Melatonin is a success!!! Part 2

[b] Part 1 can be found Here [/b]

yes Infection thats true, and your interpretation is right!
It just makes u less fertile as a male lol :happy:
But thats still good to know infront.

Iam sure you can neutralise the effect by taking dhea an opposite hormone, called the mother hormone because most hormones are made from it. melatonin makes the body to sleep, and this one is activating.


Ok, I’m going to swallow a Vit-B6-50mg and keep Melatonin 1.5mg under my tongue tonight right before I sleep? I wonder when I should take the B6… same time, perhaps. Thank you everyone and good luck! If I don’t post results here, I am not posting because I don’t want to negative placebo anyone, or I have ODed on Melatonin which is probably not possible even with my 1/3 year’s supply right here… costing me a total of 10 dollars from Long’s Drugs. I am also boycotting GNC…

Anyways, have a nice day.

In my own case I just started taking 6mg of melatonin before bedtime and my dreams are very vivid and my dream recall is excellent on it. But as is already said here on this thread, the human body has a way of adapting to things and over time the effects diminish. It is legal here in the United States and is sold over the counter in almost every pharmacy and health food store.

Except GNC.

Well if Jeff was taking 30 mg each night, 6 is good. But be careful.

I took occasionally 30 mg :smile:
Not every night lol.

I take normally between 2mg and 5 mg
But iam leveling that down a bit to 1 mg!


Hi, remember me, the guy who was all excited? Well it carried over to beddy-time. Plus does Albuterol cause insomnia (I just read a pdf document that it did) because I got a new asthma inhaler two days ago and I couldn’t sleep since two days ago. So now I’m mad at myself and I’m gonna stay up 48 hours and reset my stupid bio-clock thing and try again tonight. Melatonin didn’t really put me to sleep as I screwed up the under-the-tongue thing as well. :cry:
Ah well I was bound to screw something up. Good thing I didn’t waste an entire pill…

ok that will sound so stupid but…what is melatonin? :smile:
and for what it is used??

As I understand it, Melatonin is a hormone which is naturally produced by the body for sleep induction. However, as people age, their bodies produce less and less and it becomes necessarry to supplement the body. If used for a long period of time, in can become habit forming but is not addictive like a narcotic. That’s all I know about it, but there must be info on it probably by searching “Google”.

Hooray! I got promoted to a two star General today. :smile: Time for a glass of champaigne. :smile:

Yeah, you’re not going to WANT to take it every day, but if you don’t take it, you can’t sleep. It’s a dependency, not an addiction. Melatonin is often advertised as a sleep aid (available over the counter to everyone not shopping in GNC) but it seems that a side-effect of melatonin has to do with your dreams. I haven’t puzzled out what exactly happens when you take melatonin (increased dream recall or more dreams overall? helps with lucid dreams or increases probability of a lucid dream per night because it increases the overall number of dreams?) and so on.

If you’re skimming this, I just added to Agent’s post that it affects your dreams too.

Infection, I used melatonin for about 3 months. Every word that is said about it becomming habit forming is true, but I think that this is a psycological thing, not a physical thing. I was using it to correct my sleeping problems. I started out with the 3 mg pill. It worked great. As soon as I hit the pillow I went to sleep. Changing the dosage doesn’t matter because 3 mg is already like 1000% the ammount your body uses. When I first started using it I would feel hung over in the morning for about an hour. Just a slight headache and groggy. This went away after about a week, but the effectiveness never decreases. It just felt like the effectiveness decreased, because if I was up and about after I took my melatonin I wouldn’t get drowsy. However, as soon as I went to bed I would be able top fall to sleep.

I decided to stop using the melatonin because it also contained b6, which if used as regularly as daily can cause brain damage. When I tried to stop using it I couldn’t, because I would be terrified I wouldn’t fall to sleep. Eventuallyu I realized this was juse in my head, and once I stopped using it, there is not problem not using it.

As far as the effects on my dreams went… Melatonin usually eliminated dream recall, unless I slept in the next day. I found that during the night, I must have been sleeping too deeply. However, I helped to prompt lucid dreams regularly when I slept in. Another part of many melatonin pills is the b6 which is also known for enhancing the vividness of dreams.

Now I occasionally take a 3 mg pill if I really need to sleep, but this usually results in the elimination of dream recall. So some times I take a pinch of melatonin. This eliminates early night dream recall, but enhances my dreams in the remainder of the night.

Another thing to consider is pot smokers. When I used to smoke i suffered severe insomnia, but I found out that this was becasue the bud causes a 4000% increase in your melatonin levels when you smoke, so when you need it at night, it isn’t there. Melatonin can be used to offset the effects of chronic pot smoking.

Basically… Melatonin is a good sleep aid, and isn’t really habit forming if you aren’t affraid of not being able to fall to sleep like many insomniacs are. However, I don’t see taking 1.5-3 mg of melatonin as being any worse than having a can of soda every day, and the melatonin also improves memory, concentration and overall mental performance the next day (according to studies).

If you are look for prolonged dream aids, melatonin is probably not the right choice, but if you need help sleeping so that you can dream at all go for it. Otherwise to help you dream I suggest mint tea.

Thanks for the insight! Too bad when I used melatonin and hit the sack I was awake the whole night, but I was watching myself to see if I would go to sleep like crazy and couldn’t make myself stop. Jeeze.

So melatonin decreases dream recall? Is that what you are saying? I wasn’t really aware of that. What is the safest (i.e. non habit-forming) supplement that will aid dreaming and not affect dream recall if I can’t sleep in every day? What is the deal with the combination with B6 (or whatever B-vitamin)?

Like I have said, nothing aids in a full night of dreaming like a cup or two of mint tea a few hours before you goto bed.

B6 will also give you lucid dreams, as well as b12. I’m also a firm believer in the principle of calea, although most people can’t drink calea in the form of a tea like they should to feel the effects.

I have also had interesting effects with kava tea. I usually because lucid while on kava because my dreams were so weird.

no effect with melatonin. no recall at all. Slept damn well. that was probably because I was up for 48 hours though. Going to try again with a 1.5 and 50b6.

I’ve had success with 3mg melatonin combined with B6, provided I’m in bed long enough to get to those long REM stages toward morning.

it’s hard to get melatonin in sweden! does it have any effects that are unwanted? they can’t just stop the marketing of a product with no reason

So melatonin really has no effect on your dreams… it just makes you sleep more? Well, I guess I can do that on my own…

For the first time ever, I tried melatonin a few nights ago and had a great lucid dream. I was so happy it had been too many weeks since I had gone Lucid. I am going to be care full with this stuff though. I try to be as natural as I can. I feel better being able to lucid dream without drugs. I’ll try to not use this stuff more than 3 times a week. I might for the second time use it again tonight.

Thats really wise six, that u dont gonne use it every day. :wink:
