Hi all!
Today I spent some time thinking about false awakenings and my experiences connected with them. I came up with idea, and I would like to know what do you think about it
I had some false awakenings and as I noticed they were connected with gaining lucidity or have a strong though about getting up to do sth.
Once I was expecting a call in the morning, but I haven’t slept well that night so I decided to take a short nap (it was about 8 a.m.). I had a nice vivid dream, and when I started to gain some awareness I had false awakening that someone is calling me. As I said, I was expected a call, so when I “false woke up” I thought that it 100% must be reality, because I expected a call in reality. It’s like my mind was trying to make me lose my awareness by recalling a situation from reality, like it’s my subconciousness argument (very good argument, by the way).
The other situation was when I MILDed to write my dream in DJ after waking up. I was sleeping, and when I was close to gain lucidity I had FA, in which I got up from bed and write some dream in my dream journal. Again, my subconciousness used a situation from real world to have a very good argument to convince me that I am not dreaming, so I won’t get lucid easily.
To sum up: Becoming lucid in dreams is undesirable, so the subconcious part of mind doesn’t allow us to gain lucidity easily.Waking up in the middle of the rest is also undesirable, because or body, mind, organs etc. are not ready to wake up/have to regenerate their strengts/works better if their rest continuously/other reason, so the mind doesn’t want person to wake up normally.
So, the subconciousness theoretically have a choice: allow person to gain lucidity or wake the person up.
BUT the subconciousnees is so powerful that it thinks outside the box!!!
You know the answer - by creating false awakenings!
It is very INGENIOUS SOLUTION: the person neither gain lucidity nor wake up! Both undesirable situations won’t happen! That’s a brilliant idea, great way of escaping this difficult choice. What is more, the subconciousness, sometimes, to be very convincing, recall situations/thought/intentions from real life to be very credible, so the person have no doubts about the truth of the false awakening that mind creates. The power of the mind, bravo!
What do you think about this theory? Do you have similar situation in your dream world? Or do you have similar thoughts? If so, please share