How did you get here?

A year or two ago I had an LD, but at that point I had no idea what a lucid dream was. I think I typed “dream awareness” or something of the sort in a search engine (the dream I had really excited & interested me) and quite a few lucid dreaming sites came up. This was one of them :grin: I hung around this forum as a guest for a while, until I finally decided to join.

I typed in lucid dreaming at Google and got “The Ultimate Guide to Lucid Dreaming” which turned out to be this site. That was three or so years ago now and I re-joined the forum just recently.

Google search for “Stephen LaBerge 2003” led to article in Stanford Daily (newspaper) titled “Sweet, Sweet Lucidity” by Craig Albrecht. He got facts wrong (like saying LaBerge coined the phrase “lucid dreaming” when LaBerge himself credits someone else for inventing it in 1913, and like saying that lucid dreaming necessarily involves vivid imagery and sensation, rather than that vivid imagery and sensation are one of the cool things that can occur in lucid dreams) but his enthusiasm was delightful.

The Stanford Daily site has a way to post comments on each article. This article had just one comment, where “Neo” wrote:

so I decided to come check it out!

ampout told me the site

the cheers for ampout!!! :cool_laugh:

Miss. Google brought me here on her magic flying carpet in exchange for love making. :wink:

Somebody posted a link to this site in a thread about Lucid Dreams at The Shroomery forums.

It was a link from, I think. Glad I found it. :happy:

Well, I’ve always liked the idea of controlling your dreams. It started after a project research of after lifew. It came up with this guy who claimed that you could visit different levels of existance in the dream world. But I don’t think he knew about lucid dreaming or astrual projection.

SO this got me onto the idea of controlling dreams. I typed in dream controlling, and found I later did more resaerch and came across LD4ALL. I was so impressed with the layout etc, that I decided to join the forum.

Good work PasQuale. It certianly convinced me.

I can’t remember how I got here.

does a RC

I think the ld4all forum was mentioned in a German ld forum on

From the dutch site

I got here from the swedish hiphopforum… since I saw the link for the first time people have posted lots of dreamrelated threads and it seems like almost everyone knows what lucid dreaming is nowadays… haven’t seen anyone post a link to another site than this: so it means that it’s a really good site!

thanks kristo :happy:

hmm those aliens have spread some serious subliminal messages too, 8 people have received them i see :alien:

i got here from a link off a forum in norway.

of course, i did do some serious lurking for a while, so that i could become member nr 3000 :cool:

but it wasn’t easy, i tell you. the temptation to read all your diary entries almost got the better of me :tongue:

I was searching for a way to dose DXM into pill form. I have used it quite a few times as Robitussin and wanted to search for a way to put it in pill form so I didn’t have to drink the Robitussin. Nasty stuff. Anyways, I saw the link for it on Went here and have came here almost every day since then.

Nice, 100 votes. Who needs percentages? :wink:

From the topic in LUE on gamefaqs that the 2 other people mentioned.

The quote is what I said in the first topic, and the stuff in [brackets] is stuff I’m adding right now.

Freecube led me here…

“Thank you freecube”