

When we moved out of that house, the cupcake didn’t work anymore.

Can I just say that that is almost too creepy?

That’s actually pretty cool!

Wow…that’s awesome!

I remember a long long time ago, in a galaxy far away…well it wasn’t to far away…I used to keep a little journal of odd/unexplainable events. The first was when I was just after i learned to ride a 2 wheel bike. By that point, I was confident and actualy pretty good. I was just riding around in my drive way, and I started going straight for the garage at the bottom. My mind completely blanked out and it was as if I wasn’t in control of my body. I went faster and faster and I saw the garage door coming closer and closer. I knew i was going to slam into it and get hurt but I couldn’t stop. I don’t know why I didn’t panic or break or anything. I just sped up! :eek: I slamed quite hard into the door. I was thrown upward a little, but I came back down straight on the seat, instead of going foward with inertia, which was the first law of physics that I broke that day. The second was the fact that I remained completely balanced without putting my feet down for a good full minute. I had bounced back off the door a little, and wasn’t touching anything! Finally, I felt the bike slowly start to tilt, kind of telling me it wasn’t going to balance for ever. I immediatly got off my bike and decided I rode it enough for one day. At that point in time, I didn’t know about lucid dreaming, but I had learned that if I pinched the underside of my arm, I could tell if it was real or not. This was definently real.

I wasn’t hurt in anyway, just shooken up.

Most of the other entries where with my cousin. We were “ghost hunters”. We went into rooms and made very clear mental notes of how things were positioned. We’d then leave the room, wait a few minutes without anyone going in the room, and see how things moved. I was shocked to find about 5 or 6 things move, and I had a second witness to make sure I wasn’t just being forgetfull of its original placement.

Creepy, creepy things…I only wish I could find that journal, but I haven’t seen it in atlast 5 years.

I got badass shivers from these stories… weird that anything like this never happened to me :meh:

Once I owned a set of 4 dice that predicted my rabbit’s death. I asked the dice if my rabbit would be okay after he went to the vet. It said no (odd number) then yes and Are you unsure or something. It said no. I said then what is it, yes or no. It said no.
I then said you’re joking aren’t you? From then on it gave me stupid answers to questions (probably meaning I wasn’t getting the point.)

And my rabbit actually died the next day…

I just thought of another one… I found this old 50s casset tape, I dont know who it was, I think it was like BB king, or little richard… One side of the tape, had some really creepy music on it, with a deep demonic voice speaking allthrough it. It was hard to understand the voice, and the music reminded me of some chessy orgen music. It went through the entire side of the tape.

I wish I could have kept that tape, so could figure out what the voice was saying.

channaling with dice? I wonder if that would work for me?

I wish I had some freaky ‘ghost’ story to tell, but I don’t. My life is very normal, and nothing weird has ever happened to me in my entire life! Ever! I once met a guy who honestly seemed to believe that he was a psychic and could read minds, but he got everything about me totally wrong (lol), so that was obviously not true, even if he was deluded enough to believe it.

I find these sort of stories interesting, because I love fantasy and the supernatural and all that stuff, but I don’t believe in them at all.

Well, i have had a few experiences. One of them used to happen all the time, and would scare the living sh*t out of me. I used to wake up in the night, needing the toilet. I would step out of bed, and hear a very strange voice, which i can still remember to this day. It said “Grandma, come and put Jason back in to bed!” then some weird instrument sounded. It was different every time. Once it was a cowbell, and all sorts. Once, it actually woke Grandad up, and he came in to see what the noise was about, and he said “Who just played that Huru?” or something like that. But just as soon as i heard that voice, i would jump back into bed, and stare at the door, because something would come in through it. It was like a whirlwind or something, and as soon as it stopped spinning, i felt like i was falling, the exact same sensation as a falling dream. Ever since the first time it happened, i had been afraid of the dark, and scared to get out of bed without putting a light on. This is something i have only recently grown out of. (the lights, that is) but the voice and the sirens and stuff stopped years ago.

A few times, i tried to get rid of the voice, but every time i tried, by opening the curtains to let some light in, as it never happened in the light, i would hear a dog growling from inside the room. Nobody in the area had a dog at the time, except one which was at the other end of the street and couldn’t possibly growl as loud as that. So i had to shout someone awake to put the light on, and put it back off when i was in bed again.

