Lucidity Challenge 39: Congratulations, Koharo!

Faith42, yay! Now, do it while lucid. :3

Scores are updated.

[color=olive]Belated congrats on that 500th post.

For today 3 FLDs
-Met BrandonBoss in each one
-We ended up at a mall (idk if there was a theater if thats a key factor)
-We both brawled with zombies, demons, and cross-breeds, KO-ing and killing them as they came.
-Encountered and KO-ed an undead demonic witch. She came back and I kept her contained for BrandonBoss to finish. Don’t recall if he did or not just recall brawling with more that entered the room. Not sure if it was that specific witch he wanted to take out either.

Koharo, while BrandonBoss’ zombie person goal isn’t one of the point categories for Task 2, everything else that you mentioned is. I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt regarding the mall unless you feel otherwise. You’re leading right now, but I would like to see you have a dream at some point in which you become lucid and then act upon a set goal, as opposed to getting lucid during/after it or simply having FLDs. I know you’re capable of such a thing.

Scores are updated.

Dang Koharo, you must be able to incubate something special. That is crazy that those weren’t lucid. That mall with the theater in it is the biggest mall I can comprehend, I don’t know how many rooms and stores there are, probably thousands. It is the only mall in my dream world, so all my DCs have to go there, I think it is getting bigger with each different lucid dream I go to that is in a different place.

Really awesome dreams! I knew I should have put infinity instead of the mall… That place is unmistakable. I am surprised that me looking like Natsu didn’t cause me to use fire like him throughout the fight. That + TK + Barriers is normally how i fight. :razz:

So I looked like Natsu aye? That is awesome, he is a beast.

No lucid dreams last night and none of the awesome stuff that Koharo exp. :meh: at one point I did think “that thing I was at 5 minutes ago was a dream…” Haha.

Even more awesome today! :happy: A LONG LD and I’ve spotted the Golden Snitch! :eek: Only a few more dreams… :grin: Don’t know if you get points for doing the bonus task Lucid though… :tongue:

Minus Green ~ Long Lucid Dream ~ Dream Chemistry Part 1 LUCID

Dreams so Far:

[spoiler]NLDs: 1
FLDs: 2
Short LDs: 1
Long LDs: 1

Task 1: Part 3, Part 4, EARLY ; Part 1 LUCID
Task 2: - none -
Dream Chemistry: Part 1

I was jumping around this morning. :hyper: I finally got lucid during this challenge. :boogie: I had two short LDs last night. In the first one, I managed to summon two DCs, which is unheard of for me. I normally struggle to summon just one, and I can only remember one time before when I’ve summoned two (and that happened to be of the same person). This time, I was able to summon a woman and Yev. I had to go around a gate to find them and they were walking towards me from a far distance. Yev actually looked a lot like me from far away, but when he got up close, he looked like a different guy. I don’t really know how to describe what he looked like, but he was wearing a red jacket.

In my second LD, I was in a bookstore. I picked up a book and decided that it would give me some kind of power. I didn’t really think it would work, but I figured I ought to try. I decided to try to levitate a box after I put the book down, and to my great surprise, was able to do so. I then tried it again on some other items sitting around, and I continued to have the ability to levitate objects. As the dream started to fade, I was talking to some clerk behind the counter at the bookstore, and I couldn’t help but continue to levitate things. It was just too fun.

Also, before this second LD ended, I was able to complete my personal goal. After I had gained the levitation abilities, I examined my body and did my best to become more conscious of my dream body. I didn’t think I would complete my personal goal so quickly, so I will have to take a little bit to think about what I want my second goal to be.

Yay! Congrats HeadInTheClouds! I had my first LD of the LC yesterday, and now I’ve had another today! :eek: We’re breaking the dry spell woo! :smile:

Today has been exhausting (but fun) and I feel too tired to type up dreams. I had a short LD this morning. Will post when i have had some more rest :cool:

BrandonBoss, I think we’re all jealous of Koharo’s dreaming ability. :tongue:

Scipio, congrats on getting things done! As you consumed a potion without having earned “empowering object” points for Task 1, you’ve now earned those points and the Task 1 Lucid points; you’ll get the remainder of those points as you start to use your new ability. Take 4 creativity points for the methods used as well; they were some classic dream control methods that weren’t overly creative but were effective at getting you your potion.

HeadInTheClouds, it’s nice to see you lucid. I’ll classify the book as an empowering object for Task 1, since you didn’t need the book to keep the power. Just let me know when your second goal is ready! Take 3 creativity points for the first LD and five for the second; finding DCs around a corner is old-school LD control, but using the book as you did is definitely not how I’d expect a book to be used, even in a dream.

I accidentally shorted LDbc12 10 points, giving him 20 for a lucid attempt at Task 2 instead of 30. I’ve corrected this.

Today’s script dream:
<Scipio|HW> !ideaLC
LC participants, in your next LD, you should unleash your inner power while near a volcano and in the form of another LD4all member!

Scores are updated.

1 short LD. May have been lucid the entire time, but that’s not really determinable, so only counting the part where I was actually there.


Congrats to the lucky individual who is about to be credited for some serious firepower.

Lumessence, even if it was only short, it moved you back into third for the time being.~

Scores are updated.

[color=olive]For today an FLD[/color]


Nah not just yet. I’m still working on perfecting incubation and more frequent LD’s preferably by choice to get on Wyvern and WritersCube’s level of lucidity. Then Wyvern’s stunt in the last LC, making his personal goal to complete the personal goals of the other contestants, was more than enough motivation to get me to step my lucid game up. (I still have yet to get the Q Rex megazord up and running for an incubation from earlier this year .-.) The frequent FLD thing is a long story I’ll PM you about and I consider some of it luck since I 'm still trying to pinpoint how I accomplish some of these things they way I do.
Now that you say that I’m not sure if I got to that mall or not. The malls in my dreams are huge, but you make this one sound like a world of its own. Heh a nice place for a zombie brawl. I just might have to reload it and try again on that setting if its okay with the judge and depending on what he thinks of it.
BrandonBoss, I’ll Pm you about the rest to not flood the topic.

Koharo, the five FLD points are added. Frankly, I think many people would like to know about your frequent FLDs, although you’re right in that this topic might not be the best place. FLDs do tend to have more excitement than NDs have, and they’re closer to LDing than NDs are, so don’t be hiding secrets from us. :sly:

Scores are updated.

I decided that I want my second personal goal to be getting superpowers and/or becoming a superhero/villain. The random script about the Hulk inspired me.

HeadInTheClouds, sure! I’ll add it to the sign-up post. That said, be a sport about it; you already know some of the stuff for Task 2 already goes along those lines. In any case, I can’t wait to see your heroics or evil antics. :tongue:

another 2 FLDs today

IkranMakto, that moved you up one place in the standings. Now get some real LDs!

Scores are updated.

I guess FLDs will remain as my main point source for most of the LC. I don’t feel like I’ll get any LD soon and by that I mean next 3-4 months. >.<

Here’s a lucid moment… Was so close to a three day lucid streak… :razz:

Tinker by Trade ~ Non-Lucid Dream ~ Lucid Moment

Dreams so Far:

[spoiler]NLDs: 2
LMs: 1
FLDs: 2
Short LDs: 1
Long LDs: 1

Task 1: Part 3, Part 4, EARLY ; Part 1 LUCID
Task 2: - none -
Dream Chemistry: Part 1

One long FLD where I came to a city that was being tyrinacally ruled by an oversized dragon with an extremely long neck. I protected the city and managed to put the dragon asleep.

In regards to the Potion project, it was a short ld where i was talking to DC about types of liquids when the word “clearly” came out of his mouth. So i goth im to hand me the “clear” potion. I drank it, and out of curiously blindly ‘activated’ it’s effect. All DC’s vanished, and the entire dream went black and white for the rest of the lucidity…

I’ll try to wright about it later