Big "SP as a gateway to WILD" topic

Is it possible to WILD without an SP? Cause I really want an LD, but the SP stuff sounds really freaky :eek: . Do all the other techniques have SP’s too?

When I try to WILD, after a while I feel numb all over my body, I cannot feel a thing! Sometimes it’s like my eyes shake violently, in bursts, and I get a warm feeling running through my body. My heartrate goes up, and I breath more. I can move if I want to though, and I usually do because I start to itch (really annoying). Is this SP? I didn’t see any images or hear sounds or anything…

I was wondering if anyone had any ideas about the experience I had last night. I’m not sure if it was SP related or if it was just something else :meh:

I was trying to get into SP and I was focuscing on my breathing and counting. I did this a few times, the first few nothing much happened, I could feel my body getting numb and I got a tingling feeling in my feet as well as some leg twitching, but I didn’t get any shaking or vibrations that people usually report. However, on my last try, I’d had my eyes closed for a very short amount of time, I could see what I can best describe as a tunnel of light, which started going faster and faster through my mind. I could feel my heart getting faster too, and suddenly my eyes began blinking (although still closed) and twitching really quickly and uncontrolably. I let it continue for a while, it didn’t get any slower and it was happening loads, eventually I opened my eyes and then fell asleep notmally. After opening my eyes, I felt very strange - like I should’ve been asleep and also really heavy.

All of a sudden, my entire body started shaking like crazy. Serious, violent shaking. I was terrified by this (it definitely wasn’t pleasant) and to top that off, I started hearing these horrible high-pitched buzzing noises in my ear and also this really loud, staccato “shh-shh-shh-shh-shh” sound that kept blaring at me, getting faster and faster. My heart felt like it was going about a mile a second. I felt as if I was having a seizure, my entire body just wouldn’t stop shaking. Suddenly my body did this weird little jerk and I was awake

well, congratulations my friend, you almost had an O.B.E.
when i first heard of people using WSP for lucid dreams, i was kind of shocked that not many people knew this was also for O.B.E.'s, but by also keeping your mind in limbo, this induces strange buzzing noises, and shakes.
this is only for begginner O.B.E’ers though, normally it becomes so feint after a while, that you can hardly sense it.
this violent shaking is your body trying to stay in normal reality, and your mind is drifting away, thats the best i can explain it.
once this is happening, its important to keep calm, and keep relaxing, the more you figh it, the more violent it will be.
after you stop fighting it, and completely relax yourself, youll stop hearing the buzzing noises, and be completely free.
now, to make sure yoouve released your astral body from your physical one, there are a few ways to tell, without moving your body.
1:the bottle cap method.
this is my favoite, becouse its an easy way to completely remove yourself from you physical form.
just imaging a hightened gravity underneath you bed, and start sinking beneath it, then shift this false gavity, to where you turn, like a medicine bottle cap.

another way is to imagine a ball of pure gravity above you, and feel your body moving torwards it.
this only some times works for me, but see if it works for you.

there are a few more methods, but i forgot them :neutral:
try some different ways to see what works best, and even better, you can open your eyes during trying to get an O.B.E. :grin:
so while your doing this, you can open your eyes, and mouth, and it wont affect the WSP at all :grin:
it really helps to see things while in an O.B.E., anyways i used to have a topic about this, i had an old account from a long time ago, but for some reason i couldnt log in :eek:
anyways, if you feel this shaking, just keep calm, and you’ll be on your way to an O.B.E. :grin:
(P.S., that jerk you talked about, might have been you going into the O.B.E…unless you got up and it was reality :grin: )

ok, just replying becouse i forgot this, normally people have trouble with thier eyes during trying a WILD, sounds like you got pretty close, but heres a trick to keep your eyes 100% closed for about 1-2 hours,
1:close eyes
2:shut eyelids kind of hard, but not too hard
3:roll eyes around in wide circles in one direction 3-4 times
4:roll eyes in wide circles in the opposite direction 3-4 times
5:keep eyes closed, but relieve pressure, just like you would normally have your eyes closed.
it may hurt a bit at first, but after 3-4 days with practice, you should have complete control over your eyes.
just a tip :grin:

last night, i did some progressive relaxation techniques and then listened to a soothing audio track after doing WBTB. during the soothing music i find myself beginning to spin around and i feel like my eyes are not staring off into the black distance but rather focusing close to me (if that makes sense). suddenly my breathing increases though i realize its just the effect of going into SP, but at this point im not sure if i should let my breathing remain (or appear to remain) rapid and shallow, or try to calm it down and keep it controlled. i also noticed when the spinning and feeling of closeness went away that my body had tensed up a bit.

I tend to have sleep paralysis at least a couple of times a week. I know that by ignoring the terror that can sometimes come along with it, you can enter a lucid dream. The thing is… whenever I actually manage to start dreaming from SP I get too excited which always wakes me up. Is there some way that I can control it? I couldn’t tell you how many times I’m lying there paralyzed entering the dream world, and just wake up from the excitement. It’s very frustrating. It’s been far too long since I’ve had a real LD. None of the methods seem to work for me anymore.

Oh, and a side note, I just joined the site again… I’ve been a long time dreamer, and even used to have an account here years ago. :content:


Dont worry, SP can be sometimes scary, but it cant do any harm to you. All you get is a bunch of weirdo images, sounds and feelings, and it lasts for only like 1-5 minutes depending on the person.

And for getting too excited, I would do a bit of meditation before getting into SP and just be calm when entering SP.
I know its really exciting and you get all these thoughts rushing through your head which causes you to wake up but just be relaxed and calm and tell yourself that “I will stay calm until I get into my dream world” and once you learn to do that, you’ll be in an awesome dream and just perform an RC to check if you are dreaming or not and then your free to do what ever you like. :smile:

Good Luck

Oh and Welcome Back to LD4All. Why did you spend all those years just hiding away? :razz:

So I started reading about LDs about two months ago, and i read about SP. I’m confused about how to turn SP into a lucid dream or how that even works. Since most of what I read on SP was related to OBEs.

I’m looking for help from some one who uses this method to have LDs since all of my LDs have been through the MILD.

If anyone knows about this please help :sad: .
I’m fairly new to LDs too so ill try my best to keep up :tongue:

Merged into the BIG SP as a gateway to WILD topic

When you’re in SP it’s time to separate your dream body from your physical body. One way of doing this is visualizing as clearly as you can you’re someplace else, outside, for example, touching surfaces. Try to imagine you’re really there, what the surfaces feel like, how the fresh air feels filling your lungs, etc. Slowly these things will start getting real and after a whiel you’ll find yourself in the LD. Usually touch is the first sense to come.

Another idea is imagining your body in bed is rotating around a vertical axis, until your head is where your feet were. This way it’s easier to sense your dream body is separated from your physical one. Then you “just” get up. :tongue:

Oh! thanks a lot! I was kind of confused about what to do once in SP. I had It last night when i felt disorientation from my physical body. I just kind of lost my focus after a while and drifted off to sleep :cloud9:

Ill try harder to visualize tonight though. Thanks again. :gni:

Its different for everyone, for me its usually a tingling sensation going throughout my body like static electricity.

I dont usually hear audio but sometimes its like a wawaawwawawawawawa sound lol.

Its fun actually, at first it scared the crap outa me but you gotta learn to realise that its just all in your head.

Is sp always so voilent? I’ve wilded successfully many times,but i have never experienced shaking or even hypogognic imagery. The closest i ever get is the feeling of falling kinda slow-like.

It can vary from dreamer to dreamer and from SP to SP. I used to feel vibrations while in SP, now I don’t feel anything. Entering SP I feel violent vibrations and bubbling and other weird body distorting feelings :tongue:

SP isn’t scary at all. I enjoy because I know I’m one step away from a lucid dream. It was scary the first time though. It happened to me randomly one night, and I had no idea what was happening, and I never even heard of SP. Then I looked it up and found out what it was, and saw a reference to lucid dreaming. I didn’t know what that was either, and was amazed by it. And now, here I am! :woo:

I am not sure if I am having SP or not…I have been trying to use SP to have a LD. One time a few months ago I was just trying to WILD and I got to a point where it felt like I was spinning and shaking (crazy feelings) and I quick sat up only to find out that when I looked in the mirror at the end of my bed I did not see myself. I am guessing this should have been an obvious sign I was dreaming but I was just completely confused about the whole thing. A few nights ago I was specifically trying for SP and after a little while it felt like my whole body was ripping through space or something ( I don’t know how to describe it but it feels like I’m falling and there is a very loud rushing sound). This startled me and I woke up. This morning I was trying for the same thing and this time I began to see what I think is HI (I saw pictures coming and going) and I began to zoom in on one picture and the crazy rushing feelings started happening again (less intense this time). I am not fully concious when all of this is happening so it is hard to remember exactly what happened but I sat up again and my vision was COMPLETELY messed up. It was like shattered glass and everything was mixed up. Of course this freaked me out and I just dropped back down to my pillow. I’m assuming this was another FA but I have read that SP can make you hallucinate so I was wondering what you guys thought. Sounds like I’m pretty close right???

very close indeed! :grin: You halucinate in SP sometimes, but if you sat up that means you were in the dream, so halucination there is already the dream!

The weird spinning, shaking and ripping are signs of SP, and what you saw was HI.

You’re doing great, so keep practicing until you feel comfortable with all these weird things. Then it’s easier to relax and enter a dream :wink:

I dont know if im reaching SP or not, is it possible to skip SP right into HI? Or is my SP just not as noticeable as others?
I lie with my eyes closed and relax my whole body slowly with breaths, and after a long time I can start to see the weird patterns and I can almost get into a dream but I keep losing it as its coming.
Although my body may feel really weird sometimes, I can feel a body part nudge or jig out sometimes, and my body can be buzzing or numbing, except I can still move my body if I want to, at least I think I can, I try not to move as much as I can and it feels like a vibe around my body.
If I ever do really move one of my fingers just to see, it feels weird like its buzzing even more, and it feels like an explosion of that tingling feeling you get when a body part is sleeping.

It’s pretty common fot SP to go unnoticed. When I get HI I never feel SP :wink:

I tried this last night, and it worked good! :grin: I woke up and remembered not to move, and almost right away I was in SP. When I was in sp, i tried to visualize where I wanted to be, but instead, my body started doing this breakdance spinning thing on my back and then a handspring out of bed, and I landed on my feet. :eh:
Obviously I knew I was dreaming after that, but I did a reality check by looking at my hands, and they looked normal. That probably distracted me from doing other reality checks, because I spent the rest of my dream walking around wondering why my hands looked normal. The dream lasted for about a minute, then I blinked, and when i opened my eyes again, i was in bed. I’ll definitely keep working on this technique! :grin: