How's this for an interesting topic?

Morpheus: Do you believe in fate, Neo?
Neo: No.
Morpheus: Why not?
Neo: Because I don’t like the idea that I’m not in control of my life.
Morpheus: I know exactly what you mean.

im sorry, i said it before, Movies aren’t entirely true and if you pay attention to the movie, the oracle tell him his fate(she tells everybodies fate). So don’t use movies for examples(i hate that), ecspecially if your point isnt right.

I said the dollar trick,umm i made a mistake its a twenty dollar. I tried to get a link of it, but i can’t find it. If anyone acutally sees it, tell me…

That sounds interesting. Do you know if this uses the new version of the twenty dollar bill or the old? It’s getting to become difficult finding the old (symmetrical) version.

It is the new style twenty. Here, I’ll save you the trouble of folding your own. Here is a link with pictures and instructions on how to fold:folded $20

Also, 9+11=20

*Copy and Paste the URL’s from the “Code:” box to reach the yahoo sites. The acronym feature of the forum wants to change ap into an acronym. Then you MUST change the ap into lowercase. Or you can try to remove the acronym code from the links … good luck! :smile:

Yahoo also has a story about how NY’s lotto drew the number 911 on 9/11
Yahoo - NY lotto


on Tuesday, a day before the one year aniversary, the S&P closed at 911.00
That story is also on Yahoo - S&P story
*don’t forget to lowercase the ap

There really is too many synchronicities to remember and list. Math and numbers are amazing.

Morpheus: Do you believe in fate, Neo?
Neo: No.
Morpheus: Why not?
Neo: Because I don’t like the idea that I’m not in control of my life.
Morpheus: I know exactly what you mean.

im sorry, i said it before, Movies aren’t entirely true and if you pay attention to the movie, the oracle tell him his fate(she tells everybodies fate). So don’t use movies for examples(i hate that), ecspecially if your point isnt right.

I said the dollar trick,umm i made a mistake its a twenty dollar. I tried to get a link of it, but i can’t find it. If anyone acutally sees it, tell me…

The sky’s the limit(thats what they tell us), be true to yourself and maybe you could touch it. Hubbs

I was suprised the Matrix was not quoted earlier. I do not use movies as a standing post when there is a perfectly good philosophy, however you are right in what you said.

another link:

-how about getting serious, you can leave me out.

I think that everything is already predetermined, we could even predict the future if we had the technology.

Therefore everything that will happen will happen. I mean that there is no set destiny as such where the world must be this way and you can’t do anything to change it. On the contrary, I think that you could change it, except that your behaviour to do so could be predicted and will be destined to happen. In this way i believe in fate, but only my definition of it. You can’t change it unless you invent a particle that is truly random in nature. -there are none as yet that i know of and if there is no randomness then everything can be predicted.

I think that humans don’t like to believe in fate because it takes away our hope and without hope we are nothing, there will be no hope to do anything different and you will just let things happen. They will believe that there would be no purpose in their life and they will feel powerless, they might even commit suicide. Other people that believe in fate and don’t commit suicide are letting their instinct of life to keep them going. I however do not have such a strong instinct and i still believe in a type of fate. After all i have said you must be thinking i’m strange and why haven’t i committed suicide. Well there is always the thought that death is worse than life and if we live good lives then we will remember them when we are dead. But of course this could just be my instinct talking and trying to compell me to stay alive. Strangely, from all this comes the idea that no one should commit sucide, because death could always be worse than life.

Feel free to make any comment about this that you like (you deserve to after reading all that).

Sorry if this got a bit off topic at the end, but to me it all ties in nicely.

That’s strange, after i posted i saw about another 10 posts before mine. Anway i saw the stuff and i don’t know if anyone’s thought of this but there’s also the number you ring in an emergency in America (911). The things about the folding of the 20- I haven’t seen a 20 up close. Is the picture on it of the white house with trees on the side? and if so was that what the white house looked like when they designed the 20? If so do you think that if it isn’t a coincidence then it may go back to when the white house was built. -sorry off topic sorta

FATE! (Good links, thanks!)

I tried that $20 bill thing and it looks really cool! I’ll have to show that to people, saying “look, it shows the Pentagon like it’s been hit in the side, just like on 9/11.” And then, when they’re looking at that, I’ll say “of course, the Pentagon wasn’t the only target on 9/11” and flip the bill around, to really freak 'em out.

