Hey DustMote I read your Lucid Living Part 1 and 2 and I think I will try it out. I do know a bit about lucid dreaming because I was on a different forum before I ended up here. I really like your idea and I will try it out and see how it works. I’m thinking If I can get enough sleep ( right now my insomnia is messing up my sleep schedule, and well I can’t LD if I don’t sleep right?) and practice Lucid Living maybe within a week or two I might be able to have a Lucid dream with your technique. That’s just my guess though.
In your Part one you had some questions. I’ll copy ,paste and answer them ( in case you needed the information for your research…
- Have you ever had a Lucid Dream?
A: Yes I have through different techniques. - Approximately when did you have your first Lucid Dream?
A: Exactly a year and 4 days ago. I recorded the date… - Approximately how long have you been working on Lucid Dreaming?
A: 13.5 Months - Approximately how many LDs have you had?
A: 10. I would have had more but there was a big gap in which I gave up on lucid dreaming - Approximately how often do you have an LD?
A: Um It’s hard to answer this question - Approximately how long does a typical LD last?
A: Average is about 15 Minutes ( that’s what it feels like any ways). Some dreams were about 25 while others were maybe 5 or 10. - Approximately when did you have your last LD?
A: July 2nd
I will keep you up to date with any results!
One question though.
Basically through out my day I try to “heighten” my awareness as If I were in a lucid dream and try to live like that through out my day. I pay attention to things more and actually think before I do certain things instead of how just natural reflex right? Is that all?