Sorry for not replying for so long. I assume only few will read it, but I promised to continue, so here it is.
Every resonant brain frequency (i.e. 1.5Hz, 4Hz, 10Hz, 40Hz) has a corresponding set of structure from brainstem to cortex. Upper levels contain structures from the previous organisation level. Also, each of these levels has an associated electromagnetic field, that is, at first sight seems to be identical with the electromagnetic noise they generate at work. However, within these fields a great amount of coherence taking place. Basically, going from the level of individual cells and below, through tissues, organs and organ systems all the way up to the bioplasm field as the uppermost coordinator of physiology various sets of electromagnetic fields represent adjacent segments on the consciousness continuum. However, these are just the human part of the continuum as it proceed further unting humans and other animals into super consciousnesses.
Basically, as you lower arousal level you change the basis on which the specific pattern of information you identify yourself with is sustained. Like the consciousness (energy) were a chain of lakes connected by canals and personality that you want to keep intact were waves on the surface. If you are unable to migrate your personality pack onto the adjacent grade of the field continuum you would lose consciousness (waking personality). It means that the system had been unable to build up the required coherence to form a “super structure” able to hold the personality. The personality decomposes with failure of cooperation of supporting subsystems and remain in a latent state until you wake up.
Otherwise, you would suddenly became fully conscious again but now on another level. At this point the information pattern of the personality modulates an energy field only losely associated with the brain. Some even hear a strong metallic noise, or a “click” when detach from one field and connect to the other. The new level, as a straight consequence of reduced brain arousal, should be based on electromagnetic fields that show greater delocalisedness. Greater integration between supporting brain structures would manifest in increased interhemispheric coherence. There should be, as well, a greater coherence between various organs and organ systems.
Our body is composed of at least three fundamentally different sets of fields that correspond with the three dantien. The first dantien is more or less associated with the level of ordinary biological matter. The bioplasm, however, as the first segment of the continuum that could be, at least temporarily displaced, is associated with the middle dantien regio (solar plexus), the control center of the bioplasm body. It is bodily projection of the hypothalamus that integrates various organ systems into the animal consciousness of our body. The third grade, the hypothetical energy field of the vacuum does not seem to belong to the physical body at all. However it is just our faulty concept of space that sustains this illusion. Apparently our senses haven’t been designed to deal with this problem, making it quite difficult to reconcile this knowledge with the picture we have about ourselves. For want of better, we even see this field as part of the human body as light in the third ventricle (I’ll explain this later).
The three grade of the consciousness continuum represent various energy states subsequently more closer to the level of physical vacuum. From the persepctive of our waking senses they become progressively more delocalised by taking the appearance of expanded layers within the human aura. But this is mutual, since by becoming attenued with these parts of the consciousness, the waking world starts too, have the appearance of a blur. For instance, when I’m at the intermediate stage between OBEs and dreams my sleeping body often looks like a pulsating grey mass, and areas of the room I sleep in often heavily distorted or couldn’t be looked at.
Beautifully enough, the two field in question, the bioplasm and the vacuum condensatum, seem to be associated with the middle of the body (solar plexus) and the middle of the head respectively. I’ll continue with the description of the bioplasm field and the vacuum condensatum.