Your personal storys of the paranormal.

ok well my experience with telepathy

i felt like i was on the same wave length as my friend and i was saying everything he was goin to say. Then he said pick a number out of the blue and i picked the same number he was thinkin of, we did it three more times and i ‘guessed’ correctly each time, thats when we decided to stop and do something else coz it was kinda scary.

manifestation - i was at work and i had used up an entire roll of plastic bags i went to get more turned around and bang it was sitting there like my mind was tricked into thinkin it was already there. no one else was at work that day and i was in a really different frame of mind from lack of sleep amongst other things.

technokinesis - after not sleeping for 2 weeks straight and taking lots of mind altering substances… i had true mind over matter and one morning i looked at a street light and said to myself “im going to turn you off” and I willed it to turn off. the sense of willpower… the feeling i got when i did it was undescribable. I then proceeded to turn off other street lights and then the computer, thats when i stopped and went to sleep. the next day i couldn’t do it anymore.

spirits - i have seen them, i can constantly feel my own spiritual presense now after a kundalini awakening meditation i did, the feeling i got when i connected with the source/god/holy spirit woteva was incredible - sent tingles all over me.

theres much much more but i will save them for another time maybe.

Wow! Arkansas is creepy.

<------lives there.

How do you do chronokinesis?

Try not sleeping for 2 weeks so your mind is in an altered state of consciousness.

Damn it this sort of thing shouldn’t be posted in a dream forum :smile: . Always reading here before I go to sleep and now i’m shooked up :eek:

upon awakening to the usual world after unreasonable amounts of moments spent dreaming, a morning, daylight shinning thru as many windows as were in that house, i layed in bed peering at the ceiling beyond the doorway into the next room. a shadow was clearly out of place above the clock, in the kitchen where daylight shun thru countless windows. i was not asleep although the shape was most obviously dreaming and taking notice of my presence, silently crawling along the ceiling with which it seemingly was one.

one with the ceiling and massless, sort of shimmering or reflecting black-gray and apearing jelly-fish textured, i could feel it’s company to my heart and guts. slowly but without slowing down it crept in closer until it was right above me and fluidly droped on or inside me. i could see it no longer but could feel my inners boiling being sqeezed to a kind of suffocation. thoughtlessly reacting , i intensly and violently spasmed the whole body inside out for what seemed like an instant. i sat in bed until my heart calmed, absolutely unable to think…then went back to dreaming.

this event not so strangely came back to me with its full impact more than a few dreams later

Glad I found this. I’ve been looking for it for a while.

A week ago, 8 days ago. I saw something that suprised me. I was laying on the grass. Just got done talking to a friend. Then I looked up at the moon. It was a full moon. Then something just as big, just as bright flew by. I was really suprised, and all I could do was smile, cuz no one saw it but me. And no one would believe me.

Anyways, I don’t really believe in ufo’s but that challenged my judgement.

This is kinda boring, but I always always feel that someone, or something is following me. Not necissarily bad, or evil. Just something I don’t see. Maybe I’m just imagining it, but why is it when I talk to myself ( :roll: ) I feel that someone other than me is listening, and understanding. Just makes me wonder… :tongue:

Redifin, something similar happened to my dad, though it wasn’t paranormal. He saw this burning streak in the sky for a split second (daytime), but since only he saw it, his friends were a bit doubtful… until there was a huge explosion sound a few minutes later to let them know a meteorite had burned up in the atmosphere.

oh my god, thats the creepiest story i have ever heard, well done with the telling, i believe it

WHAAAAT that is so awsome!, i kind of believe that one, it seems too awsome, it didnt seem like you were scaed though, just confused, i like the swearing part, what the hell happened to you ,you were like in a different world or something

sorry about the post-and-edit stuff, my bad, but i have something pretty creepy to tell

Double and triple posts were suppressed. Don’t worry about, they were certainly due to the forum slowing down.

 when  i was 8 or 9 years old, i was at my house, my friend was over and it was night time, i walked upstaires, and saw my friend, i thought it was, he was wearing orange clothes, he had his back turned on me, i said "hey pat" (that was my friends name), he didnt respond, he just walked into my parents room, i followed, continuing to call him, he never answered, when we got to my parents room, he disappeared, nothing was there, just the curtains and his shadow. that house was haunted, the lights would turn off and such. But he  wierd thing is i see these people everywhere, i was sleeping at my friends house and i woke up i the middle of the night, 5 of them, all wearing orange clothes with orang baseball hats were standing around me, here was a wiers sound and i  went back to sleep, then another time, i was backstage at a doobie brothers concert witht eh same friend, Pat, hes the lead singers son and sometimes ges and plays guitar on stage, but we were outside with some of his friends, willie nelsons sons, and i looked out onto the parking lot, i saw a kid, perfectly normal, wearing an orange shirt, i knew it was one of them so i kept watching, he was so real, that i was convinced, we ran into the bushes, i whent over just to check, but he wasnt there! godit creeps me out that orange ghosts follow me everwhere i go, why????