Do you think OBE are LDs ?

Hmm vibrations caused by theta or delta waves… This theorie seems a bit odd to me. Why is it that I can lay down in the morning keep my consciousness and then the vibrations start directy without any break in consciousness without any dream/Rem-Phase before? My Knowledge about the brain is limited but as far as I know it is plausible to assume that the brain would enter Rem sleep in the morning not some theta-state. Also, as far as I know vibrations can occur while still dreaming.


Tombo the vibrations are’t directly caused by the brainwaves but there is a link between them because they happen at the same time. Also, in the morning when you lay down and have these vibes, you are in theta brainwaves. Theta is not something obscurely hard to enter. Certainly not shortly after you wake up in the morning, but on average it’s not that hard at all. Besides this, theta is also happening during REM, and fires the neurotransmitters that are responsible for the visual part in dreaming (activating parts of the visual cortex by a chemical called acetylcholine).

I think they are mistaken and just dont understand how vivid and detailed a lucid dream actually can be.

In a lucid dream you can also revisit a dreamplace…

Out of topic discussion splitted from here.

I dont say that this is really the astral body that goes out but OBE exist if you want it or not. This is real.

And this symptom are OBE symptom…

Can you proove it ? :grin:

I didnt expect that people that believe in lucid dream was so dumb. If you believe in LD I don’t know why you don’t believe in OBE. Controlling your dreams or feeling exiting out your body to after do a sort of dream. The 2 are equally crazy and intriguated.

I dont know why you interest in LD stop it right now if you doubt about OBE I dont know its like if I was doubting about LD. But I know they exist too.

OBE is just another type of dream. Try it for yourself and you will believe it when you will receive the first sensation of the heart chakra beating really fast or the vibration…

Maybe you experienced it with WILD technique , thats exactly the same thing but you mind is more clear and the difference is you dont fall asleep to do a WILD or form a dream. but you litterally trying to exit your body thats a crazy sensation.

If you dont believe it your the dumb. Its like saying Adrenaline doesnt exist. We dont know exactly how it work (or maybe) but it strange.


“OBE is just another type of dream.”

-I don’t believe that is true. A dream is different from the astral plain, if it even exists.

“If you dont believe it your the dumb. Its like saying Adrenaline doesnt exist. We dont know exactly how it work (or maybe) but it strange.”

I’m no mod, but…calling people dumb because they do not agree with you…
And about the adrenaline,

While I can agree with the main point here, why make the Adrenaline comparison? Saying that anyone who believes OBE doesn’t exist is like saying Adrenaline doesn’t exist is comparing apples to oranges. It’s a proven scientific fact that Adrenaline is a hormone that is inside your body, while the existence of OBE has not truly been proven, as it borders along the lines of paranormal. That’s like saying “Not believing that parallel universes exist is like not believing that white blood cells kill germs.”

Notice that even though I’m contradicing you, I’m not calling you dumb. :wink:

I agree with jkman and Steve here. LD is an internal phenomenon, OBE are suppose to be an external one. You cannot compare them.

I usually like to argue about the possibilty or not of the OBE, but not this way. I would never call you dumb for believing in something.

So, LD don’t have any interest if you don’t believe in OBE ? I think a lot of people, including Laberge and most of people on this forum would desagree. LDs are about exploring our internal world, our conscious and subconscious, which is the very part of ourselves, i think this is interesting enough to make continue to LD.

I have those feeling all the time, and I experienced a lot OBE-like sensations, and still don’t believe i really went out of my body… :content:

Well if thinking I’m dumb makes you feel more cumfortable, go ahead. It is the last thing I care about…

I’ve experienced BOTH lucid dreams and OBEs. From personal experience, I can distinguish them as two distinctly different experiences.

First off, most of us at this web site know that lucid dreams are simulations of reality with obvious flaws - after all, that’s why we are able to realize we are dreaming. We find flaws in our dreams, that tell us they are not real and can use that information to our benefit.

On the other hand, having experienced several astral projections, I can say that OBEs are NOT lucid dreams. The world you enter, when you leave your body, is the same as the world you are in right now. The only difference is that you can percieve a wider spectrum of energies, which includes spirits. I do, however, believe some people, who intend on exiting their bodies, have a WILD that makes them think it is an OBE. It’s not hard to mistake WILDs for OBEs. If you’re expecting to go OBE, but accidentally WILD, your dream will take the on form of your expectations and may seem like a full fledged OBE.

This is what causes the confusion between lucid dreams and OBEs. The person, wrongly thinking they have just left their body, begins to explore their house and finds it very different than it is in reality. So what do they do? They go get online and tell everybody that OBEs and LDs are the same thing, when in fact they are NOT.

You’ll know you’ve really left your body if you can float around your house and see everything and everyone in it EXACTLY the way they are in consensus reality.

While attempting to OBE, I have done both WILD and actually leave my body. Not that either is less rewarding than the other, they are just two completely different things.

You connat compare LD with OBE ? This one is really funny. You know LD is a thing to do in sleep and OBE too. We dont mind if its external or not (and maybe it is not because like I say its another type of dream) ND are similar to LD … OBE are just another thing that goes in the ‘‘dream’’ area.

You understanded me wrong there I didnt say that LD are boring. They are as exciting as OBE. But im just saying you miss something . Its like someone who dont know about LD and dont want to. He misse something in life.

When you will leave your body you will know , that is simple as that.

I dont call people there dumb but saying that OBE doesnt exist is REALLY dumb. I dont care how the ■■■■ OBE is created. But they exist that you want it or not.

OBE does exist, but it’s not a dream. It’s that simple. Like I said, I’ve done both a number of times.

Anyone who wants to learn how to OBE go here:

It has different forum sections for things like OBE, Lucid Dreaming, Telekenisis, The Dark Arts and so on. It’s worth taking a look at.

I’d also like to add that it’s where I learned to have lucid dreams 4 years ago.

Back on subject, you will see they have one forum for OBE and another for LD. This just clarifies again that they are two different thing and they are both real.

Ok, I think you should read again the definition of an OBE : it is an Out Of Body Experience.
You don’t get out of anything in an LD. I can’t explain it more simple…

The only thing I miss is your point.

And if that ever happen, I will never tell people that OBE exist, I will just say : " Now, I believe in OBEs"

So, to you, someone who don’t believe in something that cannot be proven is dumb ? This one also is funny…

Again what makes you believe that OBE exist ? Nothing but your own experience, which is totally subjective and cannot, in any way, be prove true. I don’t have any problems with people telling me they BELIEVE in OBE, but the way you wanna impose your beliefs is getting close to sectarism, and I really don’t like this attitude…

They are REAL. Only people who have experienced them have room to speak.

Oh ok, I can’t even give my opinion anymore ? :eh:

Didn’t know we were at OBE4all…

You can give your opinion but it’s not correct.

An opinion can not be proven and is based on the paticular persons beleifs and experiences. To tell someone their opinion is incorrect is not right, especially when dealing in an area so sensitive as the Paranormal.

It’s not a matter of opinion, it’s a matter of fact. It’s not my opinion the sky is blue, it’s a fact. It’s also not my opinion that oxygen exists, it’s a fact. Even more so, it’s not my opinion OBEs are real and different from LDs, it’s a fact.

No one here has to believe me, but I am just saying the way it is. OBEs are real and they are different than LDs. If someone wants to believe otherwise, that doesn’t mean they are right. I have experienced BOTH many times and happen to be enlightened by my own experience. If you really want to know for yourself, then YOU spend a year trying to OBE then compare that to your WILDs. You’ll see.

I DO agree with you, but the reason you are sure of this is because your own experiences have led you to know that there is a difference between LD’s and OBE’s.
However, July Stone has not had the same experiences and thus, does not think the same way.

Again, experiences and beleifs are what make up opinions.

Totally agree with d’force master.

Oxygen can be prove true. OBEs can’t. It will aways be a subjective thing. No matter how hard you believe in it.