Im happy to say that i saw Return of the King. It was great! I wont create any spoilers, but im gonna tell you my opinion. So consider that your warning
I had some trouble seeing this movie, i went to one theater at midnight showing, they said the film was broken (i knew they were lying, i dont think they had staff that wanted to wait until 3a.m.) So we were screwed that night, so we went the next night. This time we went early, around 8p.m., we couldnt find 1 parking spot, it was like parking in a theme park. It ended up being sold out for the whole night, so we went back to the broken theater, and surprisingly it was working This was the 9p.m. show of course; well that was the end of that.
I had the chance to see the new Spiderman 2 previews, it looked very cool, and very promising. I know there’s not alot of fans of spidey, although i love everything from marvel .
Now Lord of the Rings, this final chapter explained pretty much everything. Under my vision, i saw no flaws, no mistakes, nothing wrong with this movie. I loved how it started, but i wasnt to pleased with the ending, it was rather long, and i just wanted to end at that point. Everything between was great! It pretty much picked up where part2 The Two Towers ended and the rest has to be a surprise (remember, no spoiler). If you would of asked me if this was a good movie to see and if it was a waste of money. I would say no, its not a waste, and your missing out if you dont see it, so GO!
Other then that, im out of movies , looks like i need to catch up on my dvd collection. BTW, i just bought Pink Floyd, live in Pompeii, Italy. Good Stuff!