Brainwave Generator: A file I found that Worked

i tried deep mind IV and ld test and neither put me to sleep, mind you it was 8 pm lol. i tried about 10 different presets before that (each around a few minutes) which got rid of my loud music hangover from last night/today :grin: . I’ll probably try ld test again tonight if my headphones dont piss me off too much

Deep mind is making me sooo slow. ive listined to it for 10 mins with my head down and my eyes closed and i had a closed eye visual of the sky and it was dark like it was raining and there were dark trees around. i feel like im in bullet time now

deep mind is fun

If you feel like you’re in bullet time (everything else seems slow) that would suggest your brain is running faster which is interesting. I havent had strong effects from bwgen but I think it helps WILD type techniques and meditation so I will try Deep Mind IV after DM VI gave me no results.

Did you try it yourself, Tapir? What were the results?

I’m going to try it tonight with the river1.ogg background. Sounds nice.
The sound of the preset is like the Doctor Who transmat device sound effect… If anyone wants to reproduce it they could use your preset!

I tried DM ultimate n2 too but it wasn’t too useful. I’ll retry DM IV which seemed more effective (even though I didn’t manage to LD or WILD).

I’m new to LDing and the BwGen. I have used many user Presets already, including Deep Mind II and VI.

After reading this thread I downloaded and listened to Deep Mind IV for the first time last night.

One of my great problems with these entrainment programs is that I cannot seem to enter a deep enough level of relaxation. My mind is entrained to a certain point and then I usually become aware of my dry mouth. The sensation goes quickly from feeling dry to parched and my body automatically carries out a swallow reflex to relieve the ‘tension’. It is very frustrating because the effect is to take you out of the trance you were steadily working towards. Sometimes another sensation will assert itself, such as an itch, a burning sensation, the sensation of something crawling over the skin…

After relaxing into Deep Mind IV, I reached that point where I swallowed one time, taking me out of the meditation - but only a little bit. I stuck with it and I was back in it after a few seconds. Then, gradually, a profoundly heavy sensation was felt throughout the body and my awareness felt slightly independent of the body, as if the sensations were not making much of an impact on me even if I could feel them. I have to admit I wasn’t completely prepared for this feeling of independence from the body and I wasn’t sure what to do. I thought about the Robert Bruce rope-climbing technique to induce OBEs but just focused instead on repeating some instructions and affirmations regarding lucid dreaming.

After only 30 minutes of the 45 minute session, I ended the program and fell asleep. It was the first time I have really been relaxed, able to leave the physical body behind along with all the sensations. As a tool to teach this state of mind it is without equal in my list of Presets.

Now I need some good instructions on what exactly to do within that state!

I listened to tapir’s preset throughout most of the night…
I didn’t have dream recall, I don’t know if that was a result or not.

I am rereading now his description - it’s supposed to be used after you wake up during the night to re-enter a dream! You could say I misused the preset!

Oh, sorry to hear that

Actually I got to admit that I haven’t tried it myself so far, since I don’t want to do WBTB while there’s school. It’s based on the theoretical knowledge that we have about sleeping and brainwaves.
Anyways, I’d be interested in any results people have with this :smile:

I misused it, I think…
Probably I’ll try it once I wake up this night. I seem to wake up after every dream, which makes it easy to try at that point…

any1 no a good, neutral background sound to use with LD test. i dont like the gushing river or that type bcus wen im sleeping i can hear where it ends and loops round and it drives me crazy. what about pink or brown noise, do they work?

I’ve tried everything in this topic but I can’t find any way to listen to Deep Mind IV! :cry: Could someone please help me and give me a simple explanation on how to get that file to work? I’m so confused.

Did you install and register bwgen?

Would this work without headphones? I think I would sort of have a problem falling asleep with headphones on. Would just normal speakers work or is the left/right ear thing a big part of it?

Yeah, the whole science of Brainwave Generator is based around the different frequencies in each ear.

I usually use BWGen to meditate before I go to sleep.

Does anyone here have a deep mind file in mp3 format? I cant get bwgen to work very well.

If no one has any mp3’s, could someone walk me through how to make the program be able to import files?

Can someone explain how to use Brainwave Generator? What it does, how it works, a tutorial for someone who’s never heard of it or downloaded it? :wink:

I’m anxious to try this, but have only one problem. It wont install. I open the exe and extract the setup info mantually into a folder, and run Setup.exe. It opens, meaning its open when I do Ctrl+Alt+Del, but nothing visually happens on the screen. Anybody know what the prob is? I really want to try this.

I got it working!!! Version 3.1.9 though, but I don’t care. I have loads of presets too! :wink:

What I did was put it in a dir titled Presets. Opened BWGen, dropped down Presets, then Import. Find the file called Deep Mind IV and double click it. Then click the Play button. It should start to play.