My awesome ability to nap got me more LC points, as I believed to be in an MMO that looked to be influenced by GW2 and WoW. I encountered a dragon near an ocean, an undead dragon (with white scales as armor and dark purple electric magical essence holding his body together), who was about to destroy this small camp made from dark metal. With my amazing ability to shield myself and shoot dark green balls of magical energy at the beast, I defeated it…TWICE! As it respawned seconds after I killed it. The second time I was killing it with the help of an undead male (like in WoW).
So I get GAMES. Would those dark green, magical, homing orbs be considered fireworks? They caused explosions that killed those dragons
AIRSHIP: Take part in a celebration taking place on an airship. (Doesn’t grant you double points for attending the party, but if you are a Sky Ranger you can earn more points for finding a party on board an airship.)
Apologies for late posting, was out cycling and enjoying the sunshine.
@Letaali - As always, insanely jealous of anyone able to recall dreams from a nap! Yep those exploding magic missiles are perfect for the firework task.
@drd - Lots of lucid there, nice. You’re back in the lead. I can only apologise for not attending what sounds like the start of an awesome party. Next time shout “FREE BEER” and I’m guaranteed to be there
^ I don’t think I ever had a secure lead in the first place; it was always a matter of when drd would next be able to post. I should also say that I’m not just jealous of people who can recall nap dreams—I’m jealous of people who can nap in the first place. If my body would let me nap, I’d definitely try to eke out a few more LC points!
I don’t have many points this morning. In this morning’s DJ entry, I attend a small party with family members in the dream “Thorn Times Something”.
I’ve done more tasks than drd at this point, but that could also be my downfall. There aren’t many tasks left that are likely to happen in my normal dreams, so I really do need to have more lucid dreams than him to catch up. He’s way more proficient than me at gaining lucidity, though, so without a healthy dose of luck, this may be where I stall out.
On the night of June 5th to June 6th I had an ND where I participated in a battle with someone. Not sure who they were but I shot them when they were breaking through the walls into our city.
I know, I am kind of late, since this task was from week one , but points are points!
If you always put limit on everything you do, physical or anything else. It will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them. -Bruce Lee
@Scipio - That was a quality dream, very detailed. Grats on all those task completions.
originally my multiplayer task was me looking into a cave, noticing theres a dungeon bellow and shooting some magic bolts on a stuck DC somewhere in the middle of at the ground to the cave bellow, seeing she actually has a “life meter”, noticing it going down is a shoot her, killing her, feeling like im in a MMORPG, then going into a room where i met the makers of WOW (it was all very WOW like in some fashion) while they were looking at screens making up the MMO which was happening outside the room.
but . . . . . . .
this was before i saw the Multiplayer task, so no points ^^
psychic points you say?
i did have a low lucid today.
after a long time i had a nightmare!
probably because of the position my hand got stuck in in the middle of the night. it was on and off so its hard to get a length, ill say medium.
at a certain point i had a choice of either jumping of a window or confronting a frightening DC, where i figured it was a dream, telling so to the frightening DC, realizing i had more options than i thought.
I don’t think I put a limit on anything; I didn’t throw my hands up in the air in defeat at all but rather acknowledged a possibility. I certainly don’t want to stop working at things. There’s a difference between noting a negative possibility that needs to be overcome and acting defeated, and this isn’t the latter. I will certainly keep working at it! I’m just aware that I need something big to happen, like my planned incubation.
Also, somebody needs to teach Bruce Lee about sentence fragments and run-ons.
Anyway, my second dream from this morning has me turning night into day as in Week 1’s task, although I barely acknowledge that I’ve done it.
^^ I never implied you were acting defeated or anything of the sort. Was just a nudge to imply that you should always be working on improving if you want better results.
When I first played the lucid challenge my lucid rate was once or twice a month. There were people getting lucid almost every night! So I told myself that was gonna be me next year. Last month I was lucid 2 nights in every 3 and beat my personal best. So what am I doing this month? Trying to beat that, of course. No limits. Ever.
Anyway I digress… points noted.
@Awe - shame you hadn’t read the tasks, sounds like a cool dream.
danced to music (listened to it, didnt make it) with some other DC’s in a meduim length ND, it was a kind of float dancing? yeah! it will be a thing, close to the ground, mostly leg work as if your walking in mid air, there was a stage near us and i think there were some people with pink zebras costumes on it O.O
rest of the dream isnt that important, talked with someone about a certain kind of alien we might see on our trip (the wanderer) - gun range - weird flying, swimming like.
The last of these dreams is a long LD in which I perform time magic, experience zero gravity, mess with the stars, and orbit the planet (Week 3 tasks), as well as repeat an action that was worth a bonus 10 points when you last hosted but do it in a more extreme way. I am admittedly unsure about the “mess with the stars” claim. The task description allows for exploding or popping a planet, but I chose to spin Earth around in various directions. Does it still count as a “star” if I don’t do these specific things?
had a very long ND, felt like a long day, ended up with me getting lucid by a FILD lol Fear induced lucid dream, i could have turned back… but… and then they started shooting at me, dozens of men, i covered my head but the bullets never came - got lucid! finally, float away, didnt do much with my lucidity, i stabilized it and enjoyed the feeling but it collapsed.
on other occasions, apparently its my birthday! well it was, in another the dream ^^
lots of people, even brought a comedian, and i left early
cause i had a tummy ache
Thorn - That whole lucid dream was badass! You overcame dream control difficulties, kept the dream going, performed a task I wasn’t sure anyone would attempt… and so yes, I’ve granted points for style. (And also cause it rounds your total to a neat 1000.) Next time will require an even more impressive stunt though.
Scipio - So many shards, darn it. I take it the beer/party was too hazy to claim for the task points. Hope your recall picks up again soon.
Awe - Is that a long dream with a short lucid moment, or a long lucid dream? It’s the length of time you are lucid for which counts for points. Let me know as I’ve not updated your score yet. Oh and happy dream birthday?
ah, good to know, its a long ND, before the guys with the guns, me and my team were all about finding bad guys and exposing them, each assignment got tougher, my team mate shooting crooked arrows around corners while i eventually finished of the guy with my bow (there was something very real in killing him), floating above a large water area maybe touched it with my leg a bit but mostly floated above it cause of the monster in it, on my way to finish off four grandmas (!?!?@?#!) which actually transformed to large spirits, each different color. i could only kill them by cutting them with my special sword at a certain area.
my friend’s new place looked awesome, half glass to gaze outside with plants growing in his room.
eventually it gets to the shooting scene and THEN i get lucid.
long ND - short lucid time xD
Thorn, just read you journal, awesome badass landing! - really is the only way to land properly
@obfusc8: I actually wondered if having 990 points would be influential in getting creativity points. It’s funny how we attach meaning to “special” numbers, and if I get to host LC 50, I wholly intend to play with the idea.
My point claim is in spoiler tags because it gives away a detail about Splatoon, which is still a pretty new game.
SPOILER - Click to view
In the second of these dreams, I encounter somebody who was cryogenically frozen for 10,000 years, leading me to claim Week 3’s “meet a time traveller” task. That said, I’m American, so I technically met a time traveler instead of a traveller.