Another time, i was in the safe room but had a sofabed, but with a bunk on top too, i looked out of the door, since it was in a different position, and i saw someone coming up the stairs. It was a little midget dressed in victorian clothes, and it looked scary, even insane, and it smiled a crazy smile at me, with sharp pointed fangs for teeth. It then laughed, walked up the rest of the stairs and disappeared. The thing is, it had eye contact with me, direct eye contact, then it disappeared straight after. There are more stories, mostly from my house, but i just thought i would post those two as samples.

this stuff is pretty crazy.

I can’t think of anything at all. I’ve had telepathic like moments, my mind has synched with people before… manipulating thoughts, etc…

but the only one thing i can recall is on my birthday party i had some sort of “gossebumps” game with this video you put in to play along with it…

and so we were playing, and we got to joking about things, trying to talk to ghosts or whatever… I"m not sure what, but the video talked back to us, and it freaked us out and we turned it off.

i can’t really recall anything specific about it at all actually, but it was scary to us at the time.

this one time i got it into my head that i was pyschic and i was guessing numbers in class… i got like 6 or so numbers in a row right, even really strange random ones like 1-300 … i can’t tell how much i was being humored or what… but it seemedl ike i was getting them down authentically.

i can also have precognitive dreams. back then i also had it in my head that i was psychic and so sought out my dreams and how they relate to prediction. well they did come through for me a lot.

i made a public delcaration of an impending school shooting in ohio, and it happened (but did it only happen becuase of the declaration? i surely hope not :sad: ) but I got the names wrong…

i dreamed of something happening to our band bus when we were about to go to Florida, but it happened to another band’s bus who were also going to Florida about 4 days before we went. (and this was paranoia too, i was just worried something would happen).

and well in this period of time i had a dream about my computer in my programming class getting messed up, and it did … and … well i don’t know, i kept stringing dreams out like crazy back then, trying to make predictions to my friends and illustrate things.

i dreamed of my friend getting suspended for having a knife, and he got suspended for having a machete in his car… which wasn’t school related he just kept it there as some sort of paranoid defense weapon in case of road rage…

little things like that.

I once tried to take over a bus driver’s mind to make him go faster. Weirdly it worked, but it was most likely a coincidence.

I’ve also been semi-posessed before, some sprit started talking to me and telling me what to do. She was alos quite hot, in a ghostly sort of way.

I’ve had clairvoyant dreams too, just little things though…

I was working as a dishwasher at the Holiday inn, there was a tabale that had just been set, when suddenly this empty glass exploded into tiney peaces. I thought that was pretty cool, I dont know what would have caused to just spontanously explode like it did.

hahahaha, that last one was funny. I could just imagine your face when the glass just exploded. Asking yourself, “What the fuck was that?”

Anyways, I have another one I just remembered. I have witnesses too. I mean I’ve been tempted to copy and send this tape into shows on t.v. It’s so weird.

What happened is me my sister and my dad went on a vacation where we went to a certain mountain in Arkansas. My dad filmed the whole thing. Now here’s the weird thing, in the film our shirts would change. The date would change, I looked older in others. Come to find out we went to the same place twice, and did the same excact things. But all three of us can’t remember the second trip. We just can’t, I mean we sat down together and thought for hours for one little memory of the second trip. Nothing. So weird, I mean it would show us going through the cave, and then it would cut out and another part would come start. Starting at where it ended us at the end of the cave, but we had different clothes on. Then it would stop as my dad would shut of the camera. Then when he started filming again we would be climbing up a steep cliff. (which had steps…hahaha)

THEN out of no where the camera would switch to us with different shirts on different year but at the SAME excact SPOT. And we didn’t remeber any of the second part.

I mean look we remember the 1997 trip, but there was a 1998 one that seemed to be filmed but not remembered…I’m rambling I still don’t know what happened. Me my sister and Dad have decided it didn’t happen, because we didn’t go to Arkansas in 98.

Wow, thats really freaky. Did you atleast own all the shirts “featured” in the film?

I’ve had a bit of everything really my life is full of interesting tales and experiences of the paranormal.

ufos, aliens, astral projection, OBE’s, spirits, telepathy, technokinesis (turning on/off electrical equipment), manifestation (now that was an interesting one!), chronokinesis (slow/stop/wind back/speed up time), macrokinesis (sort of like manifestation - altering future events)
aerokinesis (altering the weather)

I’m sure theres more but thats all I can think of right now.

Tell us a story Eonnn! :happy: