Lucidity Challenge 51 - Winner: Thorn!

It’s story time, here at the 51st Lucidity Challenge! (spoiler below)

You feel the vibrations, along with the heavy weight on your chest. You have been staying still, silently waiting for the sleep paralysis. Finally, the dream starts to come into focus. You have officially completed WILD. You are home.

Something feels different. The normal dreamscape doesn’t form around you. Instead, you seem to be physically restrained and can’t see anything but black. There is something over your face. The only thing you can focus on is the sound of footsteps going back and fourth. Someone is in this room with you. The sound of footsteps gets closer… The man grabs the bag that was over your face and pulls it up. You are now aware of your situation. You’re tied to a chair in this dimly lit room. The only other being here is the man in the black suit. He is staring at you, saying absolutely nothing.

As creepy as this may be, you know better than anyone else that this is a dream. Everything is fake; you are in no real danger. The man here is just a rendering of your subconscious. You could escape if you wanted, but perhaps it’s better off to go with the flow of the dream, and see what this man wants. You build up enough courage to ask the man:

“Who are you?”
He ignores your question and doesn’t reply. So you ask again:
“I said… Who are you? and where am I?”
“I know who you are” He responds.
You brush this off as typical dream character behaviour. They never give you straight answers.
“What do you want?”
“I want to do research…on you.”
He drops an envelope by your feet.
“You have one week to do these tasks. I will be watching you.”

The man slowly fades out of focus, and so does the rope thats restraining you to the chair. Once he is gone, you stand up from your chair and ponder on whether you should open that envelope. There are so many unanswered questions: who was he? where am I? and where are the other LC participants? As you open the envelope, you read the following.

“The following tasks all pertain to a particular theme- “The Gift of Sight”. You have one week to complete these tasks within the dream world. We will meet again.”

This whole situation is mysterious and ominous… but yet curiosity drives you further.
Do you dare to complete the tasks? [/spoiler]

Week 1 - The Gift of Sight

Before I get into the tasks for this week, I would just like to make an announcement. Unfortunately, due to the extreme imbalance of teams, there will be no team for week 1 of the LC, but hey, don’t worry! I decided to throw in some tasks that were related to the future/past, that anyone can do. Also, I got a lot of other fun things planned out that will come into effect soon! Stay tuned for that.

…And now… what you all have been waiting for… what type of tasks were in that mysterious envelope? There is only one way to find out…

Pay attention to the detail of an object -simple enough. Find an object, and come back with a detailed report of how it looks. (15 points)

Look into a mirror- ahhh yes, the classic. Are you brave enough to look at yourself in the mirror? (20 points)
- See a reflection that’s not you (20 points)
- See a reflection that is you (20 points)
-See what’s on the other side of the mirror (25 points)

See a fictional character - Any fictional character will do! Choose one from your favourite anime, TV show, whatever! (30 points)

See a mythical creature - this one is for you dragon lovers out there… you know who you are. (30 points)

Ask a DC to show you something - Go up to a dream character, and ask them if you can see their prized possession, or something of that nature. I’m looking forward to reading these DJ’s. (40 points)

See something with an irregular colour- A pink elephant? A green sky ? whatever floats your boat, as long as it doesn’t occur naturally. (40 points)

See an extinct animal Any animal species that isn’t currently alive will qualify. (40 points)
-Take a photograph It will last longer.(20 points)

See a futuristic human Any dream character that claims to be from the future will count for this task. (40 points)
-Ask him a question, get a response. I mean, he is from the future. He probably has a lot of insight. (20 points)

Don’t forget that you can do all of these tasks as your character for a 5 point bonus!
Good luck to all, and may your dreams, be ever in your favor!

  • Jer