It’s really a couple of simple folds. At first I thought it would be like origami.

theres burning buildings on a piece of currency, well i guess fate is real. something like fate, probably one of the most grandiose notions ever MADE, and the case has been cracked by a 20 dollar bill. fate was concieved why? because we’re alive.
the frequency of thought and action is too fast for it too be a plan, and don’t say everything is fast because of fate. was it fate for their to be fate, if so then wouldn’t there be a fate for the fate that is now unraveling as our fate.
people don’t fall in love because of fate, its because you met someone that likes you and you like her/him, and the chances of that aren’t
impossible. the only reason you love her is because shes the most appealing person you’ve met. there could be a person on the other side of the country that would actually be better, but you’d never know, because in you’re mind he/she dosen’t exist. theres a group of people you know and by the process of elimination your going to like one more than another.
and don’t grill me, if you love eachother then its love, she just is your type and you found her before someone else.

gee, i guess superstition still rules supreme today.

and plus if fate is a plan and determines everything that occurs(everything starts somewhere), then wouldn’t there have to be fate to start fate.

I guess the only thing to say really, whatever you felt like is your dream in life, go for it, because your meant for it. I wish i can go into depth of how fate works, but your brian is always running, and soon you will know your place in life. You can never guess where you will be 5 years from now, unless your perfect! Fate works in mysterious ways thats why i made my quote.

I like this quote from Probobo:

That’s true, and it’s an interesting thing to think about. If you lived on the other side of the country, you’d have completely different friends and loves. But in a way, you yourself would also be a different person, because your environment would be different. Environment and nature interact to develop your personality, likes, etc. If you moved across the country today and met that girl, you might not be compatible at all because of your different experiences. But those experiences are a part of who you are.

Thats why we call this post an intresting topic. Now i have an idea, lets all move to to the otherside of the world and meet are soul mate! I like to hear that point, because its all true, everybody in this world has one other person that is compitable with, and proabally perfect for you. What are the chances finding your soulmate, Fate!?! Keep fishing though, because there are alot of fish in this sea.

you’re soulmate dosen’t have to be on the other side of the world. he/she could live right in you’re city and you still might never meet her.

maybe you misunderstood me, I didnt just say they can be around on the other side of the world. I just meant there can be chance that your soulmate canbe their, otherwise she can be apart of the US. I dont know, just find her!

In my mind, the whole discussion is completely pointless. If there is such a thing as fate, then there is and you can’t change it, because if you did it would be your fate to change it, if you get my meaning. Some things are just plain beyond comprehension of the human mind, I think.

But I think, as long as there’s such a thing as time, there’s such a thing as fate, I mean, we make the events in time as it happens right? :bored: Whoa this is hard to explain. But what does it matter if there’s fate or not, because if there was fate we would have decided it ourselves and then lived out our decisions. We have free will in the sense that we decide our own fate, even if we can’t control it … :blush: more than likely this is kinda just rambling so I think I’ll stop now. Bye! :tongue:

but how can you really know he/she is you’re soulmate? i mean really. even if there were such a thing, i don’t think you can blame it on fate, more like coincidence.
if there were two people made specifically for eachother then they will be together. but thats not the case.
food is here to feed and nourish people, it is meant to nourish so people are being fed. if two soulmates are meant for eachother then why is it so difficult to find you’re soulmate? yes there probably is such a thing as soulmate but fate isn’t a vital aspect of this. and if soulmates are a function of fate then why aren’t a WHOLE LOT of people not finding eachother. think about it in the sense of fate, if two people are meant for eachother then it seems mandatory that they hook up. and having the notion of fate on you’re side makes it harder to argue against it because they say things like “it was fate for that to happen or not”.
see people are reasonable enough to say they can’t comprehend fate.
yet, they seem to have no problem of telling us about the factors, perils, consequences, and elements of fate. also to tell us that it was fate that caused everything.
pretty neat deal huh?

by the way, why is fate only corelated with such profound things such as death, love, and fortune.
was it fate that made me pour a glass of milk? was it fate for me to sleep in? fate seems to be more of a selective thing, we get to choose what occurances are fate determined or not. if thats the case then are we saying that fate is an on and off thing? and if fate is a plan and stops for trivial activity then the plan would be sabotaged, chaos would erupt.

well, im going to go have some milk.

Fate doesn’t decide all these little desires (like drinknig Milk) these are attribute of how we eventually do what we decide to do. All these little things add up to big things, eitherway if you were going to drink milk or not, some time or another it is going to happen. You think you have an desire, and you ignore it, to trick Fate(as you think), either way that desire will be handled or not, and all of that creates your fate and how you handle things. IN some cases they are very complex and confusing, but the best advice in life is to keep it SIMPLE :content: .

I dont think u can control anything, like any thought u have is influenced by sumthing eles which was influnced by sumthing eles, ect. and that thought will influence another thought and so